Author: Prof. (Dr.) Goutam Das M. D. (Homoeopathy)
Assist by: Dr. Annu Patel B.H.M.S.
[Abstract: This article deals with the understanding of the concept of Miasmatic Diagnosis, on the light of the teaching of our Organon of Medicine & Homoeopathic Philosophy.]
Keywords: Miasmatic Diagnosis-necessity-pioneers views-identifications-at a glance-homoeopathic remedies-miasmatic identities.
Abbreviation: <= aggravation; > = amelioration; H = Hahnemann; K = Kent; KCB = K.C. Bhanja; P = Psora; Syco = Sycosis; Syph = Syphilis; Tuber = Tubercular.
Dr. Hahnemann stated that miasms are the reason of chronic illness and as an obstacle to cure, which he named Psora, Syphilis and Sycosis; either single or combined, makes the suffering as chronic. Cure cannot be affected unless the miasms inhabit the cure; even carefully selected medicines are failing.
Dr. H.A. Roberts views on Psora:
Dr. Roberts formulates a hypothesis that the Psora is a result of deficiency.
- The human body is constructed by elements with lower atomic weights like hydrogen to the highest iodine 53 and the highest atomic weight like radioactive substances, are destructive in nature to the human body.
- Hence, if a patient found lacking of one element, we can consider them as Psoric and supply of those elements for try to cure them.
- But, the emotional and psychological stress, are also seen as the breaking up of Psora, without any material deficiency. Then the hypothesis remains unanswered.
Comment of Hahnemann in relation to Psora, to the effect of unnatural or unhappy surroundings are extremely to the Vital Energy.
- In this modern industrial world we rarely find a patient who is free from emotional, economic stress, adulterated food, stored and canned food, and undue stress and strain.
- This emotional strain was considered as an important factor in developing Psoric conditions, the inability to release for the natural conditions and important functions demanded by the nature.
- Hustle and bustle take away our rhythmic, full deep breathing; the hurry trains and time clocks interfere too often with the excretory functions, the demand of the society leads us to suppress natural perspiration, anxiety over almost every item of our lives gets in its dangerous work and often deprives us of necessary yet certainly of chance moments of relaxation.
When we adopt the wrong living conditions, appalling plagues and seasons of famine, we develop a diseased tendency which Dr. Hahnemann called Psora.
- This tendency will continue to be until corrected through more healthy and natural ways of living plus the power of the potentised remedy to release suppressions and tune the maladjustments to order.
Dr. J.T. Kent’s views on Psora:
Dr. Kent says, Psora is the beginning of all physical sickness. Without Psora, Syphilis and Sycosis are not possible and even the acute disease would not have occurred.
- Psora is the primary disorder of the human race. If the human race would have remained in perfect order, Psora could not have existed.
- The ‘Spiritual Sickness’ is the first sickness of a man.
- If we consider Psora as synonymous with itch, we cannot understand the Psoric theory.
- Itch is one of the manifestations of Psora and not Psora itself.
The state of human race before the other two chronic miasms Syphilis and Sycosis, some sickness existed. Some state of disorder, which we call Psora.
- As long as man continued to respect the wise rules and regulations of nature, that is good behaviour towards his neighbours, he remained free from susceptibility to disease.
“As are the will and understanding, so will be the external man”.
- The internal man and the external man are interrelated and interdependent.
- The departure of man from the virtue and justice into evils and vice reflected on to the body in form of susceptibility to the disease that is Psora.
Psora is the result of false thinking of the human race.
- “Psora is but an outward manifestation of that which is prior in man”.
- “The human race of today is but little better than a moral leper”.
- “To put it in another way, everyone is Psoric”.
- Psora carries its effects from one generation to the other, so with generation susceptibility to it increases.
- The acarus, the causative parasite to itch is not prior to the itch eruption, but the Psora is the state prior to itch or acarus.
- Kent says, “It is the state that is prior, the itch is not prior”.
The will and understanding are prior to a man’s action.
