Our knowledge of the endocrine remedies is as yet in a formative stage, but the therapeutic use of the ductless glands is steadily growing. We know more of the thyroid gland and of its therapeutic applications, than of any of the other ductless glands. Thyroid has received a careful homeopathic proving and certain features stand out prominently in its pathogenesis. Of these we have made use. In a general way it may be said and the statement is probably true, that in conditions of hypothyroidism the cruder doses or lowest potencies of Thyroidin are necessary; whereas in hyperthyroidism the reverse is true. The following cases will therefore be of instruction and interest.
Case 1: Mrs. B., a widow, age 39, gave a history of menorrhagia. Menses occurred every three weeks, were very profuse, clotted and lasted six or seven days. After the menses severe vertigo, weakness and attacks of syncope occurred. The general health was otherwise good. China had palliated immediate symptoms and Calcarea carb. had failed to cure. The patient was plump and inclined to easy perspiration.
Thyroidin 2x trituration, one tablet four times each day, was given and continued for several weeks, with general improvement. Later the 3x trit. was employed. Menstruation is now normal and is not followed by weakness or vertigo. In this patient, hypothyroidism was unquestionably present.
Case 2: Mrs. R., age about 40, during the past winter had two attacks of influenza and was under the excellent care of one of the members of this Association. Subject to diarrhea upon slight provocation, this had supervened upon the influenza and convalescence was tedious and most unsatisfactory.
Returning to New York the patient’s condition was now as follows:
Much flatus with stool; painful flatus; faintness follows stool; stools undigested and containing thick white mucus. Diarrhea worse mornings on rising. No thirst; tongue coated yellowish-white. Rheumatic pain in right hip and in right knee. Bad taste in mouth mornings. Fair appetite; no special desires. Sleep restless; lies awake a long time. Hair comes out profusely. Is losing weight. Great weakness. Is prostrated from the least exertion and must lie down. Feels faint and is very sensitive to least cold. During the influenza her menses were copious, as well as premature in appearance. Phosphorus has been her constitutional remedy. Thyroidin 2x trituration, one tablet four times each day, was given with very prompt and strikingly remarkable improvement in strength and general health. This patient was also, as in case 1, in a condition of acute hypothyroidism, a condition be it said, usually found during convalescence from severe or exhausting diseases. Clinically therefore, Thyroidin is related to such remedies as Calcarea carb., Kali carb., Iodine, Phosphorus and Silica.
Dr. Stearns: Was that Thyroidin from the whole gland?
Dr. Rabe: It was procured by us from Armour and is the desiccated thyroid gland of the sheep. Boericke and Tafel potentized it in accordance with our request, according to the U.S.P. making it one tenth and so on up.
Dr. Stearns: Did you observe that the symptoms were what Hahnemann described under psora? Endocrinologists claim that different sicknesses cause disturbances through one or the other of the three principal endocrines. It is possible that this corresponds to Hahnemann’s three miasms and may form the basis for a new classification of remedies.
Dr. Rabe: I may state that in the proving as I recall it some of the most valuable symptoms were brought out in the twelfth decimal potency. These are the preparations that Boericke and Tafel have prepared. The work has been absolutely empirical.
Dr. Stearns: How high a potency did you use?
Dr. Rabe: I have a potency of 30 and one of 200 by Dr. Garden of Texas. I cannot say that I have seen good results from using the higher potencies. In the case of a woman, I used the 30 with no results which leads me to believe that where there is condition of hypothyroidism, the cruder potencies are the best. If you have thyroid plus, then you will probably get good results in the higher.
Dr. Stearns: I have been treating a boy for nocturnal enuresis. Thyroid will sometimes help that condition. This boy not only wet the bed but wet himself during the day. I gave him Thyroid 3x with much benefit, though later the trouble returned. The pituitary gland is used for the same condition
Shared by Francis Treuherz
ABE, RUDOLPH FREDERICK, JR., Weehawken, New Jersey, was born in Hoboken, New Jersey, January 18, 1872, son of Rudolph Frederick and Elizabeth (Lusbie) Rabe, and is of English and German lineage. He attended successively the Hoboken Academy, Stevens high school, the Lawrenceville school, the Dwight school and Columbia College, at the latter spending two years in the arts department. He was for one year a student in the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Columbia College, and two years in the New York Homœopathic Medical College and Hospital, where he came to his degree in 1896. After graduation he went abroad and studied one year in the University of Berlin, Berlin, Germany, and upon his return in 1897 began the practice of his profession in New York city. In 1900 he removed to his present location. Dr. Rabe is lecturer on materia medica in his alma mater, the New York Homœopathic Medical College and Hospital, and was township physician and president of the board of health of Weehawken, serving two years in each office. He is a member and treasurer of the New Jersey State Homœopathic Medical Society ; member of the American Institute of Homœopathy, the International Hahnemannian Association, the New York Homœopathic Materia Medica Society, the Bayard Club, and a corresponding member of the New York County Homœopathic Medical Society. He married Carrie A. Meiners, May 6, 1896, and has two daughters, Edith M. Rabe and Helen E. Rabe.