BACKGROUND: This article tells us about importance of Homoeopathy in the treatment of Covid 19, and also gives us clear idea about the concept of miasm and micro-organisms and also how Homoeopathy helps in boosting the immunity.
METHODS: Various old literatures and previous journals about treatment of diseases and its philosophical background in relevance to Homoeopathy is reviewed and thus why Arsenic Album is selected as immune booster against Covid 19 is explained as per various authors in this article.
CONCLUSION: Helps the Homoeopath as well as common man to know the clearly about the role of Homoeopathy in treating Covid 19 and also answers the question why Arsenic Album is selected out of so many other remedies.
KEYWORDS: Covid 19, Miasm, Drug Disease, Arsenic album, Homeopathy
As we know that Homoeopathic system of medicine being a holistic system gives importance to individualization of patient & treats him as a whole. But it’s very important to know that our master “Hahnemann was the first to perceive and teach the parasitical nature of infection or contagious diseases and those kinds of diseases which are basically produced by drugs and unhygienic living”.1
From the above statement it’s clear that there is a hope from homoeopathy to treat Covid 19 cases but it’s also true that nobody can become a classical homoeopath without proper perception of the miasms.2
In today’s rapid stressful life man has forgotten himself completely and the polluted environment by man’s own sin has made his life difficult, because of this many diseases will arise like upper respiratory tract infections such as common cold, pharyngitis, laryngitis, croup, bacterial tracheitis, sinusitis, allergic rhinitis, tonsillitis and as well as the present Covid 19 the most devastating one in action.3
Respiratory infections are the most common infections and most frequent reasons for visits of patients to doctors. But the present scenario is taking us to new era of diseases and presently Covid 19 is the threat found to human mankind 4. While along with this other disease are a source of discomfort, disability and loss of time for most of adults.5
From the literature available we can say that Miasm of ancient period and bacteria and viruses of modern times are synonymous and it is said that only pathogens cannot produce diseases it’s their toxins which are actually liable for producing the disease2.
It was Dr Hahnemann’s teachings that the removal of the cause was the first step in the proper method of cure. This maybe rectification of diet, the removal of irritating substance i.e. pathogens or miasms, anything or everything that may peace the patient in the best possible relation for complete cure, which will take place when the incidence of cause is identified and then removed.
Now in this Covid crises also we can say that, the information given by our master to save ourselves from different kind of diseases hold good even today.
It is a fundamental fact that whoever tries to discover the truth independently in any field, finds the same result or closes to the same result as his predecessors have found. The same is true even in case of the miasms the basis of the chronic diseases as well as in today’s scenario of treating Covid cases .6
Hahnemann saw miasm as the patterns of response which one inherits. He, at that time, called it Psora, Sycotic and Syphilis. He also saw glimpses of one other miasm. It took J.H.Allen to name it Tubercular.7 He also says that our remedies only deal with miasms, not names of the diseases. The law of similar is only co-operative with that which disturbs life, not the organism as a part, and we have learned that the miasms are the persistent disturbers of life7
Thus, with regard to the above sentences we can clearly say that with the available symptomatology regarding Covid cases a totality can be made and then treat accordingly
It is pathogens which create the miasmatic state i.e. the pathogenic state or condition or diathesis. it is not the diathesis that produces miasms2.
In sec 5 he asserts that a fundamental cause of chronic disease is generally due to chronic miasm and acute disease is due to acute miasm 8. The miasm always make themselves known by the character of their symptoms
As there are countless reasons for environmental pollution, which contains numerous and various micro-organisms which is one of the factors responsible for many types of diseases they all have their own way of presenting themselves to the outer environment.
Thus, as there is symptom similarity, and we have our Materia medica which has similar types of drugs with symptom presentation and when we match the totality and prescribe accordingly, we can boost the immunity of the people around so that they can save themselves from Covid 19.
Arsenic album: Catarrh, with hoarseness, coryza and sleeplessness. Voice rough and hoarse. voice trembling or unequal at one time strong, at another weak. Tenacious mucus in the larynx and the chest. Respiration oppressed, anxious, short, labored breathing. Cough with expectoration of sanguineous mucus, sometimes with the burning heat over the whole body. Difficult expectoration, or scanty and frothy.
Bryonia: Stiches in the chest, when breathing or coughing. Inclination to cough as if from visid mucus afterwards pains as of excoriation, in the larynx, aggravated by speaking or by smoking tobacco. Cough mostly dry, excited by a tickling in the throat. cough seems to bruise the chest. heat and burning pain in the chest, anxiety and tightness. Sensation in the chest as if all there were detached and were falling into the abdomen.