- This is fundamental to beginning of disease process.
- “First there was thinking of false and willing evils, thinking of such false lead to deprived living, which was then followed by bad action”.
- “Thinking, willing and acting are the three things that make up the science of human race. Man thinkings, he wills and he acts”.
Thus, Psora is the mother of all miasms.
- When the original simple Psora has added to Syphilis and Sycosis, these progresses and have now affected a state which is more complex to cure and added with drug disease make it more complicated even as incurable miasmatic state in each and every patient.
Dr. H.A. Roberts views on Syphilis:
Dr. Roberts says, the analogy is that to the destructive tendency of Syphilitic miasm and the anti-syphilitic homoeopathic remedies.
- The substances which are used as pre-eminently syphilitic remedies are having the atomic weights of above 53.
- They are the elements with highest radio-active and destructive tendencies. The radio-activity is the heat evolving (exothermic) processes.
- Once this process is continued for a sufficient length of time, the original substance itself seems to change.
- The radio-active substances, without destroying themselves just as the syphilitic miasm, actually destroy living tissue.
This syphilitic stigma in turn is passed on to the next generations.
- The king of anti-syphilitic remedies “mercury” is a higher range of element.
- Osmium,iridium, platinum, aurum, plumbum, bismuth, radium and uranium are the other list.
- The law of similia is employing the destructive elements therapeutically in curing the destructive syphilitic miasm.
Dr. Kent’s views on Sycosis:
Dr. Kent says, there are two types of urethral infection; one is the simple and not contagious and the other is the specific and always contagious.
- The specific termed as the true gonorrhoeal inflammation which are two types acute and chronic.
- The acute specific urethral inflammation is due to the acute miasm having infection, prodromal, a period of progress and decline.
- But, the sycotic constitutional symptom does not follow the suppression of this acute miasm, and does not develop into the chronic state.
- The system is sufficiently vigorous in most cases to throw off the after effects.
The chronic specific type also has the same infection, 8 to 12 days of prodromal period, as like acute.
- But, when supressed, will developed into Sycotic miasmatic state.
Remedies to be selected in the same way like the other miasmatic diseases, by anamnesis, based on totality of symptoms and individualization.
- The anti-sycotic medicine when given on symptom similarity basis; can turn the progress of the disease backwards.
- For example; that a man with thick, yellowish-green discharge from the nose, after a dose of Calcarea, which is an anti-sycotic, the deepest in character, has his discharge brought back. This is the curative process of anti-sycotic remedy to bring out the suppressed disease.
The sycotic patient infects his partner only in that stage of the disease in which he is currently suffering.
- For example; at the time of marriage, if the husband is having primary symptoms of sycosis, he will infect his innocent wife with the primary manifestations only. On the contrary, if he is suffering from the secondary manifestations (very difficult to diagnosis), he can only infect the secondary state to his better half.
Ascertaining the Active Miasm:
A few questions to the patient and his replies of the answers help to identify the active miasm. Two questions for each are asked:
Psoric Miasm |
Question: |
Answer: |
Inference: |
1. Can you bear appetite? |
I have no appetite. |
Negative. |
I can bear appetite. |
Dormant. |
I cannot bear appetite. |
Positive. |
2. How do you want your food, bland or salty? |
Not particular. |
Negative. |
I prefer my food with correct amount of salt, just right. |
Dormant. |
I prefer my food with a little more salt and salty. |
Positive. |
Syphilitic Miasm |
Question: |
Answer: |
Inference: |
1. Do you want your food to be tasty? |
It can be any way, not particular. |
Negative. |
Perfect it to be just right. |
Dormant. |
Has to be testy, otherwise, I will not touch it. |
Positive. |
2. How do you want your food to be, hot and pungent? |
Not particular. |
Negative. |
I like my food, just right. |
Dormant. |
Food must be hot and pungent. |
Positive. |
Sycotic Miasm |
Question: |
Answer: |
Inference: |
1. Will you eat at any time? |
No. |
Negative. |
Whenever have appetite, I will eat. |
Dormant. |
I will eat whenever I have an opportunity. |
Positive. |
2. Do you desire, sweet or sour things? |
Not particular. |
Negative. |
Like each one. |
Dormant. |
Like both. |
Positive. |
Miasms at a glance:
Psora |
Put a tick. |
Syphilis |
Put a tick. |
Sycosis |
Put a tick. |
Can’t bear appetite. |
Can bear appetite. |
Not particular. |
Salt wanted. |
Pungent desire. |
Sweet; sour. |
Desire cold. |
Worm or hot. |
Not particular. |
There are two questions for each miasm and a close observation will show that the second question is a twist of the first one. The first question itself will help the homoeopathy to decide which miasm individually, or miasms jointly, is positive in the patient. The second question confirm us the decision.
