Abstract: Menopause is the period in the woman’s life when menstruation cease typically between the 45-50 years of age. It affects the whole body, mainly sleep, menstrual cycle, hair, bones, reproductive organs and minds.
Homoeopathy has immense potentiality in reestablishment of normal physiology with treatment.
Common homoeopathic therapeutics are: Lachesis, Sepia, Pulsatilla, Glonoine, Natrum mur, Cimicifuga, Sulphur, Graphitis, etc.
Defination: Menopause is an endocrinopathy caused by the loss of normal ovarian steroidogenesis because of age, chemotherapy, radiation, or surgical therapy.
Prevalence: Of postmenopausal women who do not receive estrogen replacement, 100%.
Predominant Age: Median 51.5, 95% between 44 and 55 (or after surgical menopause).
Genetics: Loss of genetic material from the long arm of the X chromosome is associated with premature menopause.
Causes: Loss of estrogen production because of surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, or natural cessation of ovarian function (menopause).
Risk Factors: Menopause may occur at a younger age in smokers, those with poor nutrition or chronic illness, or those who have a loss of genetic material from the long arm of the X chromosome.
Signs and Symptoms
• Absence of menstruation (with a normal uterus and outflow tract)
• Hot flashes, flushes, and night sweats
• Vaginal atrophy
• Dysuria, urgency, and urgency incontinence; urinary frequency; nocturia; and an increased
incidence of stress urinary incontinence
• Decrease in libido
• Irregular bleeding common during the climacteric period.
Diff erential Diagnosis
• Pregnancy
• Hypothyroidism
• Polycystic ovary syndrome
• Prolactin-secreting tumor
• Hypothalamic dysfunction
• Hypothyroidism
Associated Conditions: Dyspareunia, vulvodynia, atrophic vulvitis, osteoporosis, increased risk of cardiovascular disease, hot flashes and flushes, sleep disturbances, stress urinary incontinence, and others.
The diagnosis of ovarian failure must be confirmed, measurement of serum follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) is sufficient. Levels of greater than 100 mIU/mL are diagnostic,
Pathologic Findings
Vaginal, vulvar, and endometrial atrophy. Thinned ovarian stroma with few, inactive oocytes. Accelerated calcium loss from bone.
General Measures: Health maintenance, annual mammogram, annual pelvic and rectal examinations, thyroid and cholesterol screening every 5 years or as indicated, tetanus booster shot every 10 years.
Specifi c Measures: For symptom relief: systemic estrogen (estrogen/progestin) therapy. (Less than 1% of women do not benefit from therapy.) Topical estrogen supplements.
Diet: Adequate dietary calcium (1000 to 1500 mg/day).
Activity: No restriction, weight bearing activity to promote bone health, cardiovascular fitness training/maintenance.
Patient Education: Reassurance.
Patient Monitoring: Normal health maintenance.
Prevention/Avoidance: Estrogen replacement therapy at menopause.
Possible Complications: Endometrial hyperplasia if the uterus is present.
Expected Outcome: Reversal of symptoms, reestablishment of normal physiology with treatment.
[Homeopathic Therapeutics, LILIENTHAL]
• Menopause, critical age: Acon., Apis, Bry., Cocc., Con., Croc., Cycl., Gel, Igne, Lach., Murex, Pulse, Sang., Sep., Sulph., Ust.
• Flushes during climaxis: Amyl nit. , Arg. nit., Bell., Crotal., Hydr. ace, Lach., Glon., Kali Sang., Sep., Xanth.
• Insomnia at night: Acon. day and night: Gels.
• Flushes of face with sweating : Jabor.
• Insanity: Cycle, Hippom.
• Headache: Croc, Cycle, Hep., Lach., Sang., Ust., Xanth.
• Palpitation of heart: Cast., Lach., Murex, Pulse, Veratr. vir.
• Heat on top of head: Croc., followed by Carb. v.
• Spitting of blood : Sulph. ac
• Flushes of heat to face: Kalibi.
• Nervous irritability: Acon., Cham., Coff., Ign., Murex, Puls.
• Menorrhagia: Chine, Cone, Kreos., Lach., Sep., Sulph.
• Nervous faintness and exhaustion : Acon., Coff., Hydr. ac, Kali hair: carb., Lyc. Mosch.,Nitr ac, Sulph,. Val; Veratr., Viol. od .
• Falling off of the hair: Lyco
• Pain in sacrum and coccyx : Ruta.
[Practical Homoeopathic Therapeutics, W.A.Dewey, and Lotus Materia Medica]
LACHESIS: suits especially women who never get well from the change of life; have never felt well since that time; It corresponds to many climacteric troubles, such as hæmorrhoids, hæmorrhages, vertigo, burning on the vertex and headaches. It is the remedy for women worn out by frequent pregnancies, with sudden cessation of the menses, trembling pulse, headache, flushings of heat and rush of blood to the head, cold feet and constriction about the heart.
AMYL NITRITE: Flushes of heat at change of life. The 30th potency acts well here.
STRONTIANA CARBONICA: Flushes of heat with head symptoms relieved by wrapping head up warmly.
SANGUINARIA: Flushes at climaxis; headache with profuse menses.
CALLADIUN: Pruritus at menopause.
