Ministry of Ayush Recruitment 2022 for various post for National Commission for Homoeopathy
Total vacancy : 7
Applicants must be less than 65 years of age as on closing date of receipt of applications.
A candidate applying for more than one position will have to fill separate Proforma for each position.
Duly filled application in the prescribed proforma along with attested / self attested copies of all relevant certificates should be sent to the following address: Secretary, Ministry of Ayush, AYUSH Bhawan, B-Block, GPO Complex, INA, New Delhi, 110023, super-scribing on the envelope “Application for the Post of …………….(respective post) in the National Commission for Homoeopathy”.
Last date : 14.8.2022
1. Member (accreditation expert) of Medical Assessment and Rating Board for Homoeopathy under National Commission for Homoeopathy (NCH) in the Level-14 of the pay matrix (Rs.144200-218200/-).
Vacancy : 1
2, Member (quality assurance/ public health/ law/ /patient advocacy) of Board of Ethics and Registration for Homoeopathy (BERH) under National Commission for Homoeopathy (NCH) in the Level-14 of the pay matrix (Rs.144200-218200/-).
Vaccny : 1
3. Members of Autonomous Boards of National Commission for Homoeopathy (NCH) in the Level-14 of the pay matrix (Rs.144200-218200/-).
Vacancy : 4
4.Part-time Member of National Commission for Homoeopathy (NCH). The part-time Members of the Commission shall be entitled to a sitting fee of five thousand rupees for each day of sitting of the Commission.
Vacancy : 1