Pathological Entity and Homoeopathy

Pathological Entity and Homoeopathy

Advanced Learner’s Guide to the best way learning homoeopathy medical practice.


[Master and Teacher of fifty-six medical systems, most of them being single-dose treatment methods]

[Note:  Forty-eight years of rigorous and vigorous study, practice and teaching of homoeopathy enabled me to evolve its best way of learning and practice.]

Preamble:  Homoeopathy is an off-shoot of allopathy.  The founder and leading promoters of homoeopathy were originally qualified allopathic doctors.  All the best reference books on Homoeopathy were written (around the year 1936) by allopathy doctors (converted to homoeopathy) in the U.S.A.   (Dr. Kent, Dr. W.A. Yingling, Dr. Samuel Lilienthal, Dr. R. H. Gross, Dr. Calvin B. Knerr.  Books written by others after 1940 are of no use.  No Indian author is good.  For example, one Mathur has written a book with the title Theory and Principles of Homoeopathy.  Alas!  Homoeopathy is based on Eternal laws.)

The foundation of allopathy is pathological entity.

[Entity – a thing with distinct and independent existence.]

We say that typhoid is a pathological entity.  No one created it.  It is there from time immemorial.  So also, diabetes, malaria etc. In some temples in Tamilnadu, at the left-hand side of the entrance, a rock statute of a God would come up of its own from below the earth.  First the head would appear and slowly it will be coming up and up as days go by.  When the whole statute has come out, standing on its feet, they will take and keep it inside the temple and install it as a deity for worship.  Such a thing independently existing is called in Sanskrit swayambu (meaning being of its own.)

In allopathy, for treatment of a patient, first all a diagnosis is made.  That is to classify his sufferings with a nomenclature—name of a disease.  For example, a person having daily evening paroxysm of chill-fever-sweat etc. and the blood test showing presence of malarial parasites; the patient is branded as a malaria patient.  Then treatment is given for that disease, say with quinine etc.

Suppose a patient comes with symptoms (not so far classified in the textbooks of allopathy teaching) the practitioner is puzzled and he would prefer to refer the patient to psychiatry.

Actual case treated:

Case 1: The parents brought a school boy of twelve. The mother started talking: “Doctor, he has to leave the house for school at 9:30 in the morning. He gets up at 6:00 a.m. At 7:30 a.m., he becomes so restless—jumps, cries etc. This would last for half-an-hour; it is followed by 3-4 times loose bowel movement. Then he sleeps deeply for fifteen minutes, and then gets up and go to school.

This has been going on daily for the last six months.”  In this case, allopathy doctors did endoscopy, colonoscopy etc. all in vain.  In this case, the following should come to our mind: 

“Symptoms disposed to appear periodically and in groups.”

The above words are found in the homoeopathy remedy Cuprum met. in the homoeo reference book Boericke’s Materia Medica. 

This remedy cured the patient in one single dose. Among pharmacologically-oriented system of therapeutics, homoeopathy will ever remain supreme. Our system is thorough, exhaustive and accurate. Precision and versatility are its culture. 

Case 2: Mr. N., 57 years, reported: “Doctor, daily morning I get headache; in the afternoon, after lunch I have distension of abdomen, gastric troubles. In the night I get terrible pain in the leg…” Repertory or homoeo software is of no use in this case. The case is very simple. His symptom is to be classified as follows: 

Aggravation of head symptoms in the morning; 

abdomen in the afternoon and legs in the night.”


Under the remedy Ammonium mur. (Boericke’s Mat. Med.) the following is found:

Its periods of aggravations are peculiarly divided as to the bodily region affected; thus, the head and chest symptoms are worse mornings, the abdominal in the afternoon, the pains in the limbs, the skin and febrile symptoms, in the evenings. 

Single dose of Amm-mur-10M cured him.

We are quoting the above actual cases to show the following:

Allopathy has not so far identified and named many pathological entities.  However, homoeopathy has completed the job.  No only this.  For each pathological entity, be it malaria, diabetes etc. allopathy has no single-dose treatment.  But homoeopathy not only has identified all pathological entities in humanity (not waiting for a Dr. Parkinson or Dr. Meniere to identify and name remaining yet-to-be discovered pathological entities) many of them not so far found or included in allopathy textbooks.  Also, for all pathological entities, homoeopathy has found out remedies for single-dose cure.

Thus, and therefore, my suggestion to homoeopathy fraternity is this:  Instead of talking on ‘totality-of-symptoms’ ‘rare-strange-peculiar-uncommon’ etc. we may conveniently replace section 153 of the organon with the words “Homoeopathy medicines are selected on pathological entity.” Thus, Repertory and software goes out of terminology.’  

