Case taking is the most important element element in a successful homoeopathic prescription . it is the ability of the prescriber to obtain a complete and accurate history of the sick patient , personal and family , together with all the symptoms present in the case Dr. H.C.Allen remarked that a case well taken insured accuracy and efficiency in the selection of the simillinum . when the symptom picture by means of the case history is completed , it is ready for analytical study ,
It is common knowledge that all symptoms are not of equal value for the selection of the curative . hahnemann and all the master prescribers and teachers who followed him have stressed the value and importance of the mental and emotions as being of highest rank in any given case in the search for the curative remedy ,Dr. James Tyler Kent , a strict follower of hahnemann’s concepts , formulated a system analysis , logical and consistent with the homoeopathic philosophy established through clinical observation for over one hundred years by the best scholars and prescribers of the homoeopathic science and art
In every case of sickness and in all provings of remedies , there are two distinct groups of symptoms . These are classified as generals and particulars . The general symptoms are Those that pertain to the patient as a whole . These include such findings as the type of hemorrhage , discharge and excretions from the patient ; they are generals because the economy as a whole is the body’s reaction to environment , the food desires and aversions , of any kind , anything or any condition affecting the patient’s entire economy are included in the list of generals .
Particular symptoms are those pertaining to organs or parts of the body .
The highest grade general symptoms are those relating to the mind and emotions , such as the fears and impaired intellectual functioning
The physical general are next of their next in order of value . The effects on the patient from the extremes of temperature , heat and cold in general , storms , and the extent of their sick –producing effects on the patient . All these things affect the patient as a whole , where the personal pronoun “I” is used to describe the symptom , a general symptom is indicated . where the possessive pronoun “my” is used to describe the part of the body affected , a particular symptom is inferred.
Throughout the whole symptom picture of both generals and particulars , there are two distinct groups known as common symptoms . there are highly valuable for prescribing purposes . The common however , are of little value , being those common to the provings of many drugs and common to the symptoms of many diseases and common to the symptoms of many diseases ( diagnostic)the characteristic symptoms are those peculiar to each individual patient under study . A symptom found only in the provings many drugs and , if a mental or a high grade physical general , may be very valuable for the selection of the similimum . A symptom unrelated to any anatomical or physiological condition is unusual and may be listed under the rare and peculiar , hence valuable for remedy selection .
The mental symptoms may be classed into several groups relative to their value as follows ; symptoms pertaining to the will which include the loves and hates (perverted loves) with resentments , frustrations , jealousies and inhibitions , these constitute the deepest a. here is included the love of life . when that is disturbed to the pint of suicide , we se a most profound inharmony in the center of being representing and most central symptoms of the being representing a symptom of first value . this is typified by the remedy , gold , which takes away al desire to exist and be
Another group pertains to the rational mind and to the perversions of the intellectual and reasoning processes . here are noted symptoms expressing irrational concept of living , with faulty reasoning that may end in harmful results . insane statements and actions ,irresponsible conclusions and acts belong to this second group . argentums metallicum is typical of this group . in dictionary of homeopathic material medica , Clarke lists silver as a remedy for brain fag and states that it affects the mental processes more than the affections . Kent also mentions it effects on the rational mind.