ACONITE: Derangements of circulation at menopause. Hughes also praises Glonoine for these conditions.
VERATRUM VIRIDE: Perhapse no remedy control the fluses of heat, so annoying to women at the change of life, as well as veratrunt viride.
CIMICIFUGA: Is very often the remedy for the sufferings incident to the change of life. There is sinking at the stomach, pain at the vertex and irritability of disposition. The patient is restless and unhappy, feels sad and grieved. Bayes prefers the 6th and 12th potencies to the lower dilutions. It is but just to state that many have been disappointed in the use of this remedy.
CAULOPHYLLIN: 3x Dr. Ludlam praises this remedy for nerve- conditions following the climaxis, there is great nervous tension and unrest with a propensity to work and worry over little things.
SEPIA: Congestions at the climaxis, in characteristic Sepia constitutions, are quickly benefited by the remedy. Women who need this remedy usually feel dragged-out and weary, with an irritable detachment regarding family members, and a loss of interest in daily tasks. Exercise, especially dancing, may brighten up the woman’s mood and improve her energy. She may have a craving for vinegar or sour foods
BELLIS PERENNIS: Our English confreres use this remedy quite extensively in what is termed a “fagged womb”. The patients are very tired, want to lie down, have a backache. There is no real disease, but a marked tiredness all the time.
CARDUUS: is of supreme importance for liver troubles at the climaxis.
USTILAGO: Often rivals Lachesis in controlling the flooding during the climaxis. Vertigo is characteristic.
GRAPHITES A woman who is chilly, pale, and sluggish—with trouble concentrating and a tendency toward weight gain during or after menopause—is likely to respond to this remedy. Hot flushing and sweats at night are often seen. A person who needs this remedy may also have a tendency toward skin problems with oozing cracked eruptions, and be very slow to become alert when waking in the morning.
SULPHUR This remedy is often helpful for hot flashes and flushing during menopause, when the woman wakes in the early morning hours and throws the covers off. She may be very anxious, weep a lot, and worry excessively about her health. A person needing Sulphur often is mentally active, inclined toward messy habits, and usually feels worse from warmth.
BELLADONNA This remedy relieves hot flashes with profuse sweating and head congestion.
CALCAREA CARBONICA This remedy may be helpful to a woman with
heavy flooding, night sweats and flushing (despite a general chilliness), as well as weight gain during menopause. People who need this remedy are usually responsible and hard- working, yet somewhat slow or plodding and can be easily fatigued. Anxiety may be strong, and overwork or stress may lead to temporary breakdown. Stiff joints or cramps in the legs and feet, and cravings for eggs and sweets.
GLONOINUM: Indicated when sudden hot flashes with throbbing headache or congestion < by heat.
IGNATIA is often helpful for emotional ups and downs occurring during menopause. The woman will be very sensitive, but may try to hide her feelings— seeming guarded and defensive, moody, or hysterical. Headaches, muscle spasms, and menstrual cramps can occur, along with irregular periods. A heavy feeling in the chest, a tendency to sigh and yawn, and sudden outbursts of tears or laughter are strong indications.
LILIUM TIGRINUM A woman likely to respond to this remedy feels hurried, anxious, and very emotional — with a tendency to fly into rages and make other people “walk on eggs” ; She often has a sensation of tightness in her chest, and a feeling as if her pelvic organs are pressing out, which can make her feel a need to sit a lot or cross her legs.
NATRUM- MURIATICUM A woman who needs this remedy may seem reserved, but has strong emotions that she keeps inside. She often feels deep grief and may dwell on the loss of happy times from the past or brood about hurts and disappointments. During menopause, she can have irregular periods accompanied by backaches or migraines. A person who needs this remedy usually craves salt, and worse by sun.
PULSATILLA A person who needs this remedy is usually soft and emotional, with changeable moods and a tendency toward tears. Women are very attached to their families and find it hard to bear the thought of the children growing up and leaving home. They usually feel deeply insecure about getting older. A fondness for desserts and butter can often lead to weight problems. Changeable moods, irregular periods, queasy feelings, alternating heat and chills, and lack of thirst are common. in open air.
STAPHYSAGRIA A person who needs this remedy usually seems mild-mannered, shy, and accommodating, but has many suppressed emotions. Women around the time of menopause may become depressed, or have outbursts of unaccustomed rage.
1. Netter’s Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2nd Edition, Roger Smith, MD. SAUNDER ELSEVIER – 2008, ISBN: 978-1-4160-6628-9
2. Homeopathic Therapeutics, LILIENTHAL, B.Jain Publisher, New Delhi,India, Reprint edition 1993
3. Synthesis,Edited by DR FREDERIK SCHROYENS, B.Jain Publisher, New Delhi,India, Edition 8.1, 2002
4. Practical Homoeopathic Therapeutics, W.A.Dewey, B.Jain Publisher, New Delhi,India, 3rd Edition.
5. Lotus Materia Medica, By ROBIN MURPHY, B.Jain Publisher, New Delhi,India, 2nd revised edition,2004
Associate Professor,H.O.D
Department of Anatomy,
Jawaharlal Nehru Homeopathic Medical College
Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology
Jawaharlal Nehru Homeopathic Medical College