Abstract – In the present senario women often suffers from different kind of menstrual problems due to one or the other causes. Among these one of the most common problem which gynaecologist encounter is secondary amenorrhoea in different age groups. Acccording to homoeopathy menses can be suppressed in an individual due to any mental or physical reasons. There are many rare homoeopathic medicines mentioned in different material medica which proved to be very effective in cases of secondary amenorrhoea if given properly with improving the lifestyle.
Keywords –Secondary amenorrhoea
Introduction –Initiation of menstruation is an important milestone in the reproductive lives of women.
1Amenorrhoea denotes absence of menstruation. It may be physiological or pathological.
• Physiological amenorrhoea naturally prevails prior to the onset of puberty, during pregnancy & after menopause.
• Pathological amenorrhoea is the result of genetic factors,systemic diseases, endocrinopathies, disturbanceof the hypothalamic pituitary ovarian uterine axis, nutritional factors,drug usage, psychological factors.
Its onset may be primary or secondary.
• Primary amenorrhoea refers to the failure of onset of menstruation beyond the age of 16 years regardless of development of secondary sexual character.
• Secondary amenorrhoea refers to the failure of occurrence of menstruation for 6 months or longer in women who have previously menstruated.
• Secondary amenorrhoea is the absence of menses for 6 months or more in a women with previous normal menstrual pattern in the absence of pregnancy & lactation .
Causes of secondary amenorrhoea includes –
• Hypothyroidism
• Hypothalamic amenorrhoea
• Hyperprolactinemia
• Primary Ovarian insufficiency
• Extreme weight loss
• Emotional or physical stress
• Rigorous exercise and
• Severe illness.
Diagnosis can be made on the basis of proper case taking & by following investigations1 –
• Serum prolactin level
• Oestrogen level
• Progestron challenge test
• Serum FSH & LH
Pregnancy must be excluded in all cases.
Homoeopathic remedies for suppressed menses –
Aletris Farinosa –suppression of the menses resulting from atony of the uterus or ovaries.Great general ability.Weariness of body & mind. Heaviness in the uterine region. Distention of the abdomen with bearing down pain.2 Retarded and scanty flow.3
Antimonium Crudum – in young girls amenorrhoea as a result of cold bathing or becoming over heated, with great tenderness in and about the uterine region.2
Apis Mellifica –amenorrhoea attended with congenital to the head.2
Aurum Foliatum – amenorrhoea attended with great depression of spirits.2
Castoreum Canadensis – amenorrhoea with painful tympanities.3
Gossypium Herbaceum – Suppressed menses.3
Hedeoma pulegioides – menstrual regulator,bearing down pains,worsed by movement and aacompanied by almost paralytic weakness of legs.amenorrhoea.5
Jonosia Asoka –menstrual colic,amenorrhoea.pain in the ovaries before the flow.3
Pinus lambertina – complete amenorrhea. Past history of painful and delayed menses.4
Senecio Aureus – menses retarded ,suppressed. Functional amenorrhea in young girls with backache.3 For amenorrhea, with wandering pains in back and shoulders and cough at night, attended with sensations and conditions indicative of speedy arrival of the menses, but they fail to appear. Profuse mucus discharge from any part in place of menses.2
Conclusion –
Homoeopathic prescription is done on totality of symptoms but the above mentioned homoeopathic remedies can be prescribed therapeutically on the basis of symptom similarities .
References –
1.howkins & Bourne ,Shaws Textbook of Gynaecology,16th edition published by Reed Elsevier India Private Limited.
2. . Minton Henry. Uterine Therapeutics. Reprint Edition. India: B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd. 2005.
3.Boericke W. Boericke’s New Manual of Homoeopathic MateriaMedica with Repertory. Third revised and augmented edition based on 9th edition. Noida, India: B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd; 2018.
4. Master Farokh. Bedside Clinical prescribing in homeopathy. 2nd edition. India: B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd.; 2018.
5. Sarkar Dr. Surnirmal Just You see Broadening the Homeopathic Horizon. 1st edition. India : Homeopathic Medical Publishers ; 2013.
Dr. Neha Sahu MD (PGR)
Dept. of Materia Medica, Dr.M.P.K.Homoeopathic Medical College, Hospital & Research Centre, Jaipur (A constituent unit of Homoeopathy University, Jaipur, Raj.)