JIMS Homoeopathy Medical College Hyderabad recruiting teachers and Medical Officers - homeopathy360

JIMS Homoeopathy Medical College Hyderabad recruiting teachers and Medical Officers

  • Hyderabad
  • Applications have closed

Website JIMS Homoeopathy Medical College

Homoeopathic oriented candidates for the following full-time regular posts of teaching staff for the Academic 2017-18. Applications duly filled in all respect should reach the office of the
Principal via email or by post before the 30 th  November  2017.
Payment of Rs 300/- can be made through Demand Draft in favor of M/S  JIMS HOMOEOPATHIC MEDICAL COLLEGE & HOSPITAL, Hyderabad.
Pay scale- As per Government of Telangana. Preference shall be given to candidates with good communication skills, scientific publication & research experience.
ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR/READER IN HOMOEOPATHIC SUBJECTS(In subjects namely, Organon of Medicine,HMM, Homoeopathic Pharmacy, Repertory Post graduate in Homoeopathy
4 Yrs of teaching exp as Assistant Professor/Lecturer in the concerned subject in a Homoepathic College of Degree level
ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR/READER IN ALLIED MEDICAL SUBJECTS(namely Anatomy,Physiology, Pathology, Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, Surgery, Gynaecology and Obstretics, Practice of Medicine,Community Medicine) (1)Post graduate in Homoeopathy
4 Yrs of teaching exp as Assistant Professor/Lecturer in the concerned subject in a Homoepathic College of Degree level
(2)Post graduate Medical Degree in the concerned subject recognized by the medical council of India 4yrs Teaching experience as Lecturer in the subject concerned in a degree level Medical Institiution /Homoeopathic College
ASSISTANT PROFESSOR /LECTURER IN HOMOEOPATHIC SUBJECTS Post graduate in homoeopathy preferably in the concerned subject. The Qualification shall be the one included in Schedule II of the homoeopathic central council act
Age: Not more than 40 yrs as on the last date of receipt of application for the post. Age is relaxable 5yrs max for exceptionally qualified person with prior approval of the University concerned
ASSISTANT PROFESSOR /LECTURER (namely Anatomy,Physiology, Pathology, Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, Surgery, Gynaecology and Obstretics, Practice of Medicine,Community Medicine) Post graduate in homoeopathy preferably in the concerned subject. The Qualification shall be the one included in Schedule II of the homoeopathic central council act
Post Graduate Medical degree in concerned subject recognized by the medical council of India
Medical Officer:  MD (Homoeopathy) :1
Duty Doctors : BHMS : 1
Nurse : GNM/ ANM 1
How to apply
Please mail  your resume along with the scanned copies of your certificates.

Email Address: [email protected], [email protected]

Contact Address:
Sriramnagar (Muchintala), Palmakula P.O. Shamshabad 509325
Rangareddy Dist, Telangana State.
Phone No: +91 8333981543.

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Team Homeopathy 360