President Droupadi Murmu attended the last day of the three-day Pravasi Bharatiya Sammelan organised in In-dore on Tuesday. During this, Dr AK Dwivedi, a sen-ior homoeopathic physician from Indore and member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Central Council for Homeopathic Research, Ministry of AYUSH (Gov-ernment of India) called on the Honourable President. Dr Dwivedi informed the President that he has been treating sickle cell anaemia, aplastic anaemia, thalassemia and other serious diseases for a long time with homoeo-pathic medicine. Patients of these serious diseases are getting relief to a great extent from homoeopathic medicines. During the dis-cussion, the President very patiently listened to Dr Dwivedi’s detailed descrip-tion of homoeopathic med-icine and its treatment. During the meeting, Dr Dwivedi requested the President that a Holistic Health Centre should be established in our country, and if possible this centre should be established in Indore. It should be estab-lished so that diseases which cannot be treated by one medical method, can be treated holistically us-ing different methods. The President assured Dr Dwivedi that she would send the suggestion and letter given by him to the Health Department.