The course consists of lectures on Dr Samuel Hahnemann’s Organon, a variety of live cases (many with long follow-ups), the exacting process of case taking and the accurate evaluation and synthesis of the case, the differential diagnosis of remedies, comparative Materia Medica, and questions and answers by Prof. George Vithoulkas.
Most of the hours will be taught by Prof. George Vithoulkas and he will be assisted by Dr Atul Jaggi, Dr Dmitry Chabanov and Dr Nadezhda Kubasheva.
The course language is in English and there are simultaneous translations in Spanish, Russian and Romanian.
Teacher: Prof. George Vithoulkas
- 27/5/2019 to 5/6/2019
- The lectures start at 9.30 am and continue until 13.00 pm. After the lunch break, the lectures start at 17.00 pm and continue until 20.30 pm
More information:
Mrs Alexandra Issari,
Secretary of International Academy of Classical Homeopathy,
tel. +30 24240 65142,
email:[email protected]