Stalwarts’ Segment: Samuel Swan
Born: 1814
Died: 1893
After getting acquainted with Dr G A Ulrich they together successfully treated many cases of yellow fever in Alabama. He completed his studies at Homeopathic Medical College of Pennsylvania under Hering, Lippe, and Guernsey. Dr. Swan became a member of the International Hahnemannian Association (IHA) in 1881, but his interest in and use of nosodes and preparation of extremely high potencies estranged him from some members of that body. Among the remedies that Dr. Swan introduced and/or proved were: Syphilinum, Lac caninum, Vaccininum, Variolinum, Tuberculinum, and Chloral hydrate. Dr. Swan’s work with high potencies continued until he was severely poisoned by preparing potencies of a Japanese varnish, which eventually led to his death three years later in 1893.
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