- Abstract- osteoarthritis is common disorder nowadays, in old aged person. lots of people suffering from this disorder.
- Introduction
- Osteoarthritis is major cause of pain and disability in older people.
- It is characterised by focal loss of articular cartilage, subchondral osteosclerosis, osteophyte formation at joint margin and remodeling of joint countor with enlargement of affected joints.
- Keywords
- Genetic
– skeletal dysplasia
-polygenic inheritance
- Obesity
- Trauma
- Hormonal
– oestrogen deficiency
-aromatase inhibitor
- Repetitive loading- farmers, miners, Elite athletes
- Developmental abnormalities
Pathogenesis - Degeneration of articular cartilage is defining feature of O.A
- In normal circumstances chondrocytes are terminally differentiated cells but in O.A they start dividing to produce nest of metabolically activated cells, after that this cells accelerate degradation of major structural components of cartilage matrix including aggracans and type 2 collagen.
- Concentration of agrrecans in cartilage matrix falls and makes the cartilage vulnerable to load bearing injuries that causes localised chondrocytes death and decrease cartilage thickness.
- Fibrocartilage is produce at joint margin which undergoes endochondral ossification to form osteophytes, bone remodeling and cartilage thinning.
- Synovium in O.A is hyperplastic and inflammatory changes occur,outer capsule also thikken and contract.
Clinical features - Pain in affected joint
- Morning stiffness
- Restricted movement due to capsular thickening and blocking by osteophyte formation.
- Bony swelling around joint margin.
- Muscle weakness.
- Homeopathic remedy
- Joint stiff and feverish.
- Pain worse at night.
- Cannot bear to have it touched.
- Can hardly walk.
- Oedematous swelling and coldness of legs and feet.
- Tearing pain in limbs during warm weather, stinging during cold.
RHUSTOX - Hot, painful swelling of joint.
- Pain tearing in tendon ligament and fascia.
- Cold fresh air is not tolerated.
- Worse cold damp weather, at night cold after overwork.
- Limb stiff and paralysed.
CAUSTICUM - Cannot walk without suffering.
- Cracking and tention in knees, stiffness in hollow of knee.
- Contracted tendon
- Burning,rheumatic tingling in limbs.
- Better by warmth specially heat of bed.
Conclusion- osteoarthritis is common problem now days this article is very useful for understanding riskfactor, pathogenesis,clinical feature and homeopathic management of O.A
Davidson’s principles and practice of medicine
Pocket manual of homeopathic materia Medica and repertory by Willium borieck
Authored by
4th BHMS
Ahmedabad homeopathic medical college.