SL. NO. |
1. |
-Intelligent. -Fearful. |
-Dull. -Idiotic. |
-Suspicious. -Jealous. -Cruel. |
2. |
Tissue Plane |
Functional Disorder |
-Degeneration. – Necrosis. |
-Proliferation. -Growth. |
3. |
Clinically |
-Itch Eruption |
-Cachexia. -Necrosis. -Ulceration. -Gangrene. |
-Figwort. -Growth. -Tumour. |
4. |
Modalities |
<Morning <Winter <Cold >Heat >In Summer |
<Night <Summer <Hot >Cold >In Winter |
<Evening <Damp cold <Fine weather >Neither cold or neither heat |
5. |
Past History |
-Recurrent attack of acute diseases |
-Suppress Psora -Malaria |
-Animal poisoning -Dissecting wound -Prolong suffering from acute or chronic diseases -Slow recovery from acute diseases |
6. |
Family History |
-Heart attack -Cerebral attack -Suicide -Leucoderma |
-Diabetes -Tuberculosis -Cancer |
7. |
Presenting Complaints |
-Intermittent nature |
-Always open type |
-Apparently well but slowly disease progressing |
Few homoeopathic remedies with miasmatic identity:
All the Anti-sycotic and Anti-syphilitic medicines are also Anti-psoric; but not equal in strength; the cases of Sycosis and Syphilis must begin with a deep acting Anti-psoric first, followed by as per the necessity and the demand of the patient, that’s the art of homoeopathic therapeutics to choice of the remedy.
Abrotanum P++ Syco++ Tuber++; Acetic acid P+ Tuber+(KCB); Aesculus hip. Syco+; Agaricus musc. P++(H) Syco++ Tuber++; Aloe soc. P+; Alumen P+ Syco+; Alumina P++(H) Syco++(+K) Tuber++; Ambra grisia P+; Ammonium carb. P++(H) Syco++ Tuber+; Ammonium mur. P+(H) Syco+; Anacardium P++(H) Syco+ Tuber+; Antimonium crud P++(H) Syco++(+K); Antim tart. P+ Syco+; Apis mell. P++ Syco++; Aranea Syco+; Antimoni Syco+; Argent met. P++ Syco++(+++K) Syph+; Argent. Cyanatum P++; Argent. Nit. P++ Syco++(+++K) Tuber+; Arnica mont. Syco+; Ars. alb. P+++(H) Syco++ Syph++ Tuber++; Ars. Iod. P+++ Syco+++ Syph+++ Tuber++; Ars. Sulph. flotus Syph++; Asteria rub. Syco++; Aurum met. P++(H) Syco++ Syph+++ Tuber+; Aurum mur. P+(H) Syco+ Syph+++; Aurum mur. Nah. Syph+++; Badiaga Tuber+; Barya carb. P++(H) Syco++ Syph++ Tuber+++; Baryta mur. P+ Syco+; Belladonna P+; Benzoicum acid P+ Syco+ Syph+ Tuber+; Berberis vulg. P+ Syco+; Bismuth Syco+ Syph+; Boracicum acid P+; Borax P++(H) Syco++; Bovista P+ Syco+; Bromium P+ Syco+; Brynia alb. Syco+; Bufo r. P++ Syco++ Tuber+; Caladium Syco+;Calc.carb. P++(H) Syco++ Tuber++; Calc. ars. P++ Syco++ Syph++ Tuber++; Calc. phos. P++ Syco+ Syph++ Tuber++; Calc. sulph. P++ Syco+ Syph++ Tuber++; Capsicum P++(H) Syco++(+K) Syph++ Tuber+++; Carbo. Veg. P++(H) Syco+ Syph++ Tuber++; Carbonium sulph. Syco+; Causticum P+++(H) Syco++ Syph+ Tuber++; Chamomilla Syco+; Cimicifuga rac. Syco++; Cina Syph++; Cinnabaris P++ Syco+ Syph++; Cistus P+ Tuber++; Clematis P+(H) Syco+ Syph++; Coccus cact. P+ Syco+; Colcheicum Syco++; Colocynthis P(H); Conium m. P++(H) Syco++(+K) Syph+(++K) Tuber+; Corallium rub. Syph+; Croralus har. P+++ Syco++ Syph+ Tuber+; Croton tig. P+; Cuprum met. P+(H); Digitalis P++(H) Syco++; Dulcamara P+(H) Syco++ Tuber+; Euphorbium P(H) Syco+; Euphrasia Syco+; Ferrum met. P++ Syco++ Tuber++; Ferrum phos. P+; Fluoricum acid. P++ Syco++ Syph+++(++K) Tuber++; Graphites P+++(H) Syco+++(++K) Syph+++ Tuber++; Guicam P(H) Syph+; Helleborus nig. Syco+; Hepar sulph. P+++(H) Syco+++(+K) Syph+++(++K) Tuber+; Hydrastis P+; Iodin P+++(H) Syco+++(++K) Syph++ Tuber++; Kali ars. Syph++; Kali bi. P++ Syco++ Syph++ Tuber+; Kali brom. P+ Syco+; Kali carb. P++(H) Syco++(+K) Syph++ Tuber++; Kali chl. Syph++; Kali iod. P++ Syco+++ Syph+++ Tuber+; Kali mur. Syco+; Kali nit. P+; Kali phos. P+Tuber+; Kali sulph. P+ Syco+++ Syph+++; Kreosotum P++ Syco++ Syph++ Tuber++; Lac can. P++ Syco++ Tuber++; Lac de. P+; Lachesis P+++ Syco+++(++K) Syph+++(++K) Tuber++; Ledum pal P+ Syph++; Lilium tig. Syco+; Lycopodium P+++(H) Syco+++(++K) Syph++ Tuber+++; Mag. Carb. P++(H) Syco++ Tuber++; Mag. Mur. P++(H) Syco++ Tuber++; Mag. Phos. P+; Manganum P+(H) Syco++ Tuber+; Medorrhinum P++ Syco+++ Syph++; Mercurius P++ Syco++(+K) Syph+++; Merc. Cor. Syco+ Syph+++; Merc. Iod. Syco+; Mez. P++(H) Syco+++(++K) Syph++; Mur. Acid P+(H) Syco+ Tuber+; Naja P++ Syco++ Tuber++; Nat. ars. P++ Syco++; Nat. carb. P++(H) Syco++; Nat. mur. P+++(H) Syco+++(++) Tuber++; Nat. sulph. P++ Syco+++ Syph+ Tuber++; Nit. Acid. P++(H) Syco+++ Syph+++ Tuber++; Opium P+ Syco+; Origanum P++; Ostrya Syph+; Petro. P++(H) Syco++(+K) Syph+; Phos. Acid. P+(H) Syco+ Syph++ Tuber++; Phos. P++(H) Syco++ Syph++ Tuber+++; Phytolacca P++ Syco++ Syph+++; Pichi P+ Syco+; Platinum P+(H) Syco+; Plumbum P+ Syco+; Podophyllum P+ Syco+; Psorinum P+++ Syco+++ Syph++ Tuber++; Pulsatilla P+ Syco+; Pyrogenium P+Syco+++ Syph++ Tuber++; Rananculus b. P+ Syco+; Rhododendorn P+ Syco+; Rhus tox. Syco+; Rumex c. P+ Tuber+; Ruta g. P++ Syco++; Radium P+ Syco+++ Syph+++ Tuber+; Sabina P+ Syco+; Sanguinaria P+ Syco+ Tuber+; Sanicula P++ Syco++ Tuber+++; Sarsaperilla P++(H) Syco+++ Syph++ Tuber++; Secali