Healing Women With Homeopathy – Dr. Kavita Chandak Reviewed by Dr. Joachim-F. Grätz, Germany

Healing Women With Homeopathy – Dr. Kavita Chandak Reviewed by Dr. Joachim-F. Grätz, Germany

“With chronic homeopathy you get back to (almost) absolute  health, across generations, and thus also to an elevation of  individual consciousness, person for person, which results in  a changed world view, a view of peaceful coexistence, of being interdependent, of universal, self less love. …

This is where mothers play a central role, if not to say the  most central one. Because mothers are by far the most  important people on earth! They bring forth the next  generation, which will soon enough rule our planet. Therefore, it will largely depend on them  and their families whether love or hatred will rule, whether there will be coexistence or  conflict, whether the reckless exploitation will continue, etc., and finally whether our planet  and us humans can still be saved. Because healthy children, with healthy minds and common  sense, will mature into healthy, loving, and understanding adults and find their way back to  nature, back to universal love, and the meaning of life and pass it all on to the next  generation.” – An excerpt from the epilogue of my book, “Gentle Medicine – The True Causes  of Disease, Healing, and Health”.

So what could be more natural than to write a book that addresses the concerns of women  and is dedicated to the well-being of these patients in depth?

Dr. Kavita Chandak has done this brilliantly and we are very grateful to her. Anyone involved  in women’s health, desire to have children, homeopathic pregnancy support and young  mothers should always have this book on their desk.

In addition, this book is a wonderful work for students of homeopathy to get started,  especially if they have much to do with girls and women and their health concerns, as it covers  the major and most prevalent gynaecological conditions worldwide from menarche to  menopause.

The book contains a detailed description of most women’s diseases, beginning with puberty  and extending to specific cancers in advanced age, the materia medica of important homeopathic remedies specific to women, a “Homeopathic Gynaecology Kit”, important hints  and tips from the author’s own practice, and extensive casuistry, mostly of acute diseases and  disorders.

The first six chapters are devoted to the diseases of women, starting with puberty, followed  by the “reproductive age”, pregnancy and childbirth and their possible complications, the  menopause and certain cancers in women. Each disease is treated in detail with its specific  and further symptoms, its possible causes from the point of view of orthodox medicine (which  are not always correct if one knows the biological laws of nature), and partly also with  homeopathic rubrics and the homeopathic medicines in question.

The following chapters deal with skillful homeopathic case taking in gynaecological  complaints, pregnancy and childbirth, and potency selection, as well as the importance of  dreams and delusions in female disorders. In addition, some important gynaecological remedies are outlined, including rare minor and lesser known ones along with their  indications. And last but not least a “Homeopathic Gynaecology Kit” consisting of 49  homeopathic remedies with their characteristics, short descriptions and indications is  presented. In my long experience, one of the most important chronic medicines (if not the  most important at all) is missing here, namely Medorrhinum.

The last part of the book comprises impressive case studies, which are certainly very valuable  for the budding student of homeopathy but also for seasoned practitioners. Here a brief  medical history, an analysis and evaluation, the homeopathic rubrics in question and the  choice of remedy are described and, if necessary, also the follow ups of the cases.

In conclusion, Dr. Chandak gives us 97 clinical tips for gynaecological symptoms and their main  medicines from her homeopathic experience.

All these diseases and treatments are almost without exception purely acute considerations,  i. e. without taking into account the underlying miasms. In any case, such complaints and  disorders do not occur if the women have previously been treated anti-miasmatically over a  longer period of time, that is, when their miasms have been eradicated. Especially the sycotic  miasm, because this is the most dominant one worldwide due to the many vaccinations and  suppressive treatments of sycotic phenomena administered nowadays such as discharge,  fungal infections, trichomonads, herpes genitalis and the like. For after that such ailments and  complications, which Dr. Chandak describes here in detail and which unfortunately are very  common nowadays, especially also during pregnancy, are not possible at all. Then you are as  solid as a rock in the surf.

Nevertheless, this book is a blessing for all homeopathic practitioners as well as students,  indeed a treasure trove of information and important symptoms as well as their treatment.  After all, everyone has to deal with such problems on a daily basis and everyone is first forced to help their patients acutely before starting a chronic anti-miasmatic treatment, so that such  situations can never occur again.

An excellent and important book for all homeopaths and those who want to be. 

Dr. Joachim-F. Grätz, Germany, has been working very successfully as a  classical homeopath for over 30 years, taking into account the so-called  miasms (chronic basic diseases, disease behind the diseases) and is  known far beyond the borders of Germany. The uniqueness of his form  of therapy consists in his holistic worldview whereby he also integrates  insights from dealing with other natural laws into his homeopathic  thinking. This enables him to recognize the causal relationships of every 

illness and to treat them accordingly. – An extraordinarily successful practitioner, even with  the most severe diseases………………  Read More 

About the author

Dr Joachim F Gratz

Dr. Joachim-F. Grätz, Germany, has been working very successfully as a classical homeopath for over 30 years, taking into account the so-called miasms (chronic basic diseases, disease behind the diseases) and is known far beyond the borders of Germany. The uniqueness of his form of therapy consists in his holistic worldview whereby he also integrates insights from dealing with other natural laws into his homeopathic thinking. This enables him to recognize the causal relationships of every
illness and to treat them accordingly. – An extraordinarily successful practitioner, even with the most severe diseases.
Dr. Grätz studied homeopathy with the well-known German homeopath Dr. Otto Eichelberger in Munich, who was one of the first to take the miasms into account in therapy and who made the LM-potencies (Q-potencies) public in the German-speaking countries.
For a time Dr. Grätz was also a lecturer in classical homeopathy at various academies of naturopathy and homeopathy in Munich, Zurich, Köthen, Gauting, Salzburg, and Vienna, and also at the Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich for interested medical students. He wrote six books on cassical homeopathy and the miasms with a variety of impressive case studies, on the nature of potencies in acute and chronic homeopathy, and on vaccinations, and published a double DVD. His last book is in English: “Gentle Medicine – The True Causes of Disease, Healing, and Health”, published in the USA.