Effectual Treatment in Case of Cough

Effectual Treatment in Case of Cough


The acute case which is avoided by homeopaths causes failure but these  acute cases are a step of the success. According to Dr. Hahnemann these acute cases  are the flare up of latent miasm. So, its ‘catch win match’ like situation. Most of  the patients are not trustworthy homoeopaths but if we cured these acute cases then  we make become a good homoeopath physician. 


A case of post- influenza cough. Patients suffered extreme complaints of  cough, with the help of LM potency and cross-repertorisation. According to Dr.  Hahnemann aphorism 170 “Afresh and a homoeopathic remedy as appropriate  as possible to this new condition must be chosen.” 

Abbreviation: Cough, S.R. Phatak, Murphy, LM Potency 


A patient age 49/F, came with complaints of severe and continuous dry cough, since 2 to 3 days. Burning in throat and chest. Morning expectoration. Discharge  yellow colour. Dry cough aggravates- at night, from 2 a.m. to 9 a.m., in cold  weather, lying on back position. Amelioration by hot water. Cough with chest  pain and drawing like sensation feel in head. Dry cough coming from deep. Patient had taken allopathy medicine but it didn’t work. 

Physical general: 

Appetite: Four Meals Per Day. Thirst: 4 To 5 Glasses Per Day. (Normal) Desire: Sweets. Aversion: Nothing Specific. Urination: 4-5/Day; Once/Night.  

Stool: Once/Day 0/N; Character: Brown Colour, Not Too Soft and Too Hard.  Sleep: 10 Hours with Unrefreshed. 

Dreams: Nothing Specific 

Perspiration: As Per Season. 

Thermal reaction: 


     Preferred: Summer Season. 

     Bath: Warm Water in Winter and Monsoon. 

Past history: 

     Fever week ago. 

Analysis and evaluation of symptoms: 

Cough from deep Sensation 

Chest pain during cough Sensation/ Concomitant Burning in throat and chest Sensation 

Cold weather agg. Modality 

Cough aggravated at night Modality 

Expectoration morning Modality/ Time Lying position on back agg. Modality 

Hot water amel. Modality 

Discharge yellow Physical general 

Selection of repertory: 

A concise repertory of homoeopathic medicine by Dr. S. R. Phatak. Homoeopathic medical repertory by Robin Murphy.


Repertorial totality: 


Air- clear, dry or cold weather agg 

Cough- deep 


Cough- painful 

Coughing- night 

Food-Hot, drinks, amel. 

General-Lying, down, position- back, on, agg. 

Yellowness of skin, discharges. 

Lungs- expectoration , discharge-morning.


Radar opus 

Group of remedies: 

Nux vomica, Bryonia alba, Spongia tosta , Lycopodium Clavatum, Aconitum napellus, Arsenicum album. 

Final selection medicine: 

With the help of ‘Concordant Materia medica’ by Frans Vermeulen. I selected Spongia tosta. 


Spongia tosta LM/3 three times for 3 days. (According to  instruction given by Dr. Hahnemann in 6th edition organon of medicine  (aphorism:248 with footnote)). 

Follow up:  

After three days, no complaints of cough. No pain. All complaints are relieved. With marked improvement. 


Here with help of a few symptoms and proper guidance- organon of medicine, Dr. Hahnemann’s new dynamization method (LM  potency), Phatak and Murphy repertory. I was able to solve this acute type  of cases where allopathy medicine didn’t work. So yes, homoeopathy  is not only for chronic but also acute diseases faster than other pathy.



Dr. Sumant R. Zankat 

Assistant Professor: B.A. Dangar Homoeopathic Medical College, Rajkot. Department of Homoeopathy Case Taking and Repertory.

About the author


Dr Sumant Zankat is a B.H.M.S.(M.D.) and working in homoeopathy medical college as a assistant professor in homoeopathy repertory. I am doing homoeopathy practice since 4 years. I had done a project of "global survey on 50 millesimal potency". I published "research work on Boger synoptic key."