-This remedy great for shock (primary shock) , such as from bad news or a from having a fall.
– It is also very effective for treating condition in lower potencies for influenza,cold,high fever, sore throat or headache which occur suddenly and are often brought on by sudden exposure to dry , cold-wind.
Apis mellifica
-when in your kit when you go on holiday or outdoors.
-This remedy is used to treat insects bites as bee or wasp stings and any allergic reaction to a bite or sting which causes swelling , redness and pain.
-Affected areas will be red,hot to touch,swollen,very sensitive and the pain will be described as burning or stinging, general stiffness and constriction due to swelling.
-Apis can also be used for some throat and rheumatic joints with the familiar constriction, redness and stinging pain.
Arnica Montana
-This is the classical remedy for trauma,injury,bruising,muscle soreness and scratches.
-This is also good one for jet- lag.
-Arnica can also help relieve injuries to the soft muscle tissue.
– It helps reduce shock,relieve pain,dimished swelling and begin healing.
-Arnica is also an excellent medicine before or after surgery,dental surgery since the body experience a state of shock from these medical procedures.
-It is used before,during and after labor to help the mother and infant deal with the shock and stress of birth.
Arsenic Album
-This is remedy for food poisoning,indigestion and heartburn , especially that occurs at night when you get anxious about not being able to sleep.
-Arsenicum can also help treat diarrhoea and vomiting.
-A key note of this remedy is anxiety,very anxious and not easily pacified and the patient is likely to be very cold.
-Pains might be described as burning.
-Arsenicum cases the fear and irritability that may occur as a result of these symptoms.
-The word red,hot and swollen are keywords for this remedy.
-illnesses that come on suddenly and violently , resulting in throbbing pain,redness and swelling characteristic of belladonna.
-This is a great remedy for fever and for a skin condition such as boils can be given in sunstroke with appropriate rehydration.
-Calendula can be taken as pill or as a solution to bathe wounds.
-This remedy can be used for cold sores,mouth ulcers,cuts,minor burns,wounds,scrapes and skin redness.
-It works as an antiseptic and quickly draws dirt and germs out of a wound.
-Calendula can also be used to help soothe mild disappear rash in babies.
-Before applying,make sure you gently wash the wound with water to remove dirt from the wounded area.
-Useful in major burns ,in case of really severe or extensive burns.
-It must be seen by a doctor ,but cantharis often relives the pain and stops the skin cracking.
-It can be used in bad sunburns alternate with belladonna if sunstroke is the factor.
-Cantharis can be used in UTI.
-The burning pain is extremely severe and there may be bleeding present.
Nux Vomica
-A digestive remedy , nux vomica is often used for nausea,sour stomach,bloating and discomfort from spicy or rich foods.
-This remedy can be a life saver in the case of hang over.
-It also works well for stomach upsets and headache which were caused by overindulgence in food or alcohol.
-A keynote of this remedy is irritability.
-It may also help relieve pain and gas associate with overeating and nausea in pregnant women.
Rhus tox
-This is remedy which can be used to treat bruised and sore muscles and joints.
-It is sometimes used to relieve the pain of arthritis.
-It is also sometimes used to treat skin rashes like chick pox and shingles.
-It is a great remedy for certain types of skin condition , rupturing of ligaments and tendons and dislocated joints.
-It is most common medicines prescribed for sprains and strains that is worse upon initial motion but that is better upon continued motion.
-Skin condition often respond well to this remedy.
-Skin may be red and unhealthy looking and the patient may have scratches a lot.
-Itchy urticaria which the patient scratches until it bleeds.
-These types of skin reactions are often aggravated from bathing , being wet and from the heat of the bed.
-Helps treat the onset of common cold symptoms,such as a clear runny nose,stuffy nose and cough.
-Pulsatilla can also be used for earaches – if ears are stopped up or throbbing, or if their exterior is swollen and red.
-It addition , pulsatilla may help with faintness or lightheadedness.
-Gelsemium is commonly thought of as a cold and flu remedy.
-Good for treating shivers,bodyaches, weakness and exhaustion,it may also ease a headache,dizziness and heavy eyelids due to inflammation.
-It addition , gelsemium can also be used for colds,sneezing and runny noses.
Hypericum Perforatum
-Hypericum is an excellent medicine for injuries to nerves or to injured parts of the body which are richly supplied with nerves.
-Cuts or scrapes injuries with sharp and shooting pain.
-Injured part is very sensitive to touch.
-Hypericum helps prevent the infection and can soothe inflamed and painful wounds such as abscesses, cuts,hemorrhoids,scars,insect bites and animal bites.Eg.crushed fingers and stubbed toes.
Urtica Urens
-Urtica urens is the medicine of choice for burns.
-Used for minor burns and scalds as well.
-Burns that sting like nettle rash, but where the skin is not too sore to touch.
-As the name suggests this is useful for urticaria,but only the sort that produces little vesicles or raised lumps like nettle rash.
-It is great remedy for prickly heat.
-Useful for bleeding wounds or nose bleeds.
-Phosphorus stops bleeding virtually instantaneously.
-Used with very heavy periods.
-Any strange unusual bleeding should be investigated first before medication.
-Homeopaths use symphytum for fracture.
-Although one must go to a doctor to have the fracture reset and placed in a cast , symphytum will relieve pain and promote rapid healing of the fracture.
-Symphytum is a great medicine for injuries to the eyeball,bones around the eyes and the cheekbones.
-Ruta is the medicine given for severe sprains ,the person has a torn or wrenched tendon,split ligament,strained joints and ligaments or bruised periosteum.
-It is also the most common medicine prescribed for recent or old injuries to the knee or elbow.
-It is one of the medicine for “tennis elbow”.
-Ruta can almost be considered to be “chronic Rhus tox”.
-If the patient is not better for movement it will help more than Rhus tox.
-Ruta helps with ligaments and tendon injuries , where Rhus tox is more muscular.
Carbo veg
-Useful for stomach upsets.
-particularly caused by rich foods,wine and general high living.
-The stomach will be greatly distended ,with much flatulence and colic.
-The patient colds and lifeless but they want to be fanned and must have fresh air.
-They feels better by belching.
Argentum nitricum
-Useful for stomach upsets.
-The rashed and hurried diarrhoea,sickness, bloating,flatulence and headache you might get from nervous anticipation .
-It is wonderful for pre-driving test ,pre-flight nerves , examination.
-In fact it can be used for pre-anything nerves, especially public performances involving speaking or singing , where the victim gets splinter like pains in the throat.
Presented by : Patel Payal Dharmendra kumar
Year : 4th year B.h.m.s
College : Ahmedabad homeopathic medical college
Under the guidance of : Dr.Ratna Bhatt
Assistant professor in Hmm department of AHMC