Tonsils are like two sentiments standing on either side of the phsrynx in the middle of the throat sdenoids aremasses of lymphantic tissue in the throat and back of the nose , both tonsils and adenoids are masses of the lymphatic tissue in the throat and back of the nose , both tonsils and adenoids are masses of the lymphatic tissue in the throat and back of the nose , both tonsils and adenoids serve to fight and collect microorganisms from entering the chest through the throat and in the process , often get enlarged , it is an erroneous idea that their surgical removal , decreases the individuals susceptibility to infection experience shows that such a drasic measure increases the indivividuals suscptebility infection , experience shows that such a drastic measure increases the susceptibility and the allergic patients suffer from allergy all the more , specially to diseases like sinusitis allergic rhinitis and bronchial asthma
Remedies useful for tonsils and usually equally useful for adenoids also . these include bary carb callophylum , belladonna , hephar sulph silica merc sol phytollcca apis mellifica , lachesis ars alb etc
This inflammation of one or more of the paranasal , sinusitis , often occurs during an upper respiratory infection , often occurs during an upper respiratory infection , but it can also be due to some allergy treatment of sinusitis should be directed towards the cause disease through classic homeopathic treatment
CHRONIC CATARRAH AND SINUSITIS the linig of the nose , throat sinus , cavities and upper part of the lungs (trachea , larynx and bronchi 0, contains small mucus that secrete a watery substance which helps to lubricate the airways and protect us from infection and pollutants that may be inhaled , If the secretions are too productive , or , if thy become thick and infected , the common symptoms of a runny nose , a blocked and stuffed – up feeling , together with a cough or even a temperature and facial pain can occur the sinuses are hollowed -out cavities ( 4 pairs ) in the bones of the face which normally contain air and which are lined by mucus membranes the mucus normally flows between the nose become blocked , neither air nor mucus can flow and infection can set in dull pain together with a temperature the major causes of chronic catarrh that can lead to sinusitis infections , allergies , air pollutants , smoking and stuffy buildings ( which can lead to a condition kn cold viruses and influenza are the commonest cause of episodic catarrh , but allergies especially to pollen ( hay fever ) or house dust mite can lead to persi stant , nasal stuffiness , some individuals , especially small children can be allergic to dairy products and wheat which will also produce an inflammation of the mucus membranes leading the symptomsdescribed the persistant use of any histamines or nasal decongestions in hay fever or other allergies will thicken the mucus initially and may stop the symptoms but it can lead to blockage of the tiny ducts and actually bring about a sinus infection
A chronic discharge from the nose yellow or green occasionally tinged with loss of sense of smell or taste waiting of the eyes with loss of sense of smell or tate watering of the eyes with redness or swelling ove the sinuses facial pain on stooping , bending coughing or sneezing , soreness in the which occasionally may be located over the teeth
These remedies can be very helpful for sinusitis , but it may require the skilled help of a homeopathic practioners to identify the right one , the following guides may be helpful for to identify the right one the following guides may be helpful for self medication
Natrum mur ; catarrh with irritation
Kali bic ; catarrh with irritation of the nose
Pulsatilla yellow nasal discharge
Heparsulph face is tender and sensitive
Sumcus -stuffy bocked – up nose in children
Biochemic tissue salts these are biochemic tissue salts these are also useful
Kali sulph, Calcarea sulph and Natrum mur being the most commonly prescribed