Dr Jigna Nimavat(MD Hom)
Assistant Professor, Department of Organon of medicine, JNHMC, Parul University, Vadodara, Gujarat, India
Dr Sneha Agarawal (MD Hom), Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology, JNHMC, Parul University, Vadodara, Gujarat, India
Abstract :
Failure to Adaptation towards life provides fertile soil for Endocrinal Disorders here comes the role of Homoeopathy. In today’s era the most competitive& sedentary lifestyle leads to emotional imbalance followed by mal adjustment at each & every stage of life, for the child to his growing environment, and even of the adult to his relationship as well as work place, in old people lack of attention & financial as well as physical & emotional insecurity leads to emotional imbalances and thus develops different variety of endocrinal disorders. Homoeopathy is having efficiency to treat majority kind of endocrinal diseases at each stage of life.
Key words:
causes sedentary life style, competitive life, adaptation failure, emotional imbalance, Endocrinal disorders, Homoeopathic approach.
The endocrine system impacts almost every cell and organ in the human body. The glands that make up the endocrine system produce hormones that affect not only our physical body but also our emotional selves as well.(1)
The endocrine
system controls:
1. Body energy levels, mood
2. Reproduction
3. Growth and development
4. Homeostasis
5. Responses to surroundings, stress and injury(1)
Failure to this normal functioning leads to different variety of endocrinal disorders. Endocrinal disorders are one of the major chronic disorders in today’s world as they are responsible for multi system involvement because this system is responsible for hormonal balance & hormones leads to nurturing as well as functioning of all the organs, action of one hormone depends on another hormone thus disturbance in one organ leads to disturbance in another organ.. All the hormones are synchronized with each other ultimately it leads to harmony of whole system. Likewise balanced& harmonized emotions provides proper adaptive capability towards life.(2)
Failure to Adaptation towards life provides fertile soil for Endocrinal Disorders here comes the role of Homoeopathy. In today’s era the most competitive & sedentary lifestyle leads to emotional imbalance followed by mal adjustment at each & every stage of life, for the child to his growing environment, and even of the adult to his relationship as well as work place, in old people lack of attention & financial as well as physical & emotional insecurity leads to emotional imbalances and thus develops different variety of endocrinal disorders. Homoeopathy is having efficiency to treat majority kind of endocrinal diseases at each stage of life. (2)
Different varieties of Endocrine diseases
Stress is the most important & major factor for emotional disturbance followed by development of endocrinal disorders.
Thyroid disorders,
Adrenal disorders,
Addison’s disease,
Cushing’s syndrome
Premenstrual disorders(especially early puberty)
Post menopausal disorders(Especially early menopause), etc.
Metabolic disorders
Over or under production of hormones. (3)
Why Homoeopathy for Endocrinal disorders?
Homoeopathy believes in person as a whole, person is sick hence organs is diseased, Dr. Hahnemann has explained that the human being is a unit, mind, body & spirit-and that these are so correlated as to act freely & without impediment when the vital principle, the spirit like force or dynamis, is in equilibrium; yet if this equilibrium of health be thrown out of balance by dysfunction of one member the whole is affected to a greater or lesser degree.
So it is also, that the function of some of the ductless glands(endocrinal glands) is to secrete a minute quantity of specialized product(hormones) into the system, a secretion that has a vital bearing on the health of the whole constitution.Thus Homoeopathy & endocrine system both is having Wholism Concept.(2)
In many cases this secretion of a normal gland is so minute that it approaches the homoeopathic attenuation as homoeopathy believes in law of minimum.Vital force is a single entity responsible for disease likewise ductless gland produces minimum hormone which is responsible for regulation of whole body. Homoeopathy also believes that first thought process gets disturbed then disease developes like wise adaptation failure leads to emotional imbalance which provides fertile soil for endocrinal disturbances.(2)
As Homoeopathy believes in similarity there is so many similarity between functioning of endocrine system as well as therapeutic system of Homoeopathy hence it is the best therapeutic method for balance of emotions as well as hormones.
Homoeopathic Therapeutics for Endocrinal Disorders:
Because of today’s sedentary lifestyle i.e. bad eating habits , irregular sleeping pattern as well as stressful competitive life leads to so many hormonal disorders in men as well as women in each &every age group.Homoeopathic medicine plays important role here because homoeopathy treats the person as a whole rather than disease itself, it gives strength to bare this stress & helps in managing this day to day life circumstances thus it prevents trauma of stressful events which can prevent so many endocrinal diseases like early menopause, early puberty, diabetes, hypertension, thyroid diseases, PCOD, erectile dysfunctions, etc.
Pulsatilla Nigricuns
Effective Homeopathic medicines for hormone imbalance leading to PCOS in women arePulsatilla. It is indicated when periods are irregular, suppressed or very scanty. The periods are also very painful. Acne from menstrual irregularities may also appear. First serious impairment of health is referred to age of puberty. Who is not well since puberty having mild, gentle & yielding changeable disposition. (4)
Top grade Homeopathic medicines for hormone imbalance around menopause in women .Sepia is considered the most reliable among Homeopathic medicines for hormone imbalance where the main symptoms include hot flushes, tiredness, indifferent attitude towards life/family, mood swings and irritability. Along with this, a bearing down sensation as if everything would escape through vulva.Painful vagina and aversion to sex. (4)
Lachesisis indicated where marked hot flushes appear from hormonal imbalance during climectric troubles. A woman in need of Lachesis cannot bear tight clothing around the neck or waist. Left ovary very painful and swollen, indurated.Acts especially well at beginning and close of menstruation.Melancholic disposition. (4)
Ignatiais a very good Homeopathic medicines for treating premenopausal syndrome from hormone imbalance specially because of suppression from grief.Ignatia is prescribed where the main complaint is mood swings, emotional imbalance, depression, sadness and weeping before menses.One of the chief remedy for emotional shock, grief & effect of grief and worry .Rapid change of mental and physical condition, opposite to each other.Profoundly influenced and coordination is interfere with.(5)
Agnus Castus
On the huge list of Homeopathic medicines for hormone imbalance in males with erectile dysfunction,Agnus Castus is the most effective among Homeopathic medicines for hormone imbalance in men with complete impotency. The erections are totally absent with relaxed, flaccid genitals, scanty emissions, testicles cold, swollen, hard, painful.(4)
Caladium seguinum
Caladium is selected when erections are absent, but sexual desire is present. Depression and sadness with erectile dysfunction. Impotency, relaxation of penis during excitement. No emission no orgasm during embrace. (4)
Calcarea Carbonica
Well indicated Homeopathic medicines for hormone imbalance from under-functional hypothyroidism. Calcarea Carbonica is prescribed where weight gain and sensitivity to cold air is well marked. In women who complain of heavy and prolonged periods from pituitary and thyroid dysfunction.swelling of glands, scrofulous and rachitis condition.(4)
Iodum is rated among the top Homeopathic medicines for hormone imbalance from hyperthyroidism, Goitre.Iodum is selected in case of major weight loss in spite of eating well. Along with losing flesh, the person complains of heated sensation in body, restlessness, nervousness and anxiety. Accelerated pulse rate and weakness are other problems to look out for before selecting Iodum as the ideal prescription among Homeopathic medicines for hormone imbalance. Palpitations from light exertion also point towards use of Iodum, all glandular structures are affected, atrophied.(4)
Natrum Muiaticum
Useful remedy for Hyperthyroidism, Goitre, addisions disease, diabetes.Homeopathic medicine Natrum Muriaticumis recommended in persons of depressed, nervous and irritable nature suffering from thyroid hormone imbalance. Weight loss, emaciation – markedly on the neck, is a major concern. Weakness, increased heart rate and palpitations from emotional imbalance or exertion are yet other symptoms that appear along with weight loss. Natrum Muriaticum is equally effective in regulating the menstrual cycle disturbed by thyroid hormone imbalance in women. (4)
1.Harshmohan, Textbook of Pathology, 6th Edition, Jaypee Brothers medical Publishers(p) Ltd, pg np. 791
2.Herbert A. Roberts, MD. The principle and Art of Cure by Homoeopathy, Reprint Edition : 1994, B. Jain Publishers Pvt.Ltd., pg no.242
3.Yashpal Munjal, API Textbook of Medicine, volume 1, 9th Edition:2012, Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers(P)Ltd, pg no. 402
4. W. Boericke, M.D. Pocket mannual of Homoeopathic Materia Medica and Repertory and a chapter on rare and uncommon remedies, Reprint Edition:2004, B.Jain Publishers(p) Ltd, pg no. 536,538,586,587,588,387,389,24,144,349,459
5. Robin Murphy, ND, Lotus Materia Medica , Reprint Edition:2004, B.Jain Publishers(P) no.865