Greek Island of Tinos, June 18th-23th 2024
Pelias Life in Balance

The 5th Advanced Seminar of Homeopathy invites and welcomes international participants at Tinos Island, on 18th -23rd June 2024.
During the Seminar days, participants will have the opportunity to interact with highly respected speakers and International Homeopathic Medical Doctors of high caliber. Homeopathic ideas and practices will be exchanged and discussed through high quality presentations, clinical cases and coordinated discussions.

Practicality, profound knowledge, emotion and long experience are shared among speakers and participants on the lively and wonderful island of Tinos. It is highly recommended that previous Homeopathic experience is required as well as familiarity with advanced Homeopathic terminology.
* Languages: Greek and English (with simultaneous translation) The seminar will take place at the “Pelias Life in Balance Holistic Recreation Center” from 18th to 23th June 2024.
Pelias LIFE IN BALANCE is a center built with love and care in the Cycladic way. The center offers creative and therapeutic activities for the body and soul. Pelias is built on a hillside overlooking the Aegean Sea, above the beautiful village of Kardiani. The village has been inhabited from ancient times as proven by burial sites from the geometric age. Today it is registered as a traditional Cycladic settlement. Pelias is located on the site of an old farm including a threshing floor and a dovecote, near a natural spring that supplies water to the village. The name of Pelias is derived from the word” pigeon house”.

1) Clinical Application of miasms
2) Methods of curing chronic diseases
3) Profiles and Personages of specific Homeopathic remedies (Life scenarios)

Aditya Pareek M.D.
Lefteris Tapakis M.D.
Andrea Flores M.D.
Kavita Chandak M.D.
Gustavo Cataldi M.D.
Constantine Tsitinides M.D.
“Get the understanding of the East and the knowledge of the West and then search” (Gurdjieff)

I am pleased as LHMI NVP of Greece to invite you to a very special International Seminar in a really sacred place in Greece (Island of Tinos) During the Medieval times of “Homo Universalis, the scientists were dealing with both scientific and art discipline (like Guru of knowledge).
In the era of A.I. The only way to keep our Homeopathic souls is to be united and focus on our Hahnemann ‘s principles!
This is a meeting that joins Homeopathy from East to West in a beautiful Greek island where we will try to initiate sincere communication, enhance and redirect previous experience to the future benefit of Homeopathy! And of course we will give space to innovative ideas and original thinking in our beloved science.
There will also be a teachers meeting to discuss and moderate our educational activities!
Our strength is our unity!
Ambrazo all
Constantine Tsitinides

Tuesday 18/6
18:00 – 20:00 Welcome ceremony, Registration
Wednesday 19/6
10:00-15:00 Aditya Pareek M.D.
“Homeopathy in the Management of Advanced Pathologies and Clinically Verified Small Remedies”
Thursday 20/6
10:00 – 10:40 Lefteris Tapakis M.D.
“The Art and Science of Homeopathy: Advanced Case Analysis with Vithoulkas Compass”
10:40 – 15:00 Andrea Flores M.D.
“Treatment of chronic diseases or Miasms. Theory and technique”
Friday 21/6
10:00 – 15:00 Kavita Chandak M.D.
“Clinical application of Miasms and success in challenging cases”
Saturday 22/6
10:00 – 15:00 Gustavo Cataldi M.D.
“From practice to theory or from theory to practice?”
Sunday 23/6
10:00 – 14:00 Constantine Tsitinides M.D.
“Mapped relationship and patterns of organization of certain Homeopathic remedies.
Life scenarios of some Homeopathic remedies (Lapis Lazuli Materia Medica) according to system theory in a complete pattern of interrelationships”.
Big policy with very small power
(Like the essence of our Homeopathic scientific Art!)
Officially invited (ZOOM or live) experienced Homeopathic colleagues
(Altunay Agaoglou, Bernardo Merizalde, Dora Patchova,Lisa Amerine, Natalia Tzima, Ashley Ross, Claudia Garn, Berhard Zauner,HHMS Board (President Dimosthenis Papamethodiou, Petros Garzonis,Vassilios Fotiadis, Spyridon Kyvellos, Leonidas Vellopoulos), Christos Rammenos, Evgenia Stratigaki, John Konstantaras and John Eleftheriades.

