The book ‘Essentials of Boger’s Principles & Practice of Homoeopathy” by Prof.Dr. Shashi Kant Tiwari is a valuable gift in a compact form to the Homoeopathic field. Prof.(Dr.) Shashi Kant Tiwari is a famous name in homoeopathy in India and in abroad. Prof. Dr. Tiwari, Teacher of the Teachers and writer of several books, a renowned homoeopathic clinician. B. Jain Publishers ( P) Ltd. in general and Mr. Manish Jain in particular have done a great work by publishing the book in clear eye soothing printing.
This book is a compilation of essential unattended literatures in the form of lectures, case analysis, prescriptions and discussions with contemporary stalwarts during the life time of Dr. Cyrus Maxwell Boger. Dr. Boger’s concept was closer to Hahnemann and Boenninghausen rather than J.T. Kent.
The book consists of sixty six chapters with preface, short life history of Dr. Boger. There are various clinical cases with valuable discussions. From the very 1st chapter the writer has described Homoeopathy in true sense with some fundamental concepts keeping in mind the advancement of modern medicine. As a science Homoeopathy is not always the same as modern medicine. Microscopist often fails to know the person or image as a whole but only a part.
In describing the education, the way we are taught in college and the we practice – there is a gap, the closer the gap, better will be the fate of Homoeopathy and there is a clear guideline to minimise the gap. Different philosophical aspects and different laws in relation to clinical practice are discussed in the own style of Dr. Boger which is unique. There is an important information regarding the hints of Randomised Control trial (RCT) where Dr. Gross compares the effect of high potency of Veretrum album upon flies at the same time using control experiments with unmedicated pellets.
Homoeopathy is also very much effective in animals as illustrated by various veterinary surgeons. The spelling of 64th chapter ‘Gymnacladus’ is to be ‘Gymnocladus’. How to deal with Paediatric cases are lucidly analysed in a few chapters. Various diseases and pathology from the standpoint of Homoeopathy are very helpful in clinical practice.
By studying this book new practitioners will find a way to go forward and the experienced clinicians will know the cause of failures and how to solve and both of them will be enriched in theory and practice of Homoeopathy. This book will definitely help the students particularly the post graduate students and PhD scholars.
Prof.(Dr.)Subhasish Ganguly.
HOD, Organon of Medicine
D.N.De Hom Med College & Hospital, Kolkata, Govt.of West Bengal.
More than 22 yrs of Teaching experience and 28 yrs of clinical experience.
PhD and M.D.( Hom) Guide of West Bengal University of Health Sciences.
Author of various publications and Research articles in different Pear Reviewed journals.

Title: Essentials of Boger’s Principles & Practice of Homeopathy
ISBN: 9788131928219
Imprint: B.Jain Regular
Language: English
Pages: 326