Homoeopathy is a holistic approach that provides a gentle and non-invasive mode of treatment for children. It takes into account each child’s unique constitution and susceptibility to various conditions, focusing on addressing the root cause which is causing the illness. Homeopaths thoroughly assess a child’s physical, emotional, and developmental aspects to give individualised method of treatment. By treating the child as a whole mind, body, and spirit homoeopathy is particularly suitable for young children who may be sensitive to strong medications or therapies. It aims to enhance overall health and well-being rather than merely alleviating symptoms.
Keywords– homoeopathy, pediatrics, respiratory,psychiatric,skin
Homoeopathy is considered as a safe and effective form of treatment for children as well as adults. The number of patients using homoeopathy are growing worldwide.
According to a recent study published in the European journal of pediatrics showed that Homoeopathic treatment for common illnesses affecting children below two years of age is superior to allopathic treatment.
In the study, researchers compared the health status of 108 children, from birth to 24 months of age, who were treated either homoeopathically or conventionally for diverse acute illness episodes such as fever, diarrhoea, and respiratory infection, among others.
It was found homoeopathic group participants experienced significantly fewer sick days over the 24 months than did those in the conventional group which was one-third of that in the conventional group”(1). There are various studies that have shown significant success has been in treating various illnesses in children using homoeopathic medicines. Homoeopathy works by strengthening the patients resistance enhancing their ability to fight diseases it supports the immune system enabling the body to fight illnesses more effectively due to the extremely small doses prescribed since the prescribed doses are very minute homoeopathic medicines are highly safe for children with minimal side effects if any additionally this sweet taste makes them easy for children to take willingly as a result homoeopathy offers a safe and convenient approach to treating pediatric disorders.
Knowing the child :
A child is product of environmental surroundings of mother during pregnancy birth and in the early years of rearing of child in the present era of rapid scientific progress As a consequence of advances in molecular biology genetics and immunology the approaches to the management of many disorders in children are changing constantly the effects of different factors from the day of conception on the intrauterine life of the fetus which makes great contribution to the disposition of the child are well known from the day of birth the infant undergoes lots of changes and a rapid physical and mental growth take place a child has to be assessed according to it so the individuality and the totality of the child is understood properly.(2)
Knowing the Parents:
These days, parents are more and more concerned with the health care of the child especially when he is sick. With an enlarging trend towards nuclear families, with both parents working, and consequent pressure on time, it is often found that the parents develop a guilt and attention to the child especially when its emotional needs are intense. Even when the child is sick, the parents can not afford to spend sufficient time with him. And in order to find a quick solution, they rush from physician to physician in search of the best and instant treatment.
Some parents, because of their guilty conscience, and to impress the spouse, do not mind spending any amount of money for the treatment which might not be necessary in a large number of cases. In the process, even trivial and self limiting complaints are treated by some physicians with unnecessary drugging. Sometimes this is dangerous. The homoeopathy helps the parents to understand the child better both in health and sickness. So, that unnecessary anxiety and drugging are avoided.(2)
Homoeopathy For Pediatric Population In General Affecting Various Systems-
Homoeopathy helps in the management of almost all health problems in children.
Starting from infancy to adulthood, homoeopