The Homoeopathic Medical Association of Telangana (HMAT) announced the dates for the ‘National Homeopathic Conference 2017’ at a press meet in Somajiguda on Monday. The announcement came from DrP Sampath Rao, President of HMAT who said, “The national-level conference will be at VishweshwaraiahBhavan in Khairatabad on August 26 and 27.”
Later, Dr Rao along with members of HMAT released the brochure for the conference. “We take this opportunity to inform that the conference would be attended by more than 550 delegates comprising of students, post-gradutes, interns and practitioners of homeopathy.We expect a positive response from you as we are sure the audience, homoeopaths from all over India would benefit hearing from learned and authentic speakers,” he said.
Member, Central Council of Homoepathy, Karnataka, Dean, Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Dr K Gopala Krishna, Convenor, Dr Siva Shankar Kunaapareddy the Advisor of HMAT, and organising secretaries Dr G Durgaprasad Rao, Dr K Sreenivasa Gupta and Dr Venugopal Gouriwere present.
The list of speakers includes Dr Khuda Bukhsh, who has more than 150 research papers on homoeopathy; Dr Sunirmal Sarkar, an expert in Materia Medica in the country; Dr Praveen Kumar, who has done some research on HIV in Hyderabad; Dr Praful Barvalia, who has done research on ADHD and Autism Spectrum Disorders and Dr Tapas Kundu, whose work on haemophilia with homeopathic remedies has won all round acclaim.