Efficacy of Homoeopathic Medicine In Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Efficacy of Homoeopathic Medicine In Obsessive Compulsive Disorder


OCD is the mental disorder with fear & anxiety accompanied  with compulsive behaviour & thoughts . It would be any it is  easily treated with the great effect of Homoeopathic medicine in  it . 


Obsessive compulsive disorder, Mental symptoms,  


Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is typified by compulsive  behaviours and obsessive thoughts that interfere with day-to-day  functioning. The OCD sufferer exhibits intense anxiety and  terror, as well as mental aggression.  

When someone is obsessed, thoughts of hand washing, terror,  and weird things start to cross their mind. Compulsion refers to a  person’s behaviour that follows obsessional thinking. 

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is typified by compulsive  actions and obsessive thoughts that interfere with day-to-day  functioning. Fears of infection and germs are prevalent, and so 

are the urges to count activities, wash your hands frequently, and  repeatedly verify that things like doors are secured. 


The numbers in India are similar –according to the National  Health Portal of India, the lifetime prevalence of OCD in the  general population is 2-3%, across men and women equally.  

OCD affects approximately 1% of the global population. This  may seem like a small number, but it actually equates to around  70 million individuals worldwide. 


Exactly not known but 2 theories are discussed . 

OCD Is usually characterised by traits of perfectionism, rigidity  and conscientiousness. Organic brain disease has  been implicated in the light of occurrence of obsessional  symptoms after the outbreaks of encephalitis lethargica. There is  no evidence of cerebral disease in the vast majority of cases. 

Clinical Features

There are 3 subtypes of OCD  

  1. Predominantly Obsessive thoughts 
  2. Predominantly compulsive behaviours 
  3. Mixed obsessive & compulsion  

Obsessive compulsive disorder and depression are frequently  linked. Major moderate depression affects at least half of  OCD sufferers, according to estimates. Premorbid depressive  or obsessional episodes are rare, but many others are more  common than in the general population. Literature may copy  animatic personality disorder or “traits” through admixtures.  Compared to pure syndromes, four clinical syndromes have  become more prevalent. 


There are 4 main clinical syndromes ..  

  1. Washers – 

This kind is the most prevalent. The obsession in this place is  contamination by grime, bacteria, human waste, and the like.  Hand washing is the spread, or the entire repeatedly during the  day 

  1. Checkers – 

There are numerous questions, the gas has been left  open, the money was not precisely counted, etc.  

Naturally, there is a constant need to confirm in order to  dispel any doubts. Anxiety grows with every attempt to  cease monitoring. Before one doubt is answered, more  might surface. 

  1. Primary Obsessive Slowness 

Extremely uncommon syndrome, it is typified by  substantial compulsive behaviours and/or obsessive 

concepts in the comparatively lack of anxiety symptoms.  This causes noticeable aits. Inertia in routine tasks 4. Pure obsession  

Only obsessions, not compulsive behaviours, are  observed. Typically, the content is violent or sexual in  character. Instead of using behavioural habits to ease the  anguish these obsessions cause, counter thoughts like  counting are used. An alternative is compulsive  

rumination, or fixation on thoughts. 

Homeopathic approach:  

There are many remedies for OCD in the Homoeopathy system of  medicine. 

Repertarisations – 

Insanity – arsenic album, argentum nit, carc, puls, phosphorus, thuja 

Fear of touch -aco, ang, ant crud, arn, chamomilla, nux vom,  colchi, tell, tarent, belladonna, 

Fear of dirt – Ars, carc, thuja 

Restlessness- acon, ars, argn, bell, camp hora, carc, lyco, med,  puls, rhus tox, stramonium, tarent, sulphur, 

Lack of confidence-anac, aur, bar c, bry, kalip, mex, sil, nux v,  psor, staph, arg.n, 

Irritable-ant c, terent, kalic, lach


Therapeutic – 

  1. Arsenic album –

restlessness, Want a things neat & clean, The horse is an  extremely tense animal that is always on the go . Excessive restlessness, fast weight loss, coldness and absence of vital  heat, severe fear of dying, and overnight aggravations,  particularly after midnight and 2 am to 4 am One of the  main traits of arsenic is restlessness. 

  1. Lycopodium –

Indecision , loss of self confidence, poor self esteem , fear  of public speaking , melancholic , afraid to be alone ,  awakes , weak memory, stage -fright . Aggravated in 4 to 8  PM . anxiety as if about to die.  

depressed, and nervous. Conceited and obstinate while ill.  Finding faults and domination 

  1. Argentum Nitricumm 

Believes he will fail at a particular point. strange mental  inclinations. Impulse to leap out of a window or while  crossing a bridge. Impulsive, eager to get things done  quickly. Fears, worries, and underlying, illogical reasons  for behaviour. Dreadful and terrifying experiences. Fear of  crowds . Restlessness . Fear that death is nearing. Fear of  going in a crowd, church or cinema or in a stuffy room  where he cannot breathe. 

  1. Thuja:

 Believes his blood is tainted or contaminated. Reticent, a s  if an unfamiliar individual were beside him, as if spirit and  body were distinct, as if there was life within his belly.  Flustered, ill-humoured , speaks quickly, and swallows  words. Full of unspoken intentions. Sorrow. Dislike of life.  Mental lassitude. Unable to focus. Speech is sluggish and  word-searching. Maintains self-control around physicians  and strangers. Excessively happy, furious, or nervous over  trifles. Reticence. Postpartum depression. September.  Makes a circle while 

  1. Calcarea carb  

Anxiety with palpitations. Want to cry and return home.  Doubting. Spends the whole day sitting, breaking sticks,  etc. Youngsters have strong wills. Obstinate. Every thing a  child sees makes it fearful. Nightmares and restless night.  Angry, cries over insignificant things, and borrows trouble .  mice in delirium. She feels as though she would scream and  rush up and down 


  1. Harrison’s principles of internal medicine , 20rh edition. 2. Textbook of medicine for MBBS by Dr S N Chugh , 4th edition. 
  2. APT Textbook of medicine by Sandhya a Kamath , 8th edition. 
  3. Psychiatry And Homoeopathy by Fernando Risquez 1st edition. 
  4. Textbook of medicine with Homoeopathic therapeutic.  6. Lotus Materia Medica by Robin Murphy , 2nd revised  edition. 
  5. Homoeopathic medical repertory , 2nd revised edition. 

About the author

Makvana Jaykumar Hiteshbhai

Makvana Jaykumar Hiteshbhai Year: 2nd BHMS, Rajkot Homoeopathic Medical College University: Parul University