Dr Shilpi Rastogi
Professor and HOD
Dept. of Anatomy
Yenepoya Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital
Urolithiasis is the medical term used to describe stones occurring in the urinary tract. Urinary tract calculi had been shown to cripple human beings since antiquity. The earliest Sanskrit documents like Vedic hymns (2000-3000B.C) mention the existence of stone diseases as a major problem in India.
Hippocrates can be credited with being the first to theorize about etiological factors of urinary stones. Galen, the great Roman physician, wrote about stone formation and recognised factors as hereditary, race, climate, diet, drinking water, ingestion of alcohol, incidence of gout and rheumatism and metabolic abnormalities.
The miasmatic analysis of symptoms present in a patient of urolithiasis can be categorised according to the miasm as follows-
Clinical –
- Enuresis of functional origin
- Nephritis, pyelitis, cystitis and urethritis
Characteristics –
- Phosphaturia after febrile complications
- After fever and acute disease, the deposit of urine is white or yellowish white.
- Anuria or oliguria from fright, tension or becoming chilled.
Sensation –
- Sensation of fullness or feeling of constriction in the bladder.
- Smarting and burning in the urinary meatus or in the lumbar area, unrelated to any pathological cause.
Modalities –
- Aggravation from cold
- Amelioration from natural discharges like urination.
Concomitants –
- Anxiety, apprehension and fear of incurable diseases.
Urinary flow
- Stress incontinence
- There may be burning and smarting while urinating, resulting from acidic urine.
Kidneys –
- Fibrous changes in the kidneys.
- Pain in the kidney area with inflammation of functional origin, nephritis, pyelitis, cystitis and urethritis
Urine –
- Urine is generally dark but can also be yellowish or brownish.
Clinical –
- Nephroblastoma, tumours of kidneys, papillomas of bladder and nephritic syndrome, where oedema predominates.
- Renal calculi, calculus deposits in other parts of genito urinary tract.
Characteristics –
- Calculi and complications of diseases of genito- urinary tract
Sensations –
- Stitching and pulsating sensations with wandering pains.
Modalities –
- Aggravations in damp rainy weather and from changes of the season.
Concomitants –
- Diabetes, albuminuria.
Urinary flow –
- Urinary cramps and painful spasms affecting the urethra and bladder.
- There may be contraction of urethra and child screams while urinating.
- Scanty urination, but during the rainy season polyuria is characteristics.
- Frequent desire to urinate before a thunderstorm.
Kidneys –
- Renal calculi with stitching pain, which are wandering in character.
Urine –
- Yellow colour represents sycosis.
- Urine may have a fish – brine odour.
Clinical –
- Destructive and degenerative types of malignant tumours in the kidneys or bladder.
- Pyaemia with oozing of pus
- Stricture of urethra.
Characteristics –
- All advanced conditions of the kidneys and urinary tract, with pyogenic inflammation can be associated with structural and pathological changes.
Sensation –
- Burning and bursting sensations in the bladder or loin area.
Modalities –
- Aggravation at night, in summers and from warmth.
Concomitants –
- Depression, melancholia.
Urinary flow –
- Diminished flow and frequent desire to micturition with burning and irritation during the flow.
- Irritation and burning of the parts, wherever the urine touches.
Kidneys –
- Fibrous changes with destructive manifestation in the kidneys.
Urine –
- Red coloured urine with streaks of pus is characteristics.
Clinical –
- Enuresis, diabetes mellitus and diabetes insipidus
- Polyps and papilloma’s of bladder with haemorrhage.
Characteristics –
- Haematuria resulting from different manifestations of KUB
Sensation –
- Tickling sensation in the urethra is characteristic.
Modalities –
- Aggravation in night.
- Amelioration from the open air.
Concomitants –
- Restlessness, anxiety and weakness after micturition.
Urinary flow –
- Colourless and profuse urination.
- Involuntary urination in children.
Kidneys –
- Recurrent, intermittent and periodic renal spasm with bleeding, often noticed, particularly during the new and full moon.
Urine –
- Albuminuria and urine loaded with phosphate and sugar.
- Urine is pale, colourless and copious and offensive, musty and putrid, even carrion like odour may be present.
- Haematuria.