Homoeopathic Treatment for Allergic Diseases, Symptoms & Types

Homoeopathic Treatment For Common Allergic Diseases

Allergy is an abnormal individual hyper sensitivity to substances . that of are ordinarily harmless for example the pollen of plants is general harmless at many people are  actually sensitive to its presence in the atmosphere . the hyper and abnormally sensitive state of a person is called allergy

Dr Samuel Hahnemann in his orga non  5th edition aphorism 117 has called it idosyncracy  and gives the example .’ some person are apt to paint from the ‘smell of roses ‘. The agent provoking an allergic reaction called an allergen ., the most common allergents are pollens animal hair foods drugs and contact allergies  allergies commonly effect the respiratory passages and the skin although other areas as the digestive tracckt , nervous system joints , kidnies and blood vessels are not e\accepted . theye are types of allergies exogenic of external and endogen or internal.

Some persons Hahnemann in his organon 5th edition aphorism 117 has called it idiosyncracy and gives the example

Some persons are apt to faint from the smell of roses , the agent provoking an allergic reaction is called an allermnen , the most common allergens are pollens animal hair foods , drugs and contact allergens , allergies commonly affect the respiratory passages and the skin , although other areas as the digestive tract ,  nervous system , joints , kidneys and blood vessels are not excepted , there are types of allergies of external and  exogenic or internal

Exo  geninc allegy  is called by any of the varius sllergens is taken as exogenic and therefore various tests such as patch test on the skin are done and the tests such as patch test on the skin are done and the tests such as patch test on the skin are doneand the patient is finally advised to avoid scores of things to which he shows sensitivity

Tonsils and adenoids

Tonsils are like two sentinels of the throat , adenoids are masses of jmphatic tissue in the throat , adenoids are masses of lymphatic tissue in the throat and back of the nose , both tonsils and adenoids serve to fight and collect microorganisms from entering the chest through the throat and in the process often get enlarged , it is an erroneous idea that their surgical removal decreases the individuals susceptibility to catch infection , experience shows that such susceptibility to catch infection , experience shows and the allergic patients suffer from allergy all the more specially in diseases like sinusitis , allergic rhinitis and bronchial  asthma

Remedies useful for tonsils are usually equally useful for adenoids also , these include bary]ta carb . colophylum , belladonna , hephar sulph , silicea , merc sol , phytolacca   apis mellifica , lachesis , a rsenic album

2. Sinusitis

This information of one or more of the paranasal sinusitis , often occurs  during an upper respiratory infection , but it can also be due some allergy treatment of sinusitis of sinusitis should be directed towards the cause of disease through classic homoeopathic treatment

Chronic catarrah and sinusitis

The lining of the nose , throat , sinus , cavities and upper part of the lungs (trachea , larynx and bronchia)

Contains small mucus glands  that secrete a watery substance which helps to lubricate the airways and protect us from infection and pullutants that may be included

If the secretions are too productive , or if they become thick and infected , the common symptoms of a runny  a cough or even a temperature and facial pain can occur the sinuses are hollowed –out cavities ( four parts )in the bones of the face which normally contain air and which are lined by mucus membranes the mucus normally flows between the nose and the sinuses through little openings and ducts , if these become blocked , neither air nor mucus can flow between the nose and the sinuses , through little openings and ducts , if these become blocked , neither air nor mucus can flow and infection can set in leading to sinusitis infections , allergies  air pollutants , smoking and stuffy office

The major causes of chronic catarrh , that can lead to sinusitis , infections , allergies , air pollutants , smoking and stuffy buildings ( which can lead to a condition known as sick building syndrome )cold viruses and influenza are the commonest cause of opisodic catterh , but allergies , especially to pollen (hay fever ) or house –dust mites can lead to persistant nasal stuffiness , some individuals , especially small chidren will also produce an inflammation of the mucus membranes

Leading to the symptoms descried , the  persistent use of anti histemens or nasal decongestant in hay fever or other allergens will thicken the mucus initially and may stop the symptoms , but it can lead to blockage of the iny ducts and actually bring about a sinus infection

A chronic discharge fro m the nose yellow or green occasionally tinged with loss of sense of smell or taste watering of the eyes with rednesss or suelling over the sinuses facial pain on stooping , bending , coughing or sneezing , soreness in the face which occasionally may be located over the teeth

Homeopathic medicine s

These remedies can be very helpful for sinusitis but it may require the skilled help of a homeopathic practioner to identify the righ one of the following guides may be helpful for self production

Natrum mur – catarrh runny , like egg white

Kali bic – catarrh is stingy and yellow

Hydrastis – continual

Chronic catttrh and sinusitis

The lungs of the nose , throat , sinus , cavities and a upper part of the lungs (trachea , larynx and broanch )

Contains small mucus glands that secrete a watery substance (mucus ) which helps to lubricate the airways which helps to lubricate the airways and protect us from infection and pollutants that may be inhaled , if the secretions are too pollutants that may inhaled if the secretions , nose a bloated and stuffed –up feeling together with a cough or even a temperature and facial pain can occur or even a temperature and facial pain can occur the sinuses are hollowed –out cavities (four pairs ) in the bones of the face which normally contain air and which are lined by mucus membranes the mucus normally flows between the nose and the sinuses membranes the mucus normally flows between the nose and the sinuses through little openings and ducts , if these become blocked , neither air nor mucus can can flow