cor. P+++ Syco+(++K) Syph+; Selenum P++ Syco++; Senecio a. P+ Syco++ Tuber++; Senaga P+ Tuber++; Sepia P+++(H) Syco+++ Syph+ Tuber++; Silica P+++(H) Syco+++(++K) Syph++(+++K) Tuber+++; Spongia Tuber++; Stannum P+(H) Syco+ Syph++ Tuber++; Staphysagria P++ Syco+++ Syph++ Tuber++; Stillingia s. Syph+; Stramonium P+ Syph+++; Sulphur P+++(H) Syco++ Syph++ Tuber++; Sulph. Iod. Syph++; Sulph. Acid. P+(H) Syph+ Tuber+; Symphytum P+ Syco+ Syph+++ Tuber+; Tarentula cub. P++ Syco+++ Tuber+; Tarentula hisp. P+; Tellurium P+; Theridion P+; Thuja P++ Syco+++ Syph++ Tuber++; Thyroidinum P+; Tuberculinum P+++ Syco+++ Syph+++ Tuber+++; Vanolinum P+ Syco++ Tuber+; Veratrum alb. P+ Syco+; Zincum P+++(H) Syco+ Tuber+
1) Boericke W, Organon of Medicine; S.Hahnemann, translated by R.E.Dudgen; Indian edition, Calcutta, Roy Publishing House, 196
2) Hahnemann Dr. Samual, The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure; B. Jain Publication (P) Ltd., 1, Reprint Edition: 1998; BOOK CODE: B-2266
3) Dey S.P., Essentials of Principles and Practice of Homoeopathy; Published by: Dr. Mrs. Sabita Rani Dey, CJ-325, Sector II, Bidhan Nagar, Calcutta – 700091; November 2000
4) Kent JT, Lectures on Homoeopathic Philosophy; Memorial edition, B.Jain Publishers Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 1990 [2, 4]
5) Roberts HA, The Principles and Art of Cure by Homoeopathy; B.Jain Publishers Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 1992 [1, 3]
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8) Subramanian Raju, Miasms Their Effects on Human Organism; B.Jain Publishers Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, Revised & Augmented Edition: July 2001; ISBN 81-7021-1065-1; BOOK CODE BS-5512 [5]
About Author:
Prof. (Dr.) Goutam Das M.D. (Homoeopathy)
Dept. of Organon of Medicine, AJSHMC&RI, Mehsana, (Gujarat)
Faculty & Examiner (U.G. & P.G.), H.N.G. University, Patan, (Gujarat)
Ex. Academic Director & Principal In-Charge, NHMCH&RC, Agra (U.P.)
Ex. Examiner, Homoeopathy University, Jaipur, (Rajasthan)
Ex. Faculty & Examiner (U.G. & P.G.), Dr.B.R.A.University, Agra, (U.P.)
Ex. Faculty & Examiner JRN RVHMC, Deemed to be University, Udaipur, (Rajasthan)
Ex. Senior House Physician, PCHC&H, Kolkata (W.B.)
Assist by: Dr. Annu Patel B.H.M.S.
Board of Homoeopathic Medicine, Lucknow, Dept. of AYUSH, Govt. of U.P., & Dr.B.R.A. University, Agra (U.P.)
Ex. House Physician, JRN RVHMC, Deemed to be University, Udaipur, (Rajasthan)