- President – Indian Society of Homeopathy
- Associate Professor – Faculty of Integrated Medicine, DEI University, Agra
- AUTHOR – Clinical Miasmatic Prescribing – book published by B. Jain publishers.
- Lecturer for GVS in Munich, Germany 2017, 2018, 2019
- Editorial Board – The Homeopathic Physician- LMHI Journal • International Working Group Member – LMHI, Germany
- Director and Consultant Physician – Pareek Hospital, Agra, India • Scientific committee member of WHD, Riga, Latvia 2023
- Scientific Coordinator, LMHI Congress, New Delhi, 2011
- Session chairman, LMHI Congress, Istanbul 2022
- Speaker at World Congress of LMHI 2014 in Paris for his original research work on Chronic Kidney Failure.
- Speaker at World Congress of FHA and LMHI in Buenos Aires, Argentina for his original research work on Homeopathic management of patients on Hemodialysis, 2016
- Speaker at LMHI Congress Cape town, South Africa, 2018 on Hepatitis B and Acute Myeloid Leukemia
- Speaker at LMHI Congress Sorrento, Italy, 2019 on Beurger’s disease and Ankylosing Spondylitis
- Speaker at University Hospital for Natural Medicine, Munich, Germany on Cardiology, 2017
- Speaker in Germany, France, Switzerland, Argentina and Russia • Invited by Government of UP (India) to address 5000 doctors on Covid Management during second Covid wave, April 2021
- Dr. Jugal Kishore Memorial Award 2016 by HED Society for Clinical Excellence.
- Dr B K Bose Memorial award by Indian Homeopathic Organization, 2018 3. Malati Allen Award – 2013 by West Bengal Homeopathic Association for Academic Excellence.
- Award by IIHP Delhi Unit for Academic excellence 2012
- Award by Delhi Homoeopathic Board for academic excellence 2012
Lefteris Tapakis was born in Cyprus. He graduated from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki’s Medical School in 2001.
He turned to homeopathy in 2003, advocating it as a very effective method for both treatment and prevention.
In 2006, he received his diploma from the International
Academy of Classical Homeopathy, led by George Vithoulkas, and furthered his education with a postgraduate degree from the University of the Aegean in “Holistic Alternative Therapeutic Systems – Classical Homeopathy”. He currently operates the OMIASIS homeopathic clinic in Chalandri.
Since 2009, Tapakis has been the homeopathic coordinator of project, a sophisticated software that aids homeopaths worldwide in case analysis and remedy selection through Expert Systems and Artificial Intelligence.
He is actively involved in the homeopathic community as a member of the Board of Directors of the Hellenic Society of Homeopathic Medicine, contributes to research within the European Homeopathic Community ECH, and is a member of the World Homeopathic Medical Association LMHI. Additionally, Tapakis is a longstanding member of the Athens Medical Association and has been a notable speaker at numerous conferences on homeopathy. Married with two children, he resides in Chalandri, Athens.
Homeopathic physician trained in medicine at the Faculty of Medicine of the National Autonomous University of Mexico. She did her medical internship at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Sao Paulo in Brazil. She studied the specialty and master’s degree in homeopathy at the Postgraduate School of Homeopathy in Mexico, founded by Dr. Proceso Sanchez Ortega.
She is a professor of Homeopathic Medical Lexicon and Homeopathic Doctrine and Organon at the Postgraduate School of Homeopathy of Mexico and is also a professor of Medical Parasitology at the Faculty of Medicine of the National Autonomous University of Mexico. She currently holds the position of Secretary of Publications of the Liga Medicorum Homoeopathica Internationalis LMHI.
Dr. Kavita is a passionate homeopath honored by three Golden Book of World Records for treating kidney disorders and success in a case of mucormycosis. She is an author, international trainer, speaker and promoter of homeopathy, specializing in autism, psychiatric disorders, kidney diseases and cancer.
Dr. Kavita is a passionate homeopath honored by three Golden Book of World Records for treating kidney disorders and success in a case of mucormycosis. She is an author, international trainer, speaker and promoter of homeopathy, specializing in autism, psychiatric disorders, kidney diseases and cancer. As an invited keynote speaker, she spoke in New Zealand, six Russian international conferences, Romania, Greece, JAHC 2023 and in 76th LMHI Colombia.
She authored eight books
- Health Vs Disease
- Homeopathic Guide for easy and busy practice
- Healing Woman with Homeopathy
- Homeopathy is fun; dedicate and learn!
- Homeopathy is Logic and Magic!
- OCD, hypochondriasis and depression- Homeopathy has the answer! 7. Psychiatric diseases- causes and cases
- Uncover the mystery of schizophrenia with different homeopathic approaches.
Online courses
How to Master Psychiatry
Womanhood –Solutions in all disorders including Cancer
Homeopathy and Autism – In and Out.
- Recipient of prestigious awards including the recent ‘Excellence in Homeopathy-2022” by
