Abstract: Compositae is a big family which is widely distributed throughout the world. Though we know there are many remedies in this family but along with this there are some rare remedies also which we can prescribe if we know their indications well. So in this article the indications of some of the rare remedies of compositae family are discussed.
Keywords: rare, remedies, compositae, family.
Introduction: Composite or daisy or sunflower family is also known as ASTERACAE. There are about 60 remedies of this family mentioned in our materia medica, some being well proved and some partially. It is one of the large families widely distributed throughout world consisting of most highly evolved dicotyledonous plants. They are approximately 1620 genera and 23,600 species and 13 subfamilies.1
These plants react strongly to the sunrays because they open as soon as the sun appears, hence also called “sunflower” family.1
This family have wide spectrum of remedies and are grouped mostly as per their prominent sphere of action into six groups. 1
ACTIVE PRINCIPLES 1: These constituents are present different proportion in different species in different parts of plants. Because of these specific constituents they exhibit certain physiological and toxicological actions. These plants are known to have stimulant, vulnerary stomachic, anti – helminthic, tonic, and astringent anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, narcotic diaphoretic, emmenogogue properties. Active principles such as alantic, thuyone, anthol, borneol, absinthin, pyrethrin, cyanin and many more are found in the family.
- Mind
- Joints
- Brain
- Muscle and soft connective tissues
- Kidney
- Glands- Breast
- Skin
- Blood
- Liver
- Mucous membranes
- Female reproductive system
Also known as ragweed and hog weed, prepared from tincture of fresh flower heads and young shoots.
A remedy for hay-fever, LACHRYMATION and INTOLERABLE ITCHING OF THE EYE-LIDS. Watery coryza; sneezing; NOSEBLEED. Stuffed up feeling of nose, head and whole length of respiratory tract. It is also indicated for some forms of whooping-cough, diarrhoea and dysentery especially during summer months.
Also known as roman chamomile, used domestically in the form of a tea made of the flowers. It is very well indicated for gastric affections and in ascarides. This remedy is akin to the ordinary Chamomilla. Gastric disturbances with coldness. Sensitive to cold air and cold things. Aching in region of liver; griping and CHILLINESS INSIDE OF ABDOMEN and into legs. Itching of anus, with white putty-like stools.
It also acts well in cases of coryza with much lachrymation, sneezing, and discharge of clear water from the nose which aggravates indoors, associated with Constriction and rawness of throat.
Known as kukshima. It is prepared from tincture of leaves. A remedy indicated for bleeding haemorrhoids. Stools with good quantity of blood. Abdomen- bubo.
Also known as Puka Pukaor Bushman’s friend. It is prepared from Tincture of green leaves and flowers.
This remedy is clinically indicated in cases of bright disease, dysmenorrhoea and in writer’s cramp.
FLUTTERING SENSATION is the keynote of this remedy. Kidney and bladder symptoms predominate. It Produces symptoms of albuminuria and causes pressure in neck of bladder; urging to urinate. Sense of swashing in bladder. Soreness in urethra; feeling as if urine could not be retained. Urine contains mucous corpuscles and epithelium, albumen and casts.
During dysmenorrhoea feeling as if something rolling about with fluttering sensation in region of ovary.
Cramp in fingers, thumb, and wrist when writing; soreness extending along flexor carpi ulnaris.
Also known as Cnicusbenedictus or Centaureabenedicta. Prepared from tincture of whole plant when in flower.
It is indicated in cases of amaurosis, diarrhoea. eyes affections, Fever, headache. Joints affections, varicosis, vision affections.
The proving of Card-ben. shows a strong action on the eyes: twitchings, and disturbance of vision, flickerings, muscaevolitantes
Burning is a symptom which runs through the proving. There is a bitter burning in the stomach, as if it were much deranged, burning in hands after sweat, burning in the arms on exerting them. There is disordered taste, dysphagia, yawning and hiccough, cutting pains in abdomen, vomiting and diarrhoea. The respiratory sphere is strongly affected and there is pain and contractive sensation in the trachea with hoarseness. Inspired air feels cold.
Also known as Sunflower. Prepared from Tincture of mature flower heads. Tincture of ripe seeds.
It is a good remedy in old cases of intermittent fever. Coryza, catarrh, nasal haemorrhage and thick scabs in nose. Rheumatic pain in left knee. Vomiting, black stools, congestion and dryness of mouth and pharynx, redness and heat of skin. Symptoms aggravated by heat and relieved by vomiting. Spleen remedy. Dry mouth. Externally, as a vulnerary like Arnica montana and Calendula officinalis.
Also known as scabwort. Prepared from a mucous membrane medicine. Bearing-down sensations in pelvic organs and bronchial symptoms are most marked. Substernal pain. Diabetes.
There is vertigo on stooping; throbbing after eating, pressure in temples and forehead. Dry cough; worse at night and lying down; larynx painful. Chronic bronchitis; cough, with much thick expectoration, with languor and weak digestion. It is palliative in tubercular laryngitis. Menses too early and painful. Labour-like pains; urging to stool; dragging in genitals, with violent backache. Itching of legs during menses, chattering of teeth from cold during menstruation. Frequent urging to urinate; passes only in drops.
Also known as nipplewort. Prepared from tincture or infusion of whole fresh plant.
As the common name of Lapsana would imply, it is a popular remedy for sore nipples, a decoction of it being used as a lotion for that purpose. Cooper has published documents in proof of its efficiency in piles. Cooper has confirmed the power of Lapsana over piles, using single doses of the Ø tincture. A prompt diuretic.
Also known as Rattlesnake root-White lettuce.
This remedy is similar to Lactuca virosa, (chronic diarrhoea, worse after eating, nights and towards morning. Pain in abdomen and rectum; emaciation. Constipation and somnolence; susceptible to aura of others. Dyspepsia, with acid burning eructation. Craving for acid food. Leucorrhoea with throbbing in uterus).
Also known as bitter-broom. Prepared from tincture of the dry plant. Trituration or solution of the alkaloid, parthenia.
A Cuban remedy for fevers, especially malarial. Increased flow of milk. It is useful in Amenorrhea and general debility. Cheyne-Stokes breathing. After quinine. Aches, extending to nose; feels swelled; pain in frontal eminence. Eyes heavy; eyeballs ache. Aching in teeth. Teeth feel on edge; too long. Disordered vision. Tinnitus and pain in ears.There is pain in left hypochondrium. Spleen affections.Worse, after sleep, sudden motion. Better, after rising, and walking about.
It is also known as Silphium laciniatum, which is proved by Hale.
The leaves of this plant, when they first come up, present their faces uniformly north and south; later on, when the leaves become heavy, the winds carry them in different directions. It is used in various forms of asthma and chronic bronchitis where there is cough with expectoration which is profuse, stringy, frothy, light-coloured. The cough is excited by sense of mucus rattling in chest and worse by drafts of air with constriction of lungs and Desire to hawk and scrape throat. There is catarrh of bladder. In bowel system there is dysentery where the attack is preceded by constipated stools covered with white mucus.
It is also known as Tansy which are deep-yellow button-like flowers. Action – tan.
relieves pain in the bladder and dysuria where urination is just by drops.
Tansy has an action on the female generative organs and a large proportion of
the observations with it have been on women who have taken it to procure
abortion (Senecio). It is also used as a vermifuge.
Hale has mentioned curing amenorrhoea, dysmenorrhoea, menorrhagia, uterine cramps, and metritis with tansy. Suddenness is a characteristic of a number of the symptoms. Peculiar Sensations which could be witnessed are: as if something closed the ears very suddenly, his own voice sounds strange in his ears, as though arms and legs are suddenly swollen, sensation like a thrill all through body.
Modalities – the symptoms are < at night, and at 4 a.m.
Mental fatigue, nausea and vertigo, worse in a closed room. Pain in bowels; relieved by stool.
It is also known as Common Coltsfoot, British Herb Tobacco. It is used to this day in the form of a confection for coughs. The leaves are mucilaginous and were much used in scrofulous affections. Smoking the dried leaves relieves coughs (Cooper). It has also a popular reputation in gonorrhœa.
It is also known as Petasites fragrans. It was proved by Demesnes by taking three drops of the Ø tincture on the tongue. What was seen in proving – stoutness increased, and plethora was added, later the abdominal protuberance permanently disappeared. A Peculiar Sensation was induced as if a morsel of food lay at the bottom of the cardia and would not pass. Acidity in oesophagus like heartburn, > after dinner. Transient headache as after spirituous liquors. Dryness of eyes when looking in open air, compelling to wink.
Mentally the drug shows complaining mood, is fault-finding; spiteful (after a few hours). Serenity, benevolence, calmness, increased power of mind and expression (fifth to tenth day).
It is also known as Petasites vulgaris. Tussilago means “cough-wort”, Tussilago grows on river-banks that are little trodden on. “The roots are an admirable medicine in the worst kind of fevers with boils or buboes”
Kuchenmeister and five others took substantial doses through which we get the most noticeable symptoms which are – a lumbago of very great severity, tightness of the chest. A headache shifting from one part of the head to another during two days. Acute or chronic gonorrhœa, yellow or white, thick discharge. Crawling in urethra. A urethritis, with yellow discharge. Drawing in right testis. Erections, with urethral crawling. Pain in spermatic cord.
Perspiration – Morning sweat. Sweat at night; profuse.
It is also known as Xanthoxyllum americanum or yellow wood. It is a left sided remedy. Tendency to haemorrhages where blood does not coagulate. The condition of haemophilia is also seen there. Female system highlight pain in the anterior parts of the thighs. Cramps in the anterior part of the thighs before menses. Painful dysmenorrhoea, no relief in any position. Amenorrhoea from getting feet wet with headache and extreme nervousness. Sensation as if stepping on wool in the extremities. Pain in the cervical and lumbar region extending to thighs. Pain in the lower jaw and left side of the face. Sciatica worse in hot weather. After pains with violent pains in the lower abdomen and loins extending down to thighs.
Rare medicines are required as management during acute stages as well as one sided presentation of any disease conditions. Clinical verification studies on rare drugs will help to increase the symptomatology of these rare medicines and also develop a firm belief on clinical effectiveness of the same in day to day practice. Also, these drugs can be used by the students for conducting clinical researches at our outdoor patient department.
- Patil J.D. Group Study in Homoeopathic Materia Medica. B. Jain publishers; 2018.
- Boericke W. Pocket Manual of Homoeopathic Materia Medica & Repertory: Comprising of the Characteristic and Guiding Symptoms of All Remedies (clinical and Pathogenetic) Including Indian Drugs. B. Jain publishers; 2002.
- Clarke J. A dictionary of Practical Materia Medica. B. Jain publishers; 2012.
About the authors-
Dr Sonal Pihal, PG Scholar, Department of Materia Medica, Bakson Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital
Dr Aditi Srivastava, PG Scholar, Department of Materia Medica, Bakson Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital
Dr Tuba Pasha, PG Scholar, Department of Materia Medica, Bakson Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital
Dr Neha Gupta, PG Scholar, Department of Materia Medica, Bakson Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital