"Holistic Healing: Exploring Homoeopathic Approaches to Meniere's Disease"

“Holistic Healing: Exploring Homoeopathic Approaches to Meniere’s Disease”


Meniere’s disease, a chronic and distressing disorder of the inner ear, presents a unique set of challenges for both patients and healthcare providers. This review explores the potential of homoeopathic management as an integrative and complementary approach to alleviate the symptoms associated with Meniere’s disease and enhance overall well-being.This article discusses the theoretical framework of homoeopathy in relation to Meniere’s disease, emphasizing the importance of individualized case analysis and the selection of remedies tailored to the specific symptomatology of each patient. In the management of Meniere’s disease, with an emphasis on those addressing vertigo, tinnitus, and hearing loss. Additionally, it discusses the potential benefits of constitutional prescribing and the use of miasmatic analysis in tailoring treatment strategies to the unique characteristics of each patient. It highlights the importance of a collaborative and integrative approach, combining homoeopathic management with conventional medical care, to optimize outcomes and improve the overall quality of life for individuals affected by Meniere’s disease.

Keywords –  Meniere’s disease, Homoeopathic management, Integrative approach, Individualized treatment


Meniere’s disease is a chronic and often debilitating disorder of the inner ear, characterized by a constellation of symptoms including episodic vertigo, fluctuating hearing loss, tinnitus, and a sensation of fullness or pressure in the affected ear. [1] First described by Prosper Meniere in 1861, the condition remains a significant challenge for patients and healthcare providers due to its unpredictable nature and impact on daily functioning.[2,3]] While the exact cause of Meniere’s disease remains elusive, factors such as genetics, autoimmune dysfunction, and vascular abnormalities have been implicated in its development. Meniere’s disease can be complex, as there are no specific biomarkers or definitive tests for the condition. Instead, diagnosis relies on a combination of clinical history, audiometric testing, and vestibular assessments to rule out other potential causes of symptoms. Despite advances in diagnostic techniques, misdiagnosis and delayed diagnosis remain common challenges in the management of Meniere’s disease. The impact of Meniere’s disease on quality of life can be profound, with recurrent episodes of vertigo and hearing loss often leading to social isolation, anxiety, and depression. Additionally, the unpredictable nature of the condition can disrupt employment, education, and other aspects of daily living. (4,5)

Treatment options range from conservative measures such as dietary modifications and vestibular rehabilitation to more invasive interventions such as surgery in refractory cases. Furthermore, the integration of complementary and alternative therapies, including homoeopathic medicine, has gained attention in recent years as part of a holistic approach to managing Meniere’s disease.

Meniere’s disease is a relatively uncommon disorder, with a prevalence estimated at 0.2% to 0.5% of the population. It often emerges between the ages of 20 and 50 and exhibits a slight predilection for women. While typically unilateral, around 30% of cases may eventually involve both ears. Geographical variations exist, suggesting potential environmental or genetic factors. Meniere’s disease has associations with comorbidities such as migraine and autoimmune disorders. Its recurrent symptoms, particularly vertigo and hearing loss, can significantly impact the quality of life for affected individuals. Ongoing research continues to refine our understanding of the epidemiology of this condition. (6)

ETIOPATHOLOGY (7, 8, 9) -refers to the study of the causes or origins of a particular disease or condition. In the context of Meniere’s disease, understanding its etiology involves exploring the factors that contribute to the development and manifestation of the disorder. While the exact cause of Meniere’s disease remains incompletely understood, several factors have been proposed as potential contributors:

1. Endolymphatic Hydrops: The most widely accepted theory involves the abnormal accumulation of fluid (endolymph) within the inner ear, a condition known as endolymphatic hydrops. This excess fluid disrupts the normal functioning of the inner ear structures, leading to the characteristic symptoms of Meniere’s disease.

2. Genetic Predisposition:  There is evidence to suggest a genetic component in Meniere’s disease, with some individuals having a familial predisposition. Specific genes associated with inner ear function and fluid regulation are under investigation for their potential role in disease development.

3. Vascular Factors: Disturbances in blood flow to the inner ear, such as compromised blood vessels or changes in microcirculation, have been considered as potential contributors to Meniere’s disease. Vascular factors may affect the oxygen supply to the inner ear structures, leading to dysfunction.

4. Autoimmune Mechanisms: Some researchers propose an autoimmune component, suggesting that an abnormal immune response may play a role in the development of Meniere’s disease. Autoimmune conditions or responses targeting the inner ear structures could contribute to inflammation and symptoms.

5. Infections: Viral or bacterial infections affecting the inner ear have been suggested as potential triggers for Meniere’s disease. Infections may lead to inflammation and damage to the delicate structures of the inner ear, contributing to the development of symptoms.

6. Allergic Reactions: Allergies or hypersensitivity reactions, particularly to substances affecting the inner ear, have been theorized as contributing factors. Such reactions could lead to inflammation and fluid imbalance within the ear. 

SYMPTOMS AND DIAGNOSTIC CRITERIA OF MENIERE’S DISEASE – it can vary among individuals and may include episodic vertigo, hearing loss, tinnitus, and a sensation of fullness or pressure in the ear. The symptoms are:

  1. Episodic Vertigo
  2. Hearing Loss
  3. Tinnitus:
  4. Aural Fullness or Pressure
  5. Nausea and Vomiting (Associated with Vertigo):
  6. Postural Instability (10,11, 12)

The current diagnostic criteria, as established by the Barany Society under Lopez-Escamez et al., serve to distinguish between probable and definite Meniere’s disease. According to the Barany Society, individuals with definite Meniere’s disease exhibit:

1. Two or more spontaneous episodes of vertigo, each lasting between 20 minutes to 12 hours.

2. Audiometrically documented low- to medium-frequency sensorineural hearing loss in one ear, evident and localized to the affected ear in at least one instance prior, during, or after a vertigo episode.

3. Fluctuating aural symptoms (fullness, hearing, tinnitus) specifically associated with the affected ear.

4. Symptoms that cannot be better explained by any other vestibular diagnosis. 

Probable  Meniere’s disease may encompass the following clinical features:

1. Two or more episodes of dizziness or vertigo, each lasting between 20 minutes to 24 hours.

2. Presence of fluctuating aural symptoms (fullness, hearing, or tinnitus) in the affected ear.

3. The condition is more appropriately explained by an alternative vestibular diagnosis. (13, 14, 15)


  • Basilar migraine presents with vertigo but lacks aural symptoms.
  • Vestibular neuronitis manifests as vertigo lasting for several days, without accompanying aural symptoms.
  • Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo is characterized by vertigo triggered by head movements, lasting seconds to minutes, and without aural symptoms.
  • Certain medications, such as amino glycosides and loop diuretics, can induce vertigo.
  • Central vertigo, attributed to conditions like stroke, multiple sclerosis, seizure disorder, among others.
  • Peripheral vertigo of non-otogenic origin is frequently observed in elderly patients with peripheral neuropathy and deconditioning.
  • Orthostatic hypotension, while not true vertigo, may lead patients to describe themselves as feeling “dizzy.”
  • Neoplastic causes, including vestibular schwannoma, meningioma, and malignancy.
  • Infectious etiologies, such as meningitis, syphilis, HIV cerebritis, and others, can contribute to vertigo.


Homeopathic management of Meniere’s disease involves a personalized and holistic approach, considering the individual’s symptoms, constitution, and overall health. Homeopathic remedies are selected based on the principle of “like cures like,” aiming to stimulate the body’s inherent healing mechanisms. It’s important to note that homeopathic treatment should be individualized, and consulting with a qualified homeopath is recommended. Below are some commonly used homeopathic remedies for managing Meniere’s disease:

1. Conium Maculatum: Indicated for vertigo with a sensation as if the head were turning in a circle, aggravated by turning over in bed.

2. China Officinalis: Useful for vertigo with a sensation of fullness or pressure in the ear. It may be associated with hearing loss and tinnitus.

3. Salicylicum Acidum: Indicated for sudden onset of vertigo with a roaring sound in the ears. May be associated with a feeling of congestion in the ears.

4. Kali Iodatum: Used for vertigo with a sense of fullness and pressure in the ears, along with tinnitus and hearing loss.

5. Lycopodium Clavatum: Indicated for vertigo with a sensation of swaying or falling to one side. May be associated with digestive issues.

6. Phosphorus: Used for vertigo with a tendency to faint, especially when standing up. It may be associated with ringing in the ears.

7. Silicea: Indicated when there is vertigo with a sensation of pressure or fullness in the ears. It may be helpful for those with a history of ear infections.

8. Natrum Salicylicum: Used for vertigo associated with a feeling of fullness and noises in the ear. It may be aggravated by sudden movements.

9. Gelsemium Sempervirens: Indicated for vertigo with a sensation of dullness and heaviness, especially in the back of the head.

10. Cocculus Indicus: Used for vertigo associated with nausea and a tendency to feel worse with motion.


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About the Author

Dr. Ashok Yadav 1 , Dr. Sakshi Sharma 2 , Dr.Rishabh dixit 3 , dr. Somendra Yadav 3

  1. Head of Department, Department of Practice of Medicine, Dr. M.P.K. Homoeopathic Medical
    College, Hospital & Research Centre, Saipura, Jaipur.
  2. MD scholar, Department of Practice of Medicine, HOMOEOPATHIC UNIVERSITY,
  3. MD scholar, Department of Homoeopathic pharmacy, HOMOEOPATHIC UNIVERSITY,

About the author

Dr. Somendra Yadav

Dr. Somendra Yadav - M.D. PGR (homoeopathy) department of homoeopathic Pharmacy, M.P.K. Homoeopathic Medical College