Novel Coronavirus COVID-19 And Homoeopathy - homeopathy360

Novel Coronavirus COVID-19 And Homoeopathy

Authored by:
Dr Amarsinha Nikam

The Pandemic of COVID-19 expands aggressively all over and the impact can also be seen through the increasing number of infected patients around us.
All the medical services have been trying hard to overcome this mishap, but nobody is achieved the desirable outcome.
The natural and gentle way of homoeopathic healing helps they individual to recover his health without any side effect or harm. Homoeopathy is very helpful in such pandemic crisis.

Confusion about Genus Epidemicus:
Now we are going through a time, were different stalwarts are recommending different remedies, so their is a lot of confusion in all homoeopaths about Genus epidemicus.
During the epidemic of scarlet fever, after treating numerous patients Dr Samuel Hahnemann observed that patients with similar clinical presentation approached to him. After analysing he found ‘Belladonna‘ useful in curing those patients.According to Dr Hahnemann, this remedy could not only cure the patients but also used as a effective prophylactic medicine.
Thereafter, he termed this as ‘Genus epidemicus‘ in that epidemic situation.
The knowledge which is essential for enabling us to choose a most suitable homoeopathic remedy can only be obtained by complete survey of disease picture, of not only a single patient, but perfectly deducing it from several number of patients.After thoroughly individualized examination of each patient, only then can a homeopath, succeed in finding a suitable homoeopathic remedy.
Thus, the Genus Epidemicus can be only identified after studying the symptom picture of outbreak closely.
In the present scenario, WHO has declared COVID-19 as a pandemic disease.Even though homoeopathy can treat and control such viral outbreak, but Homoeopathic fraternity Is lacking in clinical trials for treating COVID-19.(Specifically in India with very few confirmed cases)
So as of now we can’t declare any remedy as a Genus epidemicus.
How Homoeopathy can Help?
As per the current available data on manifestation of corona virus, we can give Homoeopathic treatment and prophylaxis for it.‌
Symptoms of COVID-19 are:
• Dry cough
• Shortness of breath
• Fever
• Sore throat
• Headache
• Fatigue
• Bodyache and pain
• Diarrhoea
• Runny or stuffy nose
– Pneumonia
– Kidney Failure
– Sepsis
Above symptoms and complications clearly tells us about the severity and acute emergency of disease. So we should select the remedy which covers the similar pathophysiological state of disease.
Treatment in Homoeopathy:
As per my experience considering the totality of COVID-19, the most probable remedy is Naphthalinum 30C.
(Ref. Clarke’s Materia Medica)
• Acute High grade fever with cough.
• Respiration: laboured and irregular.
• Cough in incessant paroxysms almost arresting breath.
• Night cough preventing sleep.
• Cough with blue or purple face.
• Expectoration: free, thick, tenacious; almost absent.
• Cough in violent paroxysms compelling the patient to hold his head for the pain.
• Fever: Sudden onset of fever. 
• Headache.
(Note: It is not a Genus epidemicus)
Homoeopathic Prophylaxis:
The principles of Homoeopathy works on maintaining the Immunity of individual, so can be used as a effective prophylactic medicine. Homoeopathic prophylaxis includes selection of individualized remedy by considering the peculiar characters of a person.
Few General characters which should not missed out during selection are: Thermal, Thirst, Modalities, Sleep, Food agg, Desire, Aversion.
Some Remedies which can be consider:
Aconite, Antim.Tart, Arsenic, Ars.Iod, Belladonna, Bryonia, Camphora, Carb.Veg, Dulcamara, Drosera, Gelsemium, Hep.Sul, Kali.Bich, Kali.Carb, Mephitis, Merc, Merc I.R., Nux Vom, Phos, Puls, RhusTox, Rumex, Spongia, Stan.Met.
Potency selection:
Selection of potency should depend upon the factors which are:
– Suitable for all Age groups.
– Works in all susceptibility. 
– Do not show Homoeopathic aggravation.
– Has the capacity to work on acute severe conditions.
So considering these few things as per our experience 30C Potency which is medium potency and covering all possibilities.
(Note: It should be taken under the guidance and observation of Homoeopathic physician.)
Together we can.. and We will..
As there is No proper treatment for COVID-19, I request WHO to extend their research with the help of all pathies.
Homoeopathy is a science and art, so their is possibility of difference in remedies according to every homoeopath but to conquer on this worldwide crisis, we as a fraternity need to come together.We must keep a record of our treatment with proper evidence. And we should discuss this, work on it, takes the opinion of other Homeopaths about it, which would help us for further research as a prophylaxis and treatment.
Let the world know, Homoeopathy can be a Effective treatment for such crises.
As a homoeopath, we are not able to research upon this due less number of opportunities.

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Team Homeopathy 360

BHMS, MD (Hom.)