Allergic rhinitis

It occurs continuosly or intermittently due to exposure to more or less ever present allergens , marked by sudden attacks of sneezing swelling of the nasal mucosa with profuse watery discharge , itching of the eyes and lachrimation , it is also called non-seasonal or pererinal hay  fever , commonly used remedies for this condition are all-c , gels , nux vom used remedies for this condition are

This condition , so common in the spring and summer months is neither caused by hay fever nor does it result in fever

It is in ollen which is released by plants in spring and summer , it produces the chrecterstics symptoms of an itchy , runny nose , red , sore a sore , itchy threat , occasionally it will give

fact , an allergic reaction to psensation in the mouth and a sore , ltchy , threat , occasionally it will give rise to asthma , hay fever or seasonal allergic , rhinitis is the result of an allergic response to pollens ,released into the air by grasses , trees and flowering , plants , the pollen is trapped in the hairy linings of the nose and sinuses is trapped in the cells in the lining of the respiratory tract to release histmobe , lining of respiratory tract and causes the cells in the lining of the respiratory tract to release histamine and other chemicals , which produce the symptoms described above the common pollens include these of timothy

grass , rye grass , mugabt and the beech plane and elder trees , symptoms , can also be caused by house and feathers or cats and dogs fur , hay fever can occur at any age but seems to be particularly common among young adults , it does seen to run in families and some people will only experience the sym[toms daring specific time of flowering like all allergic conditions it can be made worse by stress and external tension

chronic catarrh and sinusitis

the lining of the nose , throat , sinus , cavities and upper part of the lungs (trachea , lrynx and branch) contains smell mucus glands that secrete a watery substance (mucus ) which helps to lubricate the airways and protect us from infection and pollutants that may bay be inhahaled if the secretions are two productive , or , if they become thick , a blocked and stuffed –up feeling , together , with a cough or even a temterature and facial pain can occur the sinusus  are hollowed =out cavities (four parts )  in the bones of the face which normally contain air and which lined by mucus membranes , the mucus normally flows between the nose and sinuses through little openings and ducts , if these become blocked , neither air nor mucus can flow and infection can set in leding to dull pain (face , forehead or nose )together with a temterature  the major causes of chronic catarrhthat can lead to sinusitis infections , sllergies air pollutants , smoking and stuffy office buildings (which can lead to a condition known as sick building )(which can lead to a condition known as sick building syndrome) cold virus and influenza are the commonest cause of episodic , catarrh but allergies , especially  to pollen ( hay fever ) or house –dust mites can lead to persisistant nasal stuffiness , some individuals especially small children  can be allergic to dairy produces and wheat  which will also produce an infection of the mucous membranes leading to the symptoms , described the persistant use of anti –histaminics or nasal decongestants in hay fever or other allegies will thicken the mucus initially and may stop the symptoms ,, but it can lead to blockage sssa sinus infection

A chronic discharge from the nose – yellow organon occasionally tinged with loss of sense of smell or taste watering of the eyes with redness or smell or taste watering of the eyes with redness or swelling over the sinuses , facial pein on stooping , bending , coughing or sneezing , soreness in the face which occasionally may be located over the teeth

Homeopathic medicines

These remedies be very helpful or sinusitis  but it may require the skilled help of a homeopathic practioner to identify the righ one the following guides may be helpful for self medication

Nat-mur –cattarh , runny like white

Kali-bichrom  -cattrah is stingy and yellow

Hydrastis –continual  post nasal drip

Graphites  chronic cattrh with irritation of the nose

Pulsatilla –yellow nasal discharge

Hepar sulph –face is tender and sensitive

Sumbucus –sniffy blocked –upnose in children , biochemic tissue salts these are also useful

Kali sulph and calcarea sulph and natrum sulph being the commonly prescribed

Dietary changes – avoid mucus –producing funds – dairy products including eggs , white flour  sugar chocolate drink plenty of spring water or fresh juices

These are as prescribed above can be worse at particular times of day or during certain weather conditions they are very depending on the amount of pollen present in the atmosphere and pollen counts issued by meteriolises during summer months can be helpful in indoors attimes of high pollen rations

Prevention and self help

Keep a dietry of your symptoms and try to identify the casual

Stay indoors during high pollen times kepping doors and windows shut

And smelling fresh of lowers , mowing , the lawn , dusty atmospheres was sunglasses to reduce irritation of the eyes and apply a damp towel over face and eyes during the allergic season bathe your eyes regularly with cold water by using an eye bath

Nasal washes will remove pollen trapped in the nose to trap throats , smear a little vasceline around the nose to trap pollen and wear a nose and mouth mask when venturing , pollen and wear a nose and mouth mask pollen and wear a nose and mouth

Remove pollen vacuum and dust your home frequently remove pollen , vacuum and dust your home frequently remove pollen , vacuum and dust your home frequently during pollen season , inhale through a hand kerchief after impregnating it with a few drops of the essential oils of hyssop or fennel when symptoms are trouble some  use smell lumps of honey comb as chewing trouble some  use small lumps of honey comb chewing trouble some  use small lumps of honey comb as chewing trouble some  the hay fever season , taking pollen tablets or gum during the hay fever  season , taking pollen tablets or gum during the hay fever  season , taking pollen tablets or gum during the hay fever season graind of Arizona pollen helps to reduce the likely hood of hay fever

About the author

Dr B.S Suvarna

Dr. (mrs) B.S.SUVARNA, B.A, D.I.HOM (LOND), M.I.H, Ph.D.(ITALY) (gold medalist)
HOMOEO PHYSICIAN. PGDPC (USA) psychotherapy&counselling
(Associate Editor-homoeopathic horizon, e-journal)
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