The inability to achieve a pregnancy may be caused by either partner and both should be investigated .
The causes of female infertility are numerous and range from congenital defects through the effects of illnesses to psychological problems . common physical causes are blockage of the fallopian tubes , which prevents the egg produced by the ovary from reaching the uterus (womb) , failure of the ovary to produce eggs , vaginal and uterine inflammations , and in some cases vaginal secretion which destroys or damages the male sperm . Anxiety and stress can be factors in the apparent inability to conceive (or indeed , caused by it ) so psychological help and counseling are important . The homoeopathic medicines listed below are satisfactory to begin treatment with , but deeper constitutional prescribing is usually necessary .
Great vaginal sensitivity , which may cause spasm and pain before intercourse .
Frequent mental depression which may be severe .
Head aches experienced nightly ………………………….aurum metallicum
White vaginal discharge that feels warm .
The menstrual period is often early , very profuse and painful with griping
Stomach pain extending to the back , plus nausea …….. borax
Heavy periods come too early and last too long
A milky white vaginal discharge
Increased sexual desire …………………………….. . calcarea cabonica
Intense vaginal irritation
Periods are offensive , dark and profuse
A thin acrid vaginal discharge ……………………… medorrhinum
Menstrual period is usually late and accompanied by a bearing down sensation
Vaginal discharge is irritating and offensive …………….natrum carbonicum
A dry vagina
Menstrual period is usually irregular and heavy
A thin , watery , burning , vaginal discharge
Bearing down pain that is worse in the morning …………natrum muriaticum
When there has been previous ovarian or fallopian tube inflammation
Constant tingling and irritation both internally externally
Vaginal spasm may make intercourse painful …………….platina
A sensation as if all the pelvic organs are dropping
Green-yellow vaginal discharge
Periods are late and scanty or early and heavy
Intercourse causes vaginal pain …………………………. sepia