List of bach flower remedies, how to use bach flower remedies

Bach Flower Remedies Closely Related To Homoeopathy

The bach remedies are closely related or analogous to homoeopathic remedies although they are they are not prepared in potencies bach is announced [ do not say bark as nora weeks who was his faith ful assistant and successor for over 40 years would plead ] Dr.Edward Bach [1886-1936] practiced bacteriologist and homoeopath for more than 16 years in London , before he gave up his homoeopathic practice in 1030 and settled in England for a more natural method of treatment which as he explained ,requires nothing to be destroyed or altered He came to the conclusion that disease was not primarily due to physical causes , but to deeper disharmony with in the patient

That distress of mind , such as fear worry , anxiety , impatience , so deplete the vitality of the individual ,that the body loses its natural resistance to diseases and is then vulnerable to resistance to infection or any form of illness , with the help of infection or any form of illness . with the help infection or any form of illness with the help of the healing properties of the wild flowers of the country side ,he found the sufferer could gain strength to overcome his or her anxieties ,fears and depressions . Dr.Bach had previously gained fame for his work with Dr. Paterson in introducing the bowel nosodes which are now an important part of the homoeopathic material medica.

Dr.Bach’s own interpretation of the action of these remedies was expressed as follows:

The action of these remedies is to raise our vibrations and open our channel’s for the reception of the spiritual self to flood our natures with the particular virtue we need and wash out from us the fault that is causing us harm , there is no true healing unless there is a change in-out look , peace of mind and inner happiness .his theory was that all disease are of the mental origin and they are , thus prescribed the basis of mental indications only

He developed 38 remedies , prepared from fresh flowers , trees and special waters ,each remedy is associated with a specific set of emotions

The remedies are as follows –the key symptoms are the most characteristic symptoms when energy is blocked and the energy of the flower is needed and therefore they enable diagnosis .

Remedy and symptoms
1] Agrimony  conceding torturing thoughts inner restlessness

2] aspen ; inexplicable vague fears , apprehension

3] beech ; critical attitude ,arrogance , intolerance

4] century ; week willed

5] cerato; lacking confidence

6] cherry plum ; fear of loosing one’s mind , uncontrolled temper

7] chestnut bud ;repetition of faults

8] chicory ; possessesiveness excessive interfering over critical

9] clematis ; day dreamer ,being fat away

10] eim; temporary feeling of inadequacy

12] gentin ;skeptical , doubting pessimistic

13]gorse ; hoplessness , despair

14] healthier ; self centred

15] holly ;holly ; jealousy , distrust

16]honey suckle; living in the past

17] horn beam; weariness , mental exhaustion

18] impatiens ; impatient ,irritable tense

19] larch; lack of self confidence , irritable tense

20] mimulus; shyness timidity , fears

21] mustard gloom , melancholia

22] oak ; fighting spirit , never gives up

23] olive complete exhaustion , physical and mental fatigue

24]; pine ; self reproach , guilty feelings , despondency

25] red chestnut ; excessive concern and worry over others 26] rock rose ; fear terror panic

27] rock water ; strict , rigid views , inflexible

28]scleranthus ; indecisive , erratic , changing moods

29] star of bethlem ; after effects of fright

30] sweet chestnut ; absolute dejection , reaching limit of endurance

31] verrain ; over enthusiastic , highly sprung

32] vine ; dominating , inflexible wantinting power

33];walnut ; difficulty in adjusting to situations

34] water violet ; feeling of superiority in isolation

35] white chest nut ; unwanted thoughts difficult to dispel

36] wild oat ; unsure ambitions

37] wild rose ; apathy , resignation

38] willow unspoken resemtment , bitterness

Bach remedy as it is often called ,is in fact a combination of five Bach remedies and it is best known , it is a first aid treatment for emergency situations whilst waiting for medical assistance .for example traumatic situations , after a family row witnessing an an accident or before an operation

Rescue remedy is twice the strength “`of the other 38 remedies .
The constituents of rescue remedy:

Star of Bethlem – trauma , numbness ,terror ,panic

Rock Rose – terror, panic

Impatients – irritability tension

Cherry Plum – fear of losing control

Clemants – tendency to pass out

About the author

Dr B.S Suvarna

Dr. (mrs) B.S.SUVARNA, B.A, D.I.HOM (LOND), M.I.H, Ph.D.(ITALY) (gold medalist)
HOMOEO PHYSICIAN. PGDPC (USA) psychotherapy&counselling
(Associate Editor-homoeopathic horizon, e-journal)
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