- Corona Warrior by NCCL
- Rewanand Swami Award by Gita Mandir Trust
- Best Thesis and First rank in PG HOM London
- Health Excellence given by Vice-President of Nepal
- Vaidyakiya Seva Ratna Samman by Sunrise Peace Mission • Bhartiya Chikitsak Samman
- ‘Women of the Year’ by Dainik Bhasker
- Outstanding Women” by Nagpur Mahila Club
• “International Health Excellence Award 2022 by • Next Generation Award 2023 by Lokmat Group.
Dr Gustavo Alberto Cataldi M. D.
- Presidente de la Liga MedicorumHomeopathica
Internationalis – LMHI (2019 – 2022)
- Director Escuela Médica Homeopática Argentina
“Tomás P. Paschero” (2004 – 2016)
- Director Escuela MédicaHomeopática Argentina
“Tomás P. Paschero” (2004 – 2016)
- Presidente Escuela MédicaHomeopática Argentina
“Tomás P. Paschero” (2022 – )
- Doctor in Medicine graduated in 1979 from Faculty of Medicine, Buenos
- Aires University (UBA). Magna cum laude.
- Doctor in Philosophy graduated in 2010 from Faculty of Philosophy, Buenos Aires University (UBA) Magna cum laude.
- He has several specializations: in Clinical Medicine, in Legal Medicine, and practiced Intensive Care Medicine at Churruca Hospital, from 1983 to 2000.
- Doctor of Homeopathy graduated in 1988 from Escuela Médica Homeopática Argentina“Tomás Pablo Paschero” (E.M.H.A.)
- Head teacher of Materia Medica in the 3rd year of the Regular Homeopathy Course at E.M.H.A. since 1999.
- Teacher in Universidad Candegabe de Homeopatía.
- He has taught lectures and seminars in Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Uruguay, Cuba, México, Turkey.
- He has been plenary speaker at Homeopathic Congresses in several National and International Congresses.
- Corresponding Member de la Glees Academy of Homeopathic Physicians (Germany)
- He has published many articles in National and International homeopathic magazines.
- Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal “Homeopatía de México”. • Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal “Revista de Homeopatía,”Associção Paulista de Homeopatía.
- Author of the book Encuentros y Despedidas – Conferencias y Reflexiones Sobre la Historia y el Estado Actual de la Homeopatía.
- Director of Escuela Médica Homeopática Argentina “Tomás Pablo Paschero” from 2004 to 2016.
- President of the 71° Liga Medicorum Homoeopathica Internationalis Congressthat was held in Buenos Aires in August 24 – 27, 2016. • National Vice-President for Argentina in Liga Medicorum Homoeopathica Internationalis from 2008 to 2012.
- Secretary for Education in Liga Medicorum Homoeopathica Internationalis 2013 to 2016.
- Prime Vice-President in Liga Medicorum Homoeopathica Internationalis 2016 to 2019.
- President in Liga Medicorum Homeopathica Internationalis 2019 to 2022. • President of Escuela Médica Homeopática Argentina “Tomás Pablo Paschero” since 2022.
Dr Constantine Tsitinides M.D.
- Tsitinides was born in 1962 in Veria, Greece.
He studied Medicine (Thessaloniki) in 1980-1986 and served as a Physician at the Hellenic Air Force for 27 consecutive years.
He completed the specialty of Radiology (Athens) and received post-graduate studies in Neuroradiology (MRA-CT) in UCSF (1996) – San Francisco.
He served as Registrar and Director of Computed Tomography at the 251 General Air Force Hospital.
Since 1980, he studies Homeopathic Medicine, initially having as Teacher Aristarchos Tsamaslidis and then George Vithoulkas.
He worked for several years (1990 – 2002) at the Athens Homeopathy Center, at Marousi (Vithoulka’s Center).
From 1998, he is a member of the Board of the Greek Society of Homeopathic Medicine where he held the position of the President from 2003 to 2015. Moreover, for 7 years he served as a Research Associate of the Aegean University (Syros – Ermoupoli) at the Master of Classical Homeopathy and Holistic Systems. Today, he manages a private practice in N. Psychiko – Athens in collaboration with other Homeopathic Physicians.
Also he is member of the board of Hellenic Homeopathic Medical Society and N.V.P. for Greece in LMHI (from 2008 to 2015).
For 30 years he teaches in HHMS lessons for students
Has participate in many HHMS seminars and summer schools
He organizes private seminars for the last 20 years
He participated in the last 10 Panhellenic Homeopathic Congresses He organized and was president of the 2023 Panhelenic Homeopathic Congress (24-26/11/2023 with international participation in Athens
He participated in 75th World Congress of Homeopathy (Istanbul 2022) ”Miasms in everyday practice”.
He also participated in all LMHI Congresses from 2000 (Berlin) Ultra-High Dilutions and Homeopathy: Can They be Explained without Non Local Theory? J. Almirantis, C. Tsitinides (Homeopathy 2018 paper 107:189– 195).
He has participated in many TV and radio programs about Homeopathy He is practicing Homeopathy for almost 40 years
Videos from seminars in English language:
Presentation – International free Webinar – TCM – Chakras energy centers Psychosis and Neurosis by Dr Kostas Tsitinidis
Homeopathy and psychological disorders