Calcarea carbonica: Ulceration of the larynx. Ulceration of the lungs. frequent or long continued hoarseness. hoarseness which is painless. Sensation as if something were torn loose in the trachea. Tickling cough, caused by a sensation of dust in larynx. Short cough in the day. Cough in the evening, in bed or at night. Expectoration of purulent matter, on coughing. cough with expectoration of purulent matter on coughing9.
Lycopodium: crawling scraping in trachea, at night. Hoarseness with roughness and pain as from excoriation in chest, after speaking. Cough after drinking. Obstinate dry cough in morning. Cough when exercising arms and in open air
Nux vomica: Catarrhal hoarseness and painful roughness of larynx and chest < in morning or in bed, in evening with scraping in throat, accumulation of tenacious mucus, in which it is impossible to detach. the cough is dry in the evening and at night, expectoration during the day. whooping cough caused by a tickling in the throat. The dry cough becomes moist, and expectoration is established, when walking in open air. Sour taste of expectoration9.
Phosphorus: Hoarseness and scraping in throat, sometimes prolonged. Aphonia so as to be unable to speak except in a whisper. Expectoration of mucus from larynx. Cough excited by a tickling in chest at night, preventing sleep. Cough with shooting in throat and chest, sometimes only at night. Cough with purulent and salty expectoration. Greenish expectoration from cough.
Pulsatilla: Respiration accelerated, short and superficial or rattling and anxious. dyspnea as from spasmodic tension in the lower part of chest, below false ribs, tickling on sternum. Respiration impeded, shortness of breath, acute suppuration of the lungs – shootings in chest and in sides, principally at night and when lying down9.
Rhus toxicodendron: Hoarseness and roughness of throat, with a sensation of rawness in chest, sensation of coldness in throat on taking an inspiration. Tendency to be chocked when swallowing. Burning exhalation from larynx, sensation of constriction in throat pit after a short walk, dry fatiguing cough, cough with vomiting of blood. cough after walking in morning10 AM.10
Tuberculinum: Decided effect in laryngeal cases, mostly beneficial, larynx markedly affected, inflammatory, swelling and ulceration. General infiltration of mucous membrane of the larynx, cough and sputa- irritating cough, secretion of phlegm in morning, in night cough with viscid mucus and extreme rapidity of respirations without dyspnea, little cough in night with aching in side and bloody sputum11.
Finally, in homoeopathy the totality of the symptoms written out carefully is all that we know of the internal nature of sickness. Then the proper administration of the similar remedy will constitute the art of healing12 and constructing the totality as per the data available plays a crucial role in selecting the remedy13 so each case of Covid 19 cases can also be treated in its individual way with most appropriate homoeopathic remedy. As of now as per the study done it is said that the best suiting remedy based on symptoms is Arsenic album
1) Close stuart, The genius of homoeopathy, Indian books and periodicals publishers New Delhi, Page: 95
2) Choudhary Harimohan, Indications of miasm, B.Jain publisher’s pvt. ltd page 3,75,76,89
3) Eccles MP, Grimshaw JM, Johnston M; et al. (2007). “Applying psychological theories to evidence-based clinical practice: Identifying factors predictive of managing upper respiratory tract infections without antibiotics” Wikipedia- accessed on 21-9-2017
4) Eishman A, Elias J, Fishman J et al, eds. Eishman’s Pulmonary Diseases and Disorders New York NY: Mc Graw Hill page 1937.
5) Park k, Parks’ Textbook of Preventive and Social Medicine, 22ndn edition, M15 Banarsidas Bhanot publishers, Jabalpur page 157-159.
6) Mamagin S.K: Tubercular miasm National Journal of Homoeopathy,2002 May/June vol 4, No 3- page-152
7) Dilip Dixit: Tubercular miasm An Understanding, National Journal Of Homoeopathy ,2002 May/June vol 4, No 3
8) Sarkar B.K. Hahnemann’s Organon of Medicine. Delhi, Birla publications pvt. ltd page 116 and 160
9) Clark J H, A dictionary of practical materia medica, volume 1. New Delhi, B.Jain publisher’s pvt. page-23,41.
10) Clark J H, A dictionary of practical materia medica, volume 2. New Delhi, B.Jain publisher’s pvt. page-23,41.
11) Clark J H, A dictionary of practical materia medica, volume 3. New Delhi, B.Jain publisher’s pvt. page-23,41.
12) accessed on 12-1-2018
13) Dhawle M.L. ICR Symposium Volume on Hahnemannian totality. Symposium council –Bombay. PART II -1994. AREA A, B. p. B49, 50, 24, 25, 5-8
14) cited on 09-06-2020