Pilonidal Sinus With Dysmenorrhoea Managed With Homoeopathy - homeopathy360

Pilonidal Sinus With Dysmenorrhoea Managed With Homoeopathy

Prof. (Dr) Goutam Das M.D, (Homoeopathy)

[Abstract: This article includes the clinical understanding of the teaching of our Organon of Medicine & Homoeopathic Philosophy that; whatever it maybe the name of the disease or the pathology, if the patient shows characteristic signs & symptoms of a particular medicine, that act as the specific remedy in that case. What is to be the similia, to restore the sick to health, & how it occurs (i.e. reverse pathology), to cure the case homoeopathically? And what is curable in disease and what is curative in medicines are also expressed in this article.]

A Pilonidal sinus is a small hole or tunnel in the skin. It may be filled with fluid or pus, causing the formation of a cyst or abscess. If occurs in the cleft at the top of the buttocks, causes severe pain and can often become infected. Other names, Sacro-coccygeal fistula.
Symptoms; pain, swelling, redness, drainage of fluid.
Treatment; commonly involves an operation; Pilonidal cystectomy to completely remove the cyst, along with the sinus tracts. (www.healthline.com)

23.08.2017 (Wednesday):

FEMALE, AGED 21 YEARS, came to my college OPD, with a history of  Pilonidal sinus for two years; after consulting with a Surgeon knowing  that operation is the treatment in this case. She also takes so-call Homoeopathic treatment but now one sinus became two and along with Dysmenorrhoea developed since last six months. Now, her presenting chief complaints are:

  1. Two sinuses at the top of the buttocks, sacro-coccygeal area having pain, swelling, redness, drainage of fluid, for last two years.
  2. Painful menses, first and second days, more profuse the flow, greater the suffering, for last six months.

Patient is chilly, easily affected by cold, but unable to cover her head even in winter; having backache from hip to hip with watery leucorrhoeal discharge few days just before and after menses; she is nervous, anxious, fearful about her illness due to jerking and cramping limbs during her menses and unable to sleep because, on the side she lie upon go to jerk and prevent her sleep.


Actea racemosa  200 / two doses with Sac. Lac.1; to be taken in empty stomach2, within 12 hours intervals.

2nd visit, 22.09.2017 (Friday), after 30 days from last visit :

Last menses became less painful, than previous. No change in sinuses.


Actea racemosa  200 / two doses with Sac. Lac.1; to be taken in empty stomach2, within 12 hours intervals.

3rd visit, 24.10.2017 (Tuesday), after 32 days from last visit:

Menstruation became less painful, than last. No change in sinuses. 7 days after taking 2nd doses of medicine, patient became experience of 3 days fever followed by 4 days watery diarrhoea, (Homoeopathic aggravation, as eliminating symptoms; no medicine required). Now she was well.


Actea racemosa  1M / two doses with Sac. Lac.1; to be taken in empty stomach2, within 24 hours intervals, twice morning.

4th visit, 25.01.2018 (Thursday), after 93 days from last visit :

She feels relief in her menstrual pain. Among two, last appearing sinus became dry, small in size, no pain, no swelling, no redness; but other first appearing sinus being reddish with  drainage of fluid till remain. 21 days after taking 3rd doses of medicine, patient became experience of 7 days profuse watery leucorrhoeal discharges, (Homoeopathic aggravation, as eliminating symptoms; no medicine required). Now she was well.


Actea racemosa  1M / two doses with Sac. Lac.1; to be taken in empty stomach2, within 24 hours intervals, twice morning.

5th visit, 22.02.2018 (Thursday), after 28 days from last visit:

No menstrual pain. Both the sinuses became dry, small in size, normal in skin colour.


Placebo 1M / two doses with Sac. Lac.1; to be taken in empty stomach2, within 24 hours intervals, twice morning.

6th visit, 14.03.2018 (Wednesday), after 20 days from last visit:

No menstrual pain. Both the sinuses became drier, smaller in size, and more normal in skin colour.


Placebo 1M / two doses with Sac. Lac.1; to be taken in empty stomach2, within 24 hours intervals, twice morning.


1)  No needs for further taking medicine until any new symptoms develop in this case.

2) Remember, that, every phenomena of a phenomenon is adjust in Individual’s body & mind (as cause & effects) according to heredity & acquire quality of an individual upon the life force as an one episode and throughout the biography of the  life there are so many episodes (layers) may developed and that one episode (layer) needs series of dose, potency, repetition of a single remedy or may  needs  series of remedies  to eradicate it (As per the rules of our “Second Prescription”, Repetition of the First Prescription and Change in the Second Prescription); that’s why,  long times follow up must be needed, for  simplify the case, to restore the sick to health, for the ideal of  cure.

After treatment, image of the patient. Two black spots are showing that both the sinuses became drier, smaller in size, and more normal in skin colour.

 [Abbreviation: Sac. Lac.1 means Sugar of Milk.]


Empty stomach2 means one or half hour before & after taking medicine as mention in THE CHRONIC DISEASES THEIR PECULIAR NATURE AND THEIR HOMOEOPATHIC CURE, BY DR SAMUAL HAHNEMANN, VOL-1;  paragraph 122, 123, page number 136, Indian Books & Periodicals Publishers, New Delhi – 110005, Reprint Edition: July 2009.]

Prof. (Dr.) Goutam Das M.D, (Homoeopathy)

Dept. of Organon of Medicine, Smt. AJSHMC&RI, Mehsana, Govt. of Gujarat – G. I. A Institution.

Ex. Academic Director & Principal In-Charge, NHMCH&RC, Agra (U.P.)

Ex. Examiner, Homoeopathy University, Jaipur, (Rajasthan)

Ex. Faculty & Examiner (U.G. & P.G.) Dr.B.R.A.Uneversity, Agra, (U.P.)

Ex. Faculty & Examiner JRN RVHMC, Deemed to be University, Udaipur, (Rajasthan)

Ex. Senior House Physician, PCHC&H, Kolkata (W.B.)

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