Vithoulkas Compass
Korres Naxos Apothecary
There will be a discount for students of the Hellenic Society of Homeopathic Medicine

There is a limited number of participants that can apply for the seminar. For participation, information and any other inquiries please email us at or or call us at
+30 210-6748566 or +30 6948043870 (Ms. Maria Alatsatianou)
Seminar Fees
Live Participation 250 Euros
Zoom Participation 200 Euros
Students 150 Euros (live or zoom)
Registration form
First name:
Last name:
Address / Country:
Email address:
Mobile number:
June is summertime in Tinos and you can take with you your swimming suits!

- You can fly to Athens and transfer to port of Rafina or Piraeus by bus, metro or taxi. Tinos is accessible from the ports of Piraeus and Rafina with a 2-hour minimum travel time by speedboat, in case you depart from Rafina.
- You can fly to Mykonos or Syros Island and then access Tinos by boat in 30minutes. There are direct connections between the islands; you will need to check the departure times.

It is highly recommended to book your hotel early as it is the beginning of the tourist season.
For your accommodation, we offer the following suggestions.
Chora (Tinos town) / Agios Ioannis Portos / Kionia
- Tinion Hotel:
- Porto Raphael Residences & Suites • Anthea Hotel:
- Anemos Hotel:
- Onar Studios:
- Favie Suzanne Hotel:
- Golden Beach Hotel & Apartments:
- Marathia Rooms:
- Paesino:
- Ninemia Suites:
- Vega Apartments:
- Porto Vidali Studio:
- Kellia:
Kardiani Village
- Villa Kardiani:
Tripotamos Village
- Crossroads Inn:
- Villa Tripotamos:
Agios Romanos Settlement/Community
- EnPlo Rental Rooms: http://www.e • Elia apartments:
Giannaki Settlement (Kardiani Beach)
- Village Bay:
4QYQPZsQi8OR2tqLpbgQKwS72583354081%3Apl%3Ata%3Ap1%3Ap2%3Aac%3Aap1t 1%3Aneg;sid=4117eb5ae0e69512d7df2a8344fd1b61;dcid=1;checkin=2015-09- 28;checkout=2015-09-
30;dist=0;group_adults=2;srfid=75a917ed280f6617426b58eb950ec979547f54bbX108;ty pe=total;ucfs=1&
Ysternia Village
- Kastega:
- Ydrousa:
Pyrgos Village
- Bouganville:
Kampos Village
- Villa Aerino I: • Villa AerinoΙΙ:
Car Rental
Jason cars: Tel. Numbers: +30 22830 24283, +30 6945493369 (Special discount for participants)

Pindou 2A, Neo Psichico Athens, Greece
Tel:+30 2106748566, +30 6948043870