The method of questioning the patient is an important that every case of sickness . remember that every question answered by the patient with “yes”or “no “ has been wrongly put by the physician and is of little , if any value for prescribing purposes . Every symptom obtained from the patient to be valid must come in answer to indirect questioning or be spontaneously expressed . A direct question permits the patient to answer without adequate thought ; it also may suggest to an impressionable person conditions that do not exist . for instance , the physician and is of little , if any value for prescribing purposes , every symptom obtained from the patient to be alid must come in answer to indirect questioning or be spontaneously expressed . A direct question permits the patient to answer with out adequate thought ; it also may suggest to an impressionable person conditions that do not exist , For instance , the physician wishing to know the patient’s temperature reactions may need to ask several indirect questions , such as “how does the heat of summer affect you and your symptoms’ “ what effect dies the cold of winter have on you?’ ‘” how does rain or snow affect you “?” thus a number of patients or inito that smaller group which can place the patient beyond all doubt , either thus a number of indirect questions may be needed to establish one important general fact or symptoms which can place the patient , beyond all doubt , either into the hot or cold group of patients or into that smaller group who are sensitive to both extremes of temperature . when the sum total of symptoms facts of the material madica for study . by this procedure the chance for error is reduced , with greater certainity of an accurate and successful prescription
The successful homoeopathic prescriber must take on the role of an astute detective in his search for symptoms and facts that are accurate and true . Again , he must be an impartial judge of these facts and harmonize them with the facts that
The successful homoeopathic prescriber must take on the role of an astute detective in his search for symptoms and facts that are accurate and true . Again , he must be an impartial judge of these facts and harmonize them with the facts of the material medica. He must be free of prejudice and develop the art of logical thinking . his task is far from easy but his reward is great in satisfaction , for every successful prescription is fraught with good to the patientand delight to the doctor . the physician who treats his patient by mens of the art and science of homoeopathy is a medical idealist recognizing the deeper and more subtle aspects of human sickness and its cure . he accepts the fact that the patient is sick mentally and emotionally as well as physically , he also as well as physically . he also sees
Another group pertains to the rational mind and to the perversions of the intellectual and reasoning processes . here are noted symptoms expressing irrational concepts of living , with faulty reasoning that may end in harmful results .insane statements and actions . irresponsible conclusions and acts belong to this second grup . argentums nitricum is typical of this group . in dictionary of
`homoeopathic material medica , Clarke lists silver as a remedy for brain fag and states that it affects the mental procsess more than the affections . kent also mentions it effects on the rational mind
The method of questioning the patient is an important procedure in order to avoid error and to obtain the true facts in every case of sickness . remember that every case of sickness . remember that every question answered by the patient with “yes”or”no”has been wrongly put by the physician and is of little , if any value for prescribing purposes . Every symptom obtained from the patient to be valid must come in answer to indirect questioning or be spontaneously expressed .A direct question permits the patient to answer to indirect questioning or be spontaneously expressed . A direct question question permits the patient to answer with out adequate thought ; it also may suggest without adequate thought ; it also may suggest to an impressionable person conditions that do not exist , for instance , the physician wishing to know the patient’s temperature reactions may need to ask several indirect questions , such as “how does the heat of summer affect you and your symptoms ?”how much covering or clothing do you require in cold weather ?”how does rain or snow affect you ?”. thus a number of indirect questions may be needed to establish one important general fact or symptom which can place the patient , beyond all doubt , either into the hot or cold group of patients or inito that smaller group who are sensitive to both extremes of temperature , when the sum total of symptoms of the case are procured in this way . the prescriber has an array of established facts to compare with the established facts of the material madica for study . by this procedure the chance for error is reduced , with greater certainity of an accurate and successful prescription
The successful homoeopathic prescriber must take on the role of an astute detective in his search for symptoms and facts that are accurate and true . Again , he must be an impartial judge of these facts and harmonize them with the facts of the material medica . he must be free of prejudice and develop the art of logical thinking , his task is far from easy but his reward is great in satisfaction , for every successful . he must be free from easy but his reward is great in satisfaction, for every successful prescription is fraught with good to the patient and delight to the doctor ..The physician who treats his patient by means of the art and science of homoeopthy is a medical idealist recognizing the deeper and more subtle aspects the fact that the patient is sick mentally and emotionally as well as physically . he also sees the patient is sick mentally and emotionally as well as physically . he also sees his patient as an individual remedy needed for his special case of sickness no matter what the diagnostic name of his illness may be .
The homoeopathic physician avoids suppressing local manifestations of disease especially those of mucus membranes and skin , knowing that great harm and suffering can come to the patient from such suppressions he is a philosopher, noting the ill effects of disturbed emotions and faulty thinking on the physiological processes of the body , producing functional disorder.