This book is an attempt by the authors to cater to the needs of the young homeopaths primarily. It is ‘a record of over 200 difficult cases successfully treated gently and rapidly with homeopathic remedies’; offering practical experience to inspire confidence in practice. These cases have been collected from the experiences, books and journals bringing together the gems of knowledge of the legendary homeopaths – Dr Gunavante, Dr S P Koppikar, Dr KPS Bakshi, Dr S R Wadia, Dr P Sankaran, as well as stalwarts like Dr J T Kent, Dr J H Allen, Dr Adolf Lippe, Dr E A Farrington, Dr Margret Tyler, Dr Margerie Blackie, Dr Crompton Burnette, Dr C M Boger and many more.
The book has been aptly designed keeping in mind its utility. The first introductory section comprises the quick review of the homeopathic principles preparing the reader for the journey ahead, from the ‘principles to practice’ in the upcoming part of the book. Thereafter, the first part of the book begins with an instruction for the readers for working through this book. This section contains the description of the cases without the mention of the remedy prescribed. The second part of this book contains the ‘clues and solution’ to these cases. This includes the aspects like the method of approach, materia medica references used, rubrics selected, basis of selection of remedy, the prescription etc; at places these are left for the readers to find out giving appropriate hints. Thus we get to learn a lot of things from these cases. Rare remedies like Heloderma for which there are little references or not represented well in repertories, one can memorise well by going through these cases; after reading the case by Dr K P S Bakshi, I can never forget the action of Cina for epistaxis. The valuable practical tips given by the masters equip the doctors with the knowledge of approaching and analysing cases in practice. An index at the end gives the list of cases, the remedy prescribed and the prescriber for each case.
One chief advantage of having such a collection of cases and their explanation by the classical homeopaths is that it does not promote any fixed approach, no fixed pattern of prescribing; yet it teaches classical homeopathic practice in line with the homeopathic principles; be it keynote prescribing, repertorisation, acute or constitutional remedy, etc. This expands the view about case perceiving and management of various types of disease. The readers can learn to spot the keynotes, analysis of symptoms, converting symptoms to rubrics, the use of different repertories, comparison of remedies and much more.
These case examples are not just to be read passively, but readers have to be fully engaged to make the best use of this book, all set with the tools – repertories and materia medicas on your desk to solve the cases, yet there are no actual patients, but this book! Therefore, this book can be an excellent companion for students, interns and doctors for group study and learning. This book is as if attending the OPD with the stalwarts.
Julius Caesar has said, ‘Experience is the teacher of all things’. This book is suitably shaped for the inexperienced doctors and further enhancing the knowledge of experienced doctors for finding the curative remedies for different cases and thus propagating the amazing power of homeopathy for the ailing patients.