The Narendra Modi government, under its new National Education Policy (NEP) released Wednesday, plans to integrate modern medicine with the traditional systems of Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha, and Homoeopathy (AYUSH).
Under the new National Education Policy (NEP) that was released on Wednesday, the Narendra Modi government has planned to incorporate the traditional systems of Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha, and Homoeopathy (AYUSH) with modern medicine. However, the proposal has got mixed reactions from experts as AYUSH practitioners have welcomed it but allopath’s have termed a move which will produce official quacks.
The NEP, retrieved by ThePrint, states that assuming that people use varied choices in healthcare, their healthcare education system should be integrative so that all allopathic medical education students should have a general understanding of AYUSH and vice versa.
The NEP has stated that healthcare education should be “re-envisioned”. The objective is that the duration, design and structure of the educational programs must match the role necessities, which all graduates would play.
Students will be evaluated at regular intervals on well-defined parameters predominantly necessary for working in primary and secondary care hospitals. A greater emphasis should be on preventive healthcare and community medicine in all forms of healthcare education.
On the other side, Ayurveda experts said that this move can boost the confidence of modern science doctors into traditional systems of medicine.
Dr Pradeep Prajapati, professor at the All India Institute of Ayurveda, which is the apex institute for studying and studying the ancient Indian system of medicine said that it’s a welcome move. Their students have to clear the examination on anatomy and physiology, pathology, pharmacology. This gives a basic understanding of the modern system of medicine. However, this move could be useful for students who are studying allopathy. These students should get confidence about a traditional system that is usually under doubt.
Director General of the Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy, Anil Khurana, said that the move will facilitate the integration of AYUSH systems at several levels of primary, secondary and tertiary care treatment as observed in the management of COVID-19, where homoeopathy is being assessed in allopathic hospitals.
Dr M.A. Qasmi, joint adviser (Unani) with the Ministry of AYUSH, also said that it is a good initiative and will have a positive impact on the healthcare sector. With basic knowledge of other medicinal systems, medical students will have greater understanding of preventive healthcare and community medicine.
Dr Parvesh SablokThere can be integrated course for allopathic doctors to learn AYUSH pathies also. Use of any pathy without proper knowledge can be disastrous .