Common name: Paghala Malli, Sad Tree
Bilious and obstinate remittent fever; sciatica; rheumatism. Constipation in children.
Mind: Anxious and restless.
Head: Dull headache.
Mouth: Tongue coated.
Stomach: Burning sensation, better cold applications. Bilious vomiting. Thirst. Nausea.
Abdomen: Tenderness of liver.
Stool: Constipation. Profuse, bilious stool (jaundice).
Fever: Thirst, before and during chill and heat; better by vomiting at end of chill; sweat not marked.
Dose: Tincture, drop doses.
Reference: New Manual of Homoeopathic Materia Medica & Repertory with Relationship of Remedies by William Boericke