Abstract- Allergies and rhinitis affect millions of peoples worldwide, causing nasal congestion, sneezing, and itchy eyes. Conventional treatments often provide temporary relief but can have side effects. Homeopathy offers a natural, holistic approach to managing these conditions. This article reviews the homeopathic remedies and treatment strategies for allergies and rhinitis, including Allium Cepa, Arsenicum Album. We discuss the etiology, symptoms, and diagnosis of allergies and rhinitis, as well as the homeopathic approach to treatment. Case studies and clinical trials demonstrate the efficacy of homeopathic remedies in alleviating symptoms and improving quality of life. This article provides a comprehensive overview of homeopathic management for allergies and rhinitis.
Seasonals-symptoms appear in or around a particular season when the pollen of a particular plant, to which the patient is sensitive, are present in the air.
Perennial-symptoms are present throughout the year.
Keywords – allergies, rhinitis, homeopathy, remedies, nasal health.
Definition-, it is an IgE-mediated immunologic response of nasal mucosa to airborne allergens and is characterized by watery nasal discharge, nasal obstruction, sneezing and itching in the nose. This may also be associated with symptoms of itching in the eyes, palate and pharynx. two clinical types have been recognized. Understanding Allergies and Rhinitis.
Understanding Allergies and Rhinitis. Allergies occur when the body’s immune system overreacts to harmless substances like pollen, dust, or mold. Rhinitis is inflammation of the nasal passages, often caused by allergies. Symptoms include:
– Nasal congestion and stuffiness.
– Sneezing and runny nose.
– Itchy eyes, nose, and throat.
– Sinus pressure and headaches.
Etiology –
- Inhalant Allergens. They may be seasonal or perennial.
Seasonal allergens include pollen from trees, grasses and weeds. They vary geographically. The knowledge of pollen appearing in a particular area and the season in which they occur is important. Their knowledge also helps in skin tests. Perennial allergens are present throughout the year regardless of the season. They include molds, dust mites, cockroaches and dander from animals. Dust includes dust mite, insect parts, fibers and animal danders. Dust mites live on skin scales and other debris and are found in the beddings, mattresses, pillows, carpets and upholstery.
- Genetic predisposition plays an important part. Chances of children developing allergy are 20 and 47%, respectively, if one or both parents suffer from allergic diathesis.
Pathogenesis. inhaled allergens produce specific IgE antibodies in the genetically predisposed individuals. This antibody becomes fixed to the blood basophils or tissue mast cells by its Fc end on subsequent exposure, and the antigen combines with IgE antibody at its Fab end. This reaction produces degradation of the mast cells with release of several chemical mediators, some of which already exist in the preformed state while others are synthesized afresh. These mediators are responsible for symptomatology of allergic disease. Depending on the tissues involved, there may be vasodilation, mucosal oedema, infiltration with eosinophils, excessive secretion from nasal glands or smooth muscle contraction. A “priming affect” has also been described, i.e. mucosa earlier sensitized to an allergen will react to smaller doses of subsequent specific allergen. It also gets “primed” to other nonspecific antigens to which patient was not exposed Nonspecific nasal hyper-reactivity is seen in patients of allergic rhinitis. There is increased nasal response to normal stimuli resulting in sneezing, rhinorrhea and nasal congestion. Clinically, allergic response occurs in two phases:
1. Acute or early phase. It occurs immediately within 5–30 min, after exposure to the specific allergen and consists of sneezing, rhinorrhea nasal blockage and/or bronchospasm. It is due to release of vasoactive amines like histamine.
2. Late or delayed phase. It occurs 2–8 h after exposure to allergen without additional exposure. Infiltration of inflammatory cells -eosinophils, neutrophils, basophil, monocytes and CD4 + T cells at the site of antigen deposition causing swelling, congestion and thick secretion. In the event of repeated or continuous exposure to allergen, acute phase symptomatology overlaps the late phase.
Diagnosis –Duration of disease
• Intermittent: Symptoms are present
- Less than 4 days a week or
- For less than 4 weeks
•Persistent: Symptoms are present
- More than 4 days a week or
- For more than 4 weeks
•Severity of disease
•Mild: None of the following symptoms are present
- Sleep disturbance
- Impairment of daily activities, leisure and sport
- Impairment of school or work
- Troublesome symptoms
•Moderate to severe: One or more of the above symptoms are present
Investigation –
- total and differential count.
- Nasal smear.
- Radioallergosorbent test (RAST).
- Skin tests.
- Nasal provocation test.
- Treatment can be divided into:
- Avoidance of allergen.
- Treatment with drugs.
- Immunotherapy.
Case Summary
A 36 year old Female presented with recurrent sneezing and running nose since10 years.
HOPC: Patient was apparently well 15 years back when she started complaining of sneezing and running nose which got better after taking allopathic treatment but has been recurrent since then with no relief.
Patient has been getting continue sneezing attack and running. nose since 4 month.
SENSATION: itching sensation present in the ear and nose.
MODALITIES: change of weather. cold thing, emotional movie scene.
ACCOMPANYING SYMPTOMS: lachrymation of both eyes.
Family history- Mother has allergic rhinitis.
Daughter has symptoms like allergic rhinitis. [ history given by mother.]
Physical general
- Appetite: 2 meals / day
- Thirst: 2-3L/day
- Perspiration: N.S
- Desire: sweets.
- Aversion: N.S
- Urine: NAC
- Bowels: NS
- Sleep: disturbed; Sleeps late at night, intermittent sleep
- Dreams: N.S
- Thermals: Hot
Mental general
- Stressed due to work.
- Anger –Suppressed.
- Close to father.
- Irritable.
- Forgetful.
- Consolation aggravates.
- Cry when alone
General Examination
- General condition: stable
- Gait: NAD
- Tremor: not present
- Pallor: not present
- Clubbing: not present
- Icterus: not present
- Cyanosis: not present
- Oedema: not present Stressed due to work.
- Anger – Suppressed.
- Close to father.
- Irritable.
- Forgetful.
- Consolation aggravates.
Gynecological History-
- Menarche: 13year of age.
- Menses: irregular, too early, usually profuse.
- Duration: 3-4 days.
- Associated symptoms: pain in abdomen.
- G1P1A0L1 [GIRL].
Vital Sign
- Weight: 62kg.
- Height: 5’2”.
- Resp Rate: 15 breaths/ minute.
- Pulse Rate: 80 b/m.
- BP: 110/80 MM/HG.
- Temperature: afebrile
Totality of Symptoms.
- Stressed about work.
- Hot patient.
- Anger suppressed.
- Sneezing and running nose < change of weather and cold thing
- Emotional movie scene.
- Consolation aggravates.
- Cry when alone.
Final Diagnosis.
- Allergic rhinitis.

Basis of Prescription- Natrum muriaticum was prescribed on the basis of reportorial totality. As it was most similar to the case and scored highest.
1st Prescription on 22/06/2023
- Natrum Mur 6x Bd 7 Days
- Sac Lac 200 Bd
Follow Up:
1st on 30/06/2023 | Sneezing attack: better 20%Running nose: better 20% | NATRUM MUR 6X BD 7 DAYS SAC.LAC 200 BD |
2nd on08/07/2023 | Sneezing Attack: Frequency Decreased Running Nose: Stop | NATRUM MUR 30CH OD 3 DAYS. SAC LAC 200 BD 15days. |
3rd on 1/08/2023 | Better 90% Sneezing attack occur only morning {some time} | NATRUM MUR 30CH OD 3 DAYS. |
4TH on 25/08/2023 | NO NEW COMPLAINT. All complaints better Adv avoid cold thing and A.C | SAC.LAC 200 BD |
The treatment plan was followed and the patient, after getting relief in his complaints,
In this case, the patient who received homoeopathic treatment did considerably better than the previous time. Homeopathic treatment was given according to an individualistic approach. Remedy was selected on the basis of symptoms similarity after analyzing the reportorial totality. Homoeopathic treatment is more cost effective having no further associated symptoms. There are limitations for homoeopathy like unavailability of proper potency of well selected remedy in some cases. Here in this case 30CH potency was selected according to patient’s susceptibility. Few doses of selected potency were required here which worked beneficially. We homoeopathy physicians should always consider the potential of a single remedy in a case.
Conclusion – Homoeopathy has promising results in cases of Urolithiasis and at various instances this has been proved with proper investigations. The patient was asked for surgery but with homoeopathy, first the acute complaints and then with time the 13mm size stone was removed. So, in homoeopathy having promising results which are beneficial and cost effective as well for a patient. Likewise further more research should be done to establish its efficacy in any diagnosed case
Conflict of Interest
Not available
Financial Support
Not available
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About the Author:
Dr. Praveen Jaiswal
D. (HOM.) Ph. D(sch.)
Dept. of Practice of Medicine Govt. Homoeo. Medical College, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh.