It’s not fun being an Aurum individual. Why?

It’s not fun being an Aurum individual. Why?



An AURUM METALLICUM individual is honest, responsible, intelligent, ambitious, trustworthy, fastidious, honourable and high esteem person. Even though they have all these qualities, it’s not fun being an Aurummetallicum individual. When they cannot fullfill these qualities, the delusion state takes over by blaming themselves for whatever have happened. This article is an attempt to take you through the life events that have occurred in a person’s life which made him to be an Aurummetallicum individual.

Keywords: Personality, Aurummetallicum, Gold, Responsiblility, Ambitious, Suicidal, Depression


Dr Jan Scholten is the one who introduced the relationship between homoeopathy and periodic table. According to the periodic table,Aurummetallicumi.e., Gold comes in the 6th row and Dr Jan Scholten named this row as the Golden series and the main theme of this row is power, leadership, politics, responsibility. As a result, they have a constant threat to loss of this power and high position.

Since the beginning of discovery of gold, its popularity has spread worldwide in a short time.People started using gold in many forms and styles. Even it is used as a ‘golden rule’, gold medal, gold trophy. Gold is considered as a symbol achievement, success, stability and solid value.


  • Angular shaped
  • Gaunt face
  • Stiff facial features
  • Dark haired
  • Knobby nose


  • There is a strong syphilitic trait. They are undeveloped child, by size and weight. Most of them are males
  • The child suffers from an undescended testis, a poorly developed scrotum. The child is slow in developing satisfactorily
  • So, the Aurum child always gives an impression of lifeless, low spirited, where there is absolute lack of boyish go
  • In school they are backward and has poor memory.
  • Children who grow under strict parents, who have been brought up through punishment
  • Pleases parents for fear of rejection, which makes them hard working
  • Becomes more hardworking and responsible, wants to be at the top
  • At work, very focused, irritable, strict, rigid, tense
  • Overdo things leads to exhaustion and never good enough feeling
  • The rigidity and tension is shown on the physical level as hyperaemia of most susceptible areas such as blood, heart, lungs, nose, testes and skin followed by induration and degeneration of these tissues
  • Degeneration and destruction at the level of bone, skin and blood.
  • Necrosis, arterio-sclerosis, malignancy in old age
  • Syphilitic tendency shows itself from birth to old age, who are weak and weary of life


The sensitive heart


  • Often the parents were very exacting, expecting the child to excel at school, or at whatever they were good at.
  •  parents reward the child when he succeeds, and punish him whenever he does not fulfil their expectations.
  • They are very sensitive to criticism. They feel that they have not pleased them, or they are not loved by them.
  • As a result, they learn to do their best at all times
  • Hence, there will be a life long struggle to be seen as successful person.


  • Inaccessible in terms of relationship, as he fears opening up to a partner, might open up all the emotional hurt he had experienced in his childhood
  • one of the loneliest of constitutional types.
  • Romantic relationship: once the Aurummetallicum person feels that he is ready for a relationship, he falls in love thinking that he has another chance of being loved for himself and hence of healing the wounds within.
  • As a father: if his relationship turns out well and if he is able to open up to his partner then he becomes a very good father and a good family person
  • He will also become a devoted father in many cases, and will strive to avoid the mistakes that his parents made.
  • Partner is adjusting and understanding, Aurum would enjoy their company
  • They somewhat turn to be more of a dominating type of personality
  • In a way that they want to hear their voice everyday
  • If the partner does not find this dominating nature very comfortable and refuses to love him back
  • It reminds them of the same ‘neglect’ feeling felt by them as a child.
  • They burst out in anger now and then


Survival is achievement of goals.

  • He almost destroys himself in trying to achieve these goals, because if he does not achieve them, he gets the feeling of failure, guilt and despair of salvation.
  • In Aurum the feeling is that the person must perform tasks which are impossible or much beyond his capacity.
  • He is afraid of losing the confidence of others and of himself. He has a feeling that he may fall down from this high position.This can make him suicidal
  • In his work he is very meticulous, careful about even the smallest of things
  • He is a perfectionist, will work late, check the last file, count the last penny.
  • He is duty conscious and will never rest until he has completed the day’s work.
  • He is very much trusted and valued by his employer and colleagues, since he is extremely hard-working, highly responsible and honest.
  • He does not seek money, power or fame. He is happy to have done his duty
  • He values appreciation, but that is not the aim of his work
  • Kali carb- very similar to Aurum, very focused and robot like at work but not very exact with his employees.


  • Aurum- became ambitious as a reaction to parental pressure
  • In order to compensate for lack of self-worth that he feels deep inside his heart
  • If we compare it with Nux vomica, Nux is a natural leader, a born achiever,full ofself-confidence and No self-doubts.


