Obsessive-Compulsive Behaviour And Homoeopathic Remedies - homeopathy360

Obsessive-Compulsive Behaviour And Homoeopathic Remedies

Obsessive–compulsive disorders are a form of exaggerated “normal “behaviour which can take over someone’s life and dominate them to the extent of requiring hospital admissions . Obsessions involve repetitive thoughts that can not be ignored or dismissed . They can flood someone’s mental processes and disable them completely .They may be associated with normal concerns – “ have I switched the light off ?”or have I remembered my keys ?” . Some times the thoughts are irrational and fearful that some thing awful will happen – “the cake is poisoned “. These thoughts are associated with anxiety symptoms and then may be linked to compulsions or repetitive actions which can involve superstitious habits – touching wood , or not stepping on the line of pavement . When serious , these compulsions may include washing glass repeatedly , checking the lights are switched off twelve times or more , or warding off the poison coming from the toilet by locking it up . If these habits are not performed , the person may become anxious and experience panic attacks . Some people develop compulsions to collect news papers or paper bags and their whole house may be filled with these objects .

CAUSES  :  not very much is known as to why people develop these disorders . hereditary factors are occasionally found . some psychiatrists believe there may be some dysfunctional chemical messages in the brain , while others believe the symptoms to be a sign of underlying deep anxiety and depression . Obsessional personality characteristics are commonly identified among “ normal “ people and it is important to differentiate between the disorder as described above and what may only be a character trait .

SYMPTOMS : these may include the keeping of lists and the repetition of daily tasks . Asking some one whether they ere plagued by constant thoughts that go round and round will usually reveal how troubled they are .

PREVENTION AND SELF HELP : this illness may often require professional help , but a general understanding of the problem and avoidance of punishing or rejecting behaviour on the part of family and friends is essential . practicing techniques which help to induce a state of physical and mental relaxation ( breathing , meditation ,exercise routines ) can be particularly helpful . Sometimes using one of the creative arts (painting , sculpting , sand play or music therapy ) will allow some of the “ locked-in “ tension to be released through the production of a “ work of art “ , some of these paintings will illustrate the irrational fears that seem to drive the person to commit the repetitive rituals . The most effective treatments have included a combination of relaxation (autogenic training ) together with a behavioural approach , simple step by step behavioural programmes are worked out , much as in the treatment of phobias , so that the client is encouraged not to repeat the thought or action . Each successful step is followed by a reward or positive reassurance from the therapist , other therapies have involved the use of colour to break through the repetition . An experienced therapist will choose a color to reflect the client’s personality and then gradually introduce shades of the colour to “ enlarge “and expand their ability both to” see “ and to respond to different colours , it is unlikely that any of the self-help measures available in complimentary therapy will alter this distressing disorder , but a general approach of encouraging regular exercise , a whole food diet and supplemental vitamins will certainly not harm the client .

HOMOEOPATHIC THERAPY  : Aconite –will relieve some of the acute symptoms associated with this condition .

OBSESSIVE-COMPULSIVE-NEUROSIS : This obsessive –compulsive- neurosis trait creates tension , frustration and perpetuated preoccupation leading to various forms of illnesses ;breathing difficulties , gastro intestinal disorders , skin diseases , sleeplessness and hyper tension . The characteristic mental symptoms of some of the homoeopathic remedies

Syphilinum :  perhaps exhibits best this compulsive neurosis . it is manifested in an obsession with cleanliness and to have a germ-free state , there is a compulsion about checking and rechecking the correctness of former actions ; such as lock the doors or switched off appliances . the patient harbors a strong fear of infections diseases and this is accompanied by constant washing of the hands , the patient is irritable to the point of violence on being opposed and impelled by a delusion to feel personally exalted or superior .

 Natrum muriaticum  : This patient turns inward after grief and disappointments and may develop obsessive traits , expressed in the conscientiousness about trifles and  quick annoyance at small mishaps , the patient is also subjected to resentment as well as remorse and self blame . intensified remorse with concomitant disgust and resentment .

Stramonium : has an obsessive preoccupation with religious matters accompanied by marked anxiety of conscience .

Iodatum : the fear of forgetting something also makes them quite obsessive , they have to remember , so they are constantly repeating to themselves , must not forget to do this and that . this obsessive way of thinking may filter through to their activities ; must check whether I have locked the door and again and again . these thoughts control their mind to such an extent that they are unable to develop any other interests .

Zincum-Iodatum : obsessive repetition , they also feel that people are always checking on them , parents , teachers , or bosses are imposing all sorts of rules and are constantly keeping an eye on them , but they also have a tendency to check their own work all the time . Jealousy as foolish as it is irresistible –lachesis

Desire to pull the hair – lachesis

Washing always her hands –syphillimum .

Jerks of limbs on falling asleep – ignatia

Aurum metalicum : an overly conscientious work oriented attitude and an easily agitated conscience , there is also an obsession with certain ideas that can not be easily shaken such as the feeling of being deserted by one’s best friends or the suicidal impulse to put an end to this worthless life .

Cyclamen-Europaeum: The patient is prone to intense feelings of quilt and regret especially with regard to neglected duty . these patients are depressed and weepy , desiring to be alone ; they suffer from apprehension , weak nerves and anxious care for others .

Psorinum : has a deep seated and unfounded sense of failing of being unworthy and not measuring up to or be deserving of high achievements or standards , they tend to feel anxious and abandoned , hopelessly ill during disease and persistently remorseful in religious terms , self condemnation and suicidal impulses present as deeply ingrained , recurring thought patterns .

Pulsatilla : Though these patients are mild , gentle and yielding , they can become intensely overwrought and develop obsessive compulsive traits , which take the form of pronounced fastidiousness , conscientiousness about trifles .

About the author

Dr B.S Suvarna

Dr. (mrs) B.S.SUVARNA, B.A, D.I.HOM (LOND), M.I.H, Ph.D.(ITALY) (gold medalist)
HOMOEO PHYSICIAN. PGDPC (USA) psychotherapy&counselling
(Associate Editor-homoeopathic horizon, e-journal)
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