Pierre Fontaine (RSHom, CCH) is the author of One Heart, One Mind: Healing Autism and PANDAS, which describes individual cases of reversed autism.
NEW YORK, NEW YORK, UNITED STATES, April 13, 2017 : Autism is one of the great challenges facing modern families and it’s transforming families in every community. Today, Autism is treated more as a child’s identity than an illness, and parents all over the country are struggling to deal with its many effect.
While traditional medicine presently offers little hope for reversing Autism, there have been remarkable, some would say miraculous, developments in the field of homeopathy.
Pierre Fontaine (RSHom, CCH) of New York’s Homeopathic Services is the author of One Heart, One Mind: Healing Autism and PANDAS, which describes individual cases of reversed autism. The book offers families exactly what parents are seeking: Hope.
“A diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder is startling news for any parent,” says Fontaine. “When paired with homeopathy, Autism can be reversed.”
Homeopaths seek to heal the conditions–physically, mentally and emotionally–that allow for illness with homeopathic remedies meant to resonate with the condition rather than control it. With resonance, the illness should diminish and eventually subside.
“Homeopathy is a different paradigm–a healing paradigm–more in line with how we understand evolution,” explains Fontaine. “Life is not strictly a biochemical process. To only explore the molecular body is shortsighted. If we go further back, before the biochemical process, we have a far better chance for reversal and, ultimately, healing.”
“Don’t think of disease as the body doing something wrong,” Fontaine continues. “The body is doing the best it can under its own dynamic circumstances. Symptoms are merely the expression of the disease. As such, the body is actually speaking to us. The success of homeopathy is to listen to this language and recommend the appropriate remedy.”
In addition to his work with Autism, Fontaine is also exploring Alzheimer’s and Dementia. He finds there are many similarities between the two processes and homeopathic treatments can offer these patients hope as well.
“Homeopathy is the only modality that makes sense, with clean and delineated principles,” says Fontaine. “I find it to be perfect. The practice of it may not be, but the philosophy itself and its principles are perfect.”
CUTV News Radio will feature Pierre Fontaine in an interview with Jim Masters on April 17th at 1 pm EDT.