Occupation And Cancer Risk - homeopathy360

Occupation And Cancer Risk

Sl.No. Occupation Likely Carcinogenic Agent Site of Cancer Risk
1 Asbestos worker (mining, shipyards, insulation, rubber tyres, demolition, brake-lining) brick and ceramic manufacture Asbestos fibre, arsenic beryllium, chromium Lung, mesothelioma, throat, Skin, lung, nose, throat, liver
2 Cadmium production (metal workers, electroplating, nuclear plants) Asbestos fibre, arsenic beryllium, chromium. Lung, mesothelioma, throat, Skin, lung, nose, throat, liver
3 chemical workers Aminobiphenyl, Benzene, Benzidine, chloromethyl, Ether, Cadmium, Naphlamine Leukaemia, pancreas bladder lung, prostate, Throat
4 Chromium, and alloy production. Chromium and chromium compounds Lung, nose, throat
5 copper production (smelters, electrolysis) 2 naphthylamine bladder, pancreas.  Occupation:-Electrical /electronic workers (electricians, radio TV repairers, telephone and computer mechanics)
6 Electromagnetic fields, beryllium. Leukaemia, Lymphoma, brain, bladder.  Occupations:-Electroplaters/electrolysis workers.  Likely carcinogenic agent:-Cadmium, 2-napthylamine Lung, prostate, bledder, pancreas.
7 Farmers and agriculture workers Ultraviolet radiation, pesticides/weed, killers. Skin, lip, Lymphoma, Leukaemia, prostate lung, soft tissue, sarcoma.
8 Garage and transport workers ,Glass manufacture Diesel exhaust ,Arsenic,chromium compounds Lung,skin,liver, ,nose,throat,
9 Hair dressers,Insulation workers   Hair dyes,Asbestos fibre Bladder,lung mesothelioma,throat.
10   Leather and shoe workers Benzene,Isopropyl Leukaemia,sinuses,lung nose bladder,pancreas.
11 Nickel production. Nickel,2-napthalamine Lung ,nose,bladder,pancreas.
12 Nuclear plant/nuclear power workers. Bberyllium,cadmium. Bladder,lung,prostate
13 Painters Painting material,benzene Lung,leukaemia
14 Office workers Tobacco smoke Lung, throat
15 Petrolium workers Arsenic, benzene,petroleum Skin,lung,Leukaemia,gall bldder, and bile duct
16 Plastics workers Vinyl chloride Liver,,Lymphoma,lung
17 Radiologists,radiographers Ionizing radiation Skin, thyroid,brain, lung,breast,bone,pancreas,leukaemia,myeloma
18 Rubber tyre manufacture Asbestos fibre benzene Auramine 2-napthylamine Lung ,mesothelioma,leukaemia,bladder pancreas,gallbladder, and bile duct.
19 Shipyard workers Asbestos fibre Lung,mesothelioma,throat,
20 Steel workers Coke-oven gases and vapours. Lung, kidney
21 tanners Arsenic Skin,lung
22 Uranium miners Ionizing radiation Skin ,thyroid,brain,lung,breast,bone,pancreas,leukaemia,myeloma
23 Waiters/bartenders Tobacco smoke Lung,throat
24 Wood workers,(carpenters,furniture makers,polisher,and finishers) Wood dust,benzene Nose,sinuses,throat,leukaemia.

About the author

Dr B.S Suvarna

Dr. (mrs) B.S.SUVARNA, B.A, D.I.HOM (LOND), M.I.H, Ph.D.(ITALY) (gold medalist)
HOMOEO PHYSICIAN. PGDPC (USA) psychotherapy&counselling
(Associate Editor-homoeopathic horizon, e-journal)
PHONE: +91-8262-221062 (CLINIC)
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