This book is one of that book in which I found something new from other authors and about cancer.
In this book the author Eli G. Jones has tried the reader aware how can one look up the cases of cancer, how good should we have to be to diagnose such a case and how good we have to treat it. He has put on his own sentiments and wrote literally from his heart as if he could feel the pain of the patient suffering from cancer and who are misdiagnosed.
This book contains 301 pages and is divided into 20 sections with a summary like index in the last. From section 1 to 20 he has systematically described each aspect of cancer from its cause to its possible treatment which he could come across in his practice.
Section 1 is wholly about the cause in which he has mainly described the things causing irritation and becoming the cause of cancer.
Section 2 and 3 highlights the drawback of surgical and radiotherapy and chemotherapies which increases the manifestation of cancer and cause irreversible damage to the human body.
Section 4 explains about new and old medical treatment and their principle considering the disease local in one and constitutional or blood disease in other. Here he also explains the stalwarts he worked with in treating especially cancer.
Section 5 gives us an idea about diagnosis of cancer which could be made by merely seeing his vitals and explains various signs by which correct diagnosis can be made even without using different investigation method
Section 6 is all about taking cases explaining every minuteness about vitals, sign, symptoms, and also explaining what he observed.
Section 7 makes a very interesting topic that is diet of cancer patient in which you could find what to give and what not to give.
Section 8 is about medicated bath and the author has laid emphasis especially on this bath and even used it as a part of treatment.
Section 9 he has given some cases which he treated successfully and what did he use
Section 10 explained the remedies which had curative action on cancer.
Section 11 deals about the local treatment
Section 12 -20 are different cancer with their remedies used
Negative point about is that in his cases he hasn’t taken it homoeopathically and mixed several remedies or things which have medicinal properties in them which according to my opinion is not correct but wouldn’t criticize it as he shared what he has got success which a wise men does.
Rest kudos to the author for sharing his immense knowledge in the field which is very less explored.
About Reviewer
Dr Naman Garg