Myself a medicated globule of Natrum Sulphuricum 0/3. Let me refresh young homoeopaths and show him the tools made available for treating his patients and here I am sharing you all about myself.
Do you know why name bearing “a globule”? Is it my sur name or royal name ? You all know that a common man recognizes the Homoeopathic medicines by round pills – these are known as globules. You can call it as Pellets too. A globule is a vehicle which delivers the Homoeopathic medicine in the shortest, most reliable and the most harmless way. You all are tasted me… alright ? Is I am sweet or bitter ? Ah… no doubt I am very sweet person, I am manufactured from cane sugar. Hey man don’t touch me with your hands…I am medicated with Natrum Sulhuricum 0/3.
As my name indicates, I born by the combination of Natrum (Sodium) and Sulphur. I have so many nick names – Sulphate of soda , Glauber’s Salt, cell salt of liver. I am one of the group member of Grauvogl hydrogenoid remedies and Dr.Schuessler’s tissue remedies.
Schreter proved me on healthy human beings like you and he ascertained my curative powers and used me for the wonderful healing of mankind.
I am living in a damp house near the damp basement. I cannot live near water, can’t live on a lake, stream or ocean. I am always getting asthma , chest catarrh…what to tell… I am always worse during this wet climates and getting inherited complaints. I am oppressed by the Heat & Humidity it protects people during the July, August “Dog Days” of summer. Oh ! forget to tell I am hereditary coming from the Sycotic background.
I am always getting some liver and stomach complaints due to bilious disturbances. At that time I am very irritable, anxious. I have aversion to life and even I desire to die. I restraint to prevent doing myself bodily harm.
I am very melancholic person. I have great sadness and great despondency. I have dread of music- which makes me to sad and weep. While I am going to church the mellow light that pours through the church windows and the little grimmers of light that come through the coloured glass makes me so sad.
I had a head injury, injured myself by falling upon back of hit. I think that made me so irritable and I would have to be trephined. I had violent crushing pains as if the base of my brain were crushed in a vice. I don’t know whether I am getting fits or epilepsy.
I had conjunctivitis with granular lids, green pus terrible photophobia so much so that I can hardly open my eyes and the light of my room brings me headache.
Myself produces a stuffing up of the nose, red tongue, irritable mucous membrane with great dryness and burning in nose.
My mouth is always full of slime and tastes so bad. Having thick tenacious white mucus in the mouth. I always hawks up mucus. I have a sense of weight in the stomach and hypochondrium.
I have daily morning Sudden and urging stool and gushing with flatulence, great rumbling, gurgling, noisy sputtery stool.
I have engorgement in the region of the liver. I can only lie on his right side and my complaints are worse when I lie on left side.
I have cough with a sensation of all goneness in the chest and i must hold my chest when coughing. I feel I must die in a few days with consumption or some other falling like that and it is coming on in a short time.
I have acquired sycotic hereditary asthma especially humid asthma when I was a child. Now also I am suffering from it whenever the climate changes.
My skin had itch, scabies or vesicular eruptions, vesicular eczema with a thin , watery discharge exuding from the fingers. My palms are raw and sore and exude a watery fluid. I have warts on the genitalia or perianal region and Warts on the hands and commonly plantar’s warts.
Whenever I get fever I feel icy coldness in my limbs. I felt thirstless. I often vomits biliously and there will be itching anywhere in my body.
Now you understood something about my personality…what I am !!!
You may think what this 0/3 ? is it looks odd to my name ?
I will tell you a story about my last part. The master who founded the wonderful system of healing Dr. Samuel Hahnemann , He worked hard for 5 years from 1838 to 1842 and completed the arduous task of revision, specially of the preparation and administration of medicine, and on the eve of his death on 2nd July, 1843, he has given us “… new, altered but perfected method,” in the sixth edition of the Organon.
The mode of preparation of medicine, its dynamization and application are novel. Hahnemann called it “the perfected method,” “the new dynamization method.”
Dilutions of this method go by different names and abbreviations, such as—Millesimal scale. 50 Millesimal scale, New potency. Newest potency, etc.
Now the medicine does not assail the patient but “touches all suffering parts curatively. Medicinal aggravations which are the common features of the centesimal scale no longer exist in the new method. “Such increase of the original symptoms of chronic disease can appear only at the end of the treatment when the cure is almost or quite finished. This new method “produces medicines of highest development of power and mildest action.”
Do you know the benefit of using me in 0/3 potency ? I will tell you it has deeper and quicker action, the aggravation can be minimised. It hastens the process of cure by frequent repetition. Do you know in the hopeless cases it not only has palliative action but curative action too.
0/3 the potency which many homoeopaths uses widely. According to R. P Patel give 0/3 potency of the indicated medicine to start till the patient improves.. And also I am available in 0/3 commonly!!!
I think I have talked too much about me…. now it is for you to live and think for yourselves , if you can make anything out of what I have told to you and it ever helps anybody , I shall be amply repaid. I am very gratefull to you all for reading my story. Now it’s in your hand to use me and have wonderful experiences with me.
Thank you all.
Yours ,
Natrum Sulph 0/3