  • A controlled man – never shows anger or sadness in front of others
  • Least spontaneous of all constitutional types.


  • Fall down from this high position makes him suicidal.
  • When Aurum gets suicidal thoughts, he does not have to fight with himself as Natrum sulphuricum does. Aurum will make a decision and act. He asks himself: “Do I jump or not?”; if the answer is: “I jump”, he just jumps.
  • When he is heart-brokenhe experiences mortification, anger with indignation, tremendous depression, sadness, forsaken feeling, disappointment and he feels that life is not worth living any more, he can becomesuicidal at this stage.
  • Constant criticism, especially from his closest associates, can also crush Aurum. He expects everyone to understand his high ideals, his high aspirations and his inborn sense of justice, and he is sorely disturbed when others misunderstand or criticize him.
  • Aurum, during his depression, thinks that the sun, the light has completely faded from his life, that there is no hope for him; he even believes that in the afterlife he will be lost, that he will not find salvation. All avenues for a reversal of his situation in life seem closed. He feels that “he has failed in every department of his life.” Nothing can give him joy. A cold “metallic stillness” prevails over his emotions. This stillness is complete; there is no movement of feelings. There seems to be a hardness, an “induration” of the feelings which can in the end produce a “malignant emotional ulcer.”
  • An Aurum individual in such an advanced state of depression, without any hope of change, without any reason to live, may remain in this condition for years. Then some incident, even a relatively trivial one, may occur which upsets his tenuous emotional balance; it is then that the well-known impulse to jump from a high place occurs. When he finds himself in a high place and looks down, he thinks that if he jumps, he can put an end to his sufferings.
  • This leads to hardness, induration, ugly ulceration, affecting the organs, especially the uterus and testes, the organs that physically express the emotion of love.
  • At this point he has reached, as Kent says, a state of insanity of the will. Now the very thought of dying brings relief, almost joy. He feels that by jumping he will be jumping into freedom and ending his unbearable sufferings. He experiences no fear of death.
  • An important point to note is that such a patient may not tell the physician that he suffers from a suicidal depression! He neither believes that anyone can help him nor that he can be saved by a medicine, so he sees no point in mentioning his severe depression. He is convinced that his emotional state is the end result of his factual situation in life, not a reflection of any emotional weakness or illness on his part.
  • Aurum will never ask for help or advice from a friend or relative with regard to his problems. Asking for help would be too degrading, and, furthermore, he considers his problems his and his alone.



  • It is silent, without weeping for the most part.
  •  The patient will continue to function efficiently in the world until the last moment, when he will either slip into hysterical weeping and be unable to collect his thoughts, or he will commit suicide.
  • Suicide is often viewed as an attractive option by Aurum. Like the haunted central character of Herman Hesse’s ‘Steppenwolf’, the Aurum individual may see death as a comforting thought, an escape route to fall back on if life becomes too painful.
  • Even in the absence of serious depression Aurum may think fondly of death.
    One Aurum patient told me that the shadow of death had been with him throughout his life, as a kind of familiar friend, a constant backdrop to the rest of his experience.
  • “Imagines he cannot succeed in anything, and he does everything wrong; he is in disunion with himself.”
  • Imagines he sees obstacles in his way everywhere.
  • He is all the time imagining that he has neglected something, that he has neglected his friends.
  • He imagines that he deserves reproach in consequence of having neglected duty; he has neglected something, he is wrong, is wholly evil, has sinned away his day of grace, is not worthy of salvation; this is the train of thought that constantly runs through his mind.
  • They also fear that spiritually they are so undeserving that they will not win God’s salvation after death; they feel completely lost. It is then that the conviction comes upon them that the only thing that can save them is God, the only being upon whom they can rely is God. Having completely given up all connections with actual life, God becomes their only recourse, their only source of hope; nothing else matters.
  • These people under depression fear doom or about their salvation.
  • Dreams of death and corpses
  • The self-reproach can take a self-destructive turn – excessive smoking, drug and alcohol abuse
  • If his wife should begin to nag him or interfere with his silent brooding, he flies into an outburst of violent anger.
  • When in the grip of anger, Aurum can be quite violent.
  • Breaking objects, striking walls or windows with his fists; he loses his self-control, becoming hysterical and possibly very nasty toward others.
  • Soon after a hysterical outburst of anger he feels great exhaustion, remorse and, eventually, deep sadness; it is at this stage that physical symptoms will begin to surface. The primary organ to suffer will be the heart, angina pains being a common result.
  • He looks on the dark side of everything, constantly expecting bad news, looking for everything to go wrong.


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About the author

Dr Anu

Dr Anu s
P G Scholar
Department Of Homoeopathic Materia Medica
Father Muller Homoeopathic Medical College And Hospital, Mangalore