After forty-eight years of practice and teaching, I could dig out and segregate such pathological entities from our literature—Boericke, Wilkinson, Lilienthal etc.

Please re-read the above two cases:

Sample list of pathological entities found in our literature along with their remedies are given below:


  1. Symptoms disposed to appear periodically and in groups. — Cuprum-met.  (Boericke’s Mat. Med.)


  • The periods of aggravations are peculiarly divided as to the bodily region affected; thus, the head and chest symptoms are worse mornings, the abdominal in the afternoon, the pains in the limbs, the skin and febrile symptoms, in the evenings. —Ammon-mur.  (Boericke.)

Case 3: A Bank employee was having high blood pressure and bank doctors could not bring down the b.p.  He was referred to the topmost cardiologist in the city who too was puzzled.  This case ultimately came to me.  In Boericke’s Mat. Med., we find under the remedy Laurocerasus the following words:

Lack of reaction, especially in chest and heart affections.

With a dose of Laurocerasus-10M, the patient got total relief.  

Let us now examine the case of a pregnant women to illustrate what I want to establish.

Case 4:  A 21-year old primipara (coming to me at her sixth month of pregnancy) was vomiting from her third month every time she took solid food.  After finishing the food, when she gets up to wash her hands, she would DAILY vomit all the three types of food one after the other in the reverse order of taking them.  I asked, “any other complaint?”  She replied, “Doctor, frequently I feel the child rolls and with its fist kicks me at a particular spot causing pain; also, when a heavy vehicle is going on the road, any sudden noise caused by that truck strikes the painful place in my belly.

Case repertorisation:

Boericke’s Repertory (last chapter) MODALITIES (p.970)—AGGRAVATION:

[After taking food as she gets up, she vomits; for this ‘jar’ was taken.]

Jar — Ars., Bell., Berb. v., Bry., Cic., Crot., Glon., Ign., Nux-v., Spig., Ther.

Noise —Acon., Asar., Bell., Bar., Calad., Cham., Cinch., Cocc., Coff., Colch., Ferr., Glon., Ign., Lyc., Mag. m., Med., Nux-m., Nux-v., Onos., Phos., Solan-lyc., Spig., Tar-h., Ther.

Six remedies viz., Bell., Glon., Ign., Nux-v., Spig., and Ther. are common to the above two lists. All these six remedies were studied in Boericke’s Mat. Medica.

In the remedy Theridion in Boericke’s Mat. Medica, I found the following:

Sensitive to noise; it penetrates the body… Noises seem to strike on painful spots over the body.

Theridion-1M, single dose completely stopped the vomiting and pain < by noise.  

[The problem with the average Indian readers is that in the use of books they skip the Introduction and Preface. Most of the readers say that at the end of most remedies in his Mat. Medica, Dr. William Boericke recommends low potencies. This is not correct. In the preface he says, “The dosage needs some apology… It is wholly to be disregarded.”]

Now, here, my quoting the above case is to illustrate what I mean by pathological entity.  Instead of the above elaborate repertorisation, simply if we learn by rote the following, we can easily select the remedy for the above patient without the need of repertories.

Theridion:  Sensitive to noise; it penetrates the body. 

Noises seem to strike on painful spots . . .

The above too is a pathological entity.

Over a period of forty-eight years of study, practice, teaching and observation I had dug out almost all pathological entities; some of them are given below.  The most important point to be kept in mind by the reader is that in the following cases repertories or homoeo software are of no use.

Case 5: A woman of twenty-eight years was having pain in both the shoulder tips for six months; she consulted allopaths and they said it is cervical spondylitis but they could not cure her. She continued, “Doctor, the complaint is in the cervical spine; but why do get pain not there but in the shoulder tip. I asked this and allopathy doctor could not answer.  I told her that we too have no answer but we do have a cure for her condition which alone is needed for her.

In Wilkinson’s Mat. Med. we find the following symptom under the remedy Belladonna:

“Inflammation of internal organs (spondylitis, in this case) . . . The inflammation. . . runs in radii as it extends to adjacent parts.”

If you keep the above symptom in Belladonna, (or, let us call it as a pathological entity) we can readily prescribe Belladonna for the following case.  

Case 6:  A patient came in with pain in the femoral part of urethra and bac. It was worse while riding a two-wheeler. He showed his hospital discharge report wherefrom we noted the following points: Hydroureteronephrosis—Left kidney; pain in femoral part of urethra; pain in sacral region. His complaint (pathology) is in ureter but he has pain in femoral part of urethra and sacrum. This is something rare-strange-peculiar. Under the remedy Belladonna (Wilkinson’s Materia Medica), we find the following: 

“Inflammation of internal organs… The inflammation… 

runs in radii as it extends to adjacent parts.”

(Femoral part of urethra and sacrum are at equal distance from his left ureter). Belladonna-10M, single dose, cured him.

Under the remedy Ignatia we find the following pathological entity:

Great contradictions.

An actual cured case alone would illustrate this:

Case 7: Let us now examine what ‘uncommon symptoms’ or pathological entity means: Some of the most useful uncommon physical symptoms cannot be classified under any head in the repertory or homoeo software and so it is better to learn them by rote. For example, under the remedy Ignatia (Boericke Mat. Med.) we find the words great contradictions. A hemorrhoids patient said at the end of the consultation: [Remember, in most cases, after the narration is over and after a pause, the patient leans forward towards you and with wide-open eyes (exclaims)] “Doctor… one thing. Everyone says that pain, bleeding etc. in piles would increase while straining when constipated; but my case is different. I do not get pain or bleeding whenever I strain during constipation. But during loose bowel movement I get both burning and bleeding.” The contradictory symptom is both ways. Hence, Dr. William Boericke writes under the remedy Ignatia in his Mat. Medica, in plural: 

“Great contradictions.” 

Ignatia-10M, single dose, given in the morning, cured this patient.

Case 8: A patient consulted me for constipation. Laxatives and purgatives were said to be of no use. He further said that for several years, he had been taking daily anticonvulsant drug for epilepsy. The following symptom under the remedy Opium (in Wilkinson’s Materia Medica) agrees with this case:

“…Increased excitability and action in voluntary muscles, 

with diminution of it in involuntary muscles…”

These symptoms cannot be classified under any rubric and therefore, homoeo software is of no use here. When the intestine is full with feces, urging is not felt (involuntary muscles.) In the instant case, these muscles are not functioning. Movement of limbs is controlled by voluntary muscles and he gets convulsions in them (increased irritability and action). Opium-10M, given in one single dose, cured his constipation and he was asked to stop anticonvulsant drugs; he did so and to his surprise convulsions did not appear. 

Case 9: A patient showed his right leg with non-healing burning and troublesome ulcer after an injury a few months earlier; but so far, it did not heal in spite of best medical treatment. After a pause, the patient continued, “Doctor, ever since the accident I feel numbness in my right upper arm and I am unable to use it freely. Has this nonhealing of wound in my leg anything to do with numbness in my arm? But my arm was not hurt in the accident.” We say that homoeopathy is a system of medicine where the patient tells or indicates the remedy to us. In Wilkinson’s Materia Medica, the following sentence under the remedy Pulsatilla agrees with this case: 

… depression of vital power on one side and increased irritability on the other.

Pulsatilla-10M, one single dose, cured both the ulcer on the leg and numbness of the arm. 

[Though not relevant to the topic of this paper I cannot but quote here the name of our uncrowned emperor among authors of indispensable and best reference book. It is The Accoucheur’s Emergency Manual by Dr. W. A. Yingling. However, this is a fantastic work while treating pregnant women, whether abortion or labor or post-partum haemorrhage. Also, for infants within twenty-fours after birth. Caesarean would go out of terminology in more than 70 to 90% of cases if you prescribe with the use of this book.]

The following two actual cases treated by me would show the readers how memorizing the pathological entities can be of great help for selecting the remedy directly and doing away the cumbersome method of hunting for the similimum in the Repertories:

Case 10: A patient with chronic headache, after spending much money with various doctors in vain, came to me. After finishing the history of his seven years’ pain in head, he ended up saying: “Doctor, if you cure me of this terrible headache, I would give away half of my wealth (worth three million) to you.”  Doctors of all other systems would simply ignore this statement of the patient. If a patient is ready to pay 1.5 million… I thought over this and took this as a challenge to homoeopathy. 

I approached a professor of English asking for a help; handing over to him a copy of Boericke’s Materia Medica and paying him two thousand rupees, I requested that he has to read the lines given only under the chapter ‘Mind’ in all the remedies in Boericke’s Mat. Med. and underline if any relevant line is found equivalent to the statement of a person who says that he would pay half of his wealth if his headache were cured 

To another professor of English, I gave a copy of Wilkinson’s Mat. Medica and paying him two thousand rupees, requested him to do the job of reading the lines given only under the chapter ‘Mind’ in all the remedies (and this would take a 2-3 days, working for three hours daily) and to tell me if he finds anything equivalent to the abovesaid statement of the headache patient; The first professor (using Boericke’s) could not find anything apt. However, the second professor underlined the following lines in the remedy Stillingia (under ‘Mind’ in Wilkinson’s). 

“Deplorably downhearted” suffering extreme torture from bone pains.” Stillingia 10M, one single dose cured the patient and he paid me ten thousand rupees. Precision and versatility are the culture of Homoeopathy. After this case, I cured two more patients (having different complaints) with Stillingia both of whom said the above words (ready to give away of half of his wealth to the doctor who cures him). 

Diligence and knowledge of English language, both to the core, are required to practise homoeopathy. The above two cases would illustrate the reader how rich, exact and accurate (and complete) our existing materia medicas are. Thus, and therefore, what is needed is not any ‘research’ but exact mastery of the use of five reference books viz., Lilienthal, William Boericke, J.T. Kent, Wilkinson’s and Knerr (and more importantly Yingling, for medical emergencies at the time of labor or abortion.)

Case 12: Here is another case of headache. This 55-year old male patient remarked: “Doctor, all these years I have been having these pains; my sufferings are such extreme that no amount of compensation would be equal to it. Even if you make me the President of all the nations in the world, it would not be a sufficient compensation.” 

I went to the two English professors, one with Boericke and the other with Wilkinson’s Mat. Medica. In this case the professor going through Boericke’s Mat. Medica could help me. He pointed to the following found under the remedy Selenium. 

“Extreme sadness. Abject despair, uncompromising melancholy.” 

Selenium-10M, one dose cured the patient.

The purpose of quoting the above two cases is that if we simply master the following pathological entities, there is no need to do the cumbersome procedure of going to the English professors to search in the materia medicas”

Stillingia: “Deplorably downhearted” suffering extreme torture from bone pains.”

Selenium: “Extreme sadness. Abject despair, uncompromising melancholy.” 

Theridion:  Sensitive to noise; it penetrates the body… Noises seem to strike on painful spots over the body.

Pulsatilla:  … depression of vital power on one side and increased irritability on the other.

Belladonna:  Inflammation of internal organs (spondylitis, in this case) . . . The inflammation. . . runs in radii as it extends to adjacent parts.”

Opium: “…Increased excitability and action in voluntary muscles, 

with diminution of it in involuntary muscles…”

Cuprum met: “Symptoms disposed to appear periodically and in groups.”

Amm-mur.:  Its periods of aggravations are peculiarly divided as to the bodily region affected; thus, the head and chest symptoms are worse mornings, the abdominal in the afternoon, the pains in the limbs, the skin and febrile symptoms, in the evenings. 

All over India, Homoeopathic Therapeutics by Dr. Samuel Lilienthal is found with less than one percent of homoeopaths and they never seemed to have turned its pages.

Homoeopathy will ever remain supreme among pharmacologically oriented system of therapeutics, only, and if only, students and teachers of homoeopathy start vigorously and rigorously using Yingling, Knerr’s Repertory and Lilienthal. I would even put Dr. Hahnemann, the founder of homoeopathy next to Lilienthal and Yingling.  

Theory is good so far as it goes; but he who puts theory into practice lives in, with and for the students—R. Del Mas, M.D.


Who is a senior homoeopath?  

A certain junior M.D. homoeopath ‘consults’ his senior, a professor in homoeopathy college, about a case of cancer.  The case is:  A married lady of 38 years, for five years suffering from cancer.  First, it appeared on the right breast; removed surgically removed, and she started getting complaints one or the other daily.  Diarrhoea or uncontrollable involuntary urination, weakness etc. Cannot do her daily chores and could not go to the office for work.  In addition to this after four months the cancer appeared on the left breast and this time also surgically removed.  Her acute sufferings were on the increase; six months later, it appeared on the uterus which too was removed.  The story did not end; this time, after a few months, it appeared on the thigh and the cancerous portion was surgically removed.

The so-called senior explains to his junior: “First of all, give a dose of Carcinosin-1M.  Then give a constitutional remedy—Sulphur, Calcarea Carb or Lycopodium according to symptoms.  Miasmatically we have Thuja.  Also give a remedy indicated on the totality of symptoms—more than one remedy to be given daily three times!

No change in her symptoms.  Everything went from bad to worse.  The case came to me:  I explained the homoeopath thus.  The symptom is to be classified as under:

Cancer cachexia pronounced.

Acute sufferings—diarrhoea, involuntary urination etc. remaining for years together, that do not allow the patient to attend to her daily chores nor allow her to go to work and distressing to the patient and disgusting for the onlookers:  This symptom is to be classified as ‘cachexia/cachectic individual.’  The cancer, after each surgical removal appears in a different part repeatedly, never to leave her.

The judge pronounces the judgment in the open judicial court.  So also, in the instant case the cancer reappears in a different part repeatedly, telling the patient, “I am here, I am there . . . never to leave you.”  Therefore, cancer cachexia pronounced.  In Boericke’s Materia Medica, under the remedy Corydalis Formosa, showed him the following:

Cancer cachexia pronounced.

A dose of this remedy in 10M potency was given and the patient continued to improve a lot.  It is one dose, given once only, and not repeated daily!

The above homoeopath asked me that I am prescribing on ‘single symptom’ and not on ‘totality of symptoms.’  I explained him that Section 153 tells us that we have to prescribe on uncommon symptom and such uncommon symptom may be one or, at the most, two in any case.  We should read Section 153 with another section of the organon which tells that we have to prescribe on ‘uncommon symptom.’

I further explained that the homoeopathy software would not classify the above case as cachexia or cancer pronounced.  So also, Repertory is not useful in many cases.  We have to learn the symptom (cancer cachexia pronounced) by rote and keep these remedies at our fingertip.

‘Constitutional treatment’ ‘totality-of-symptoms’ ‘psora-sycosis-syphilis’ do not convey anything for the aspiring practitioner.

Cancer+cachexia+pronounced.   Three symptoms in one sentence!  That is the greatness of Boericke’s Mat. Medica.

The following cancer case, cured with one dose, would illustrate the point that we cannot say in advance, which repertory or materia medica may be useful in any given case.

Case 6:  This is a female patient of 38 years.  Had cancer of uterus; radiation treatment etc. was given and the result is profuse leucorrheal discharge and the flow is profuse like menses.  She concluded saying thus:  “My people in my village tells that after all, I am going to die in a few months and therefore, do not give me any respect.  I want to get cured and go and tell them, ‘Look! I am now completely cured.’ ”

The above statement of the patient should at once bring to our mind the following:  

Wants “the respect due to me” shown.  

[This mind symptom is found in the remedy Hamamelis in Boericke’s Mat. Medica.]  

Again, in Lilienthal, under the chapter LEUCORRHOEA we find the following in the remedy Hamamelis: Leucorrhoea with much relaxation of the vaginal walls, profuse fluor albus, constituting a drain on the system as severe as a bleeding.

Let me repeat: Theory is good so far as it goes; but he who puts theory into practice lives in, with and for the students—R. Del Mas, M.D.

I have quoted above the usefulness of Lilienthal, Boericke, Knerr and Yingling as also Hering’s Guiding Symptoms 10 volumes (now reduced to one volume by me and named as Wilkinson’s Mat. Medica.).  This is because the above authors had worked in hundred bedded hospital in the U.S.A. where homoeo medicines alone were used even in emergencies.  “Before the First World War, there were in the United States 56 purely homoeopathic general hospitals with 35 to 1,400 beds each, THE ENEMY BOOK 04-02-2018 40 nine hospitals for women (inclusive of midwifery) with 30 to 100s bed each, besides nine children’s hospitals with purely homoeopathic treatment. The Hahnemann College in Philadelphia with hospitals attached and its extensive polyclinic was, in the year 1922, the most important homoeopathic educational institution in the world. Even in those days, its buildings were valued at several million dollars. For practical training, the Hahnemann College offered advantages, which were scarcely to be equalled at that time in any European University. The large number of cases in the hospitals and polyclinics (more than 50,000 patients and 6,000 accident cases were treated every year) afforded the professors abundant material for their clinical instruction. The college possessed a special institution for midwifery, directly attached to it, and allowing the students many opportunities for observing obstetrical cases. In addition, numerous confinements were attended to amongst the poor people in the town and these also served for instruction.” [See Richard Haehl, SAMUEL HAHNEMANN; HIS LIFE AND WORKS.] 

Alas!  There is today not even a single homoeo hospital all over the world (including the 180 and odd Govt. homoeo college hospitals) where purely homoeo medicines alone are being used.  They do not admit emergency cases, and if at all a case in their hospital turns into an emergency, they would conveniently refer the patient to a nearby allopathy hospital and thus wash off their hands.  The cause of all these are that homoeo colleges do not have a copy of the abovesaid reference works by Lilienthal, Knerr, Boericke and Yingling as also Wilkinson’s. For example, one Dr. Mathur had written a book on “Principles and theory of Homoeo Practice.”  Again, alas!  There are no principles of practice in homoeopathy.  It is based on Eternal laws. 

About the author

Dr V Krishnaamurthy

Dr. V. Krishnamurthy - Master and Teacher of Homoeopathy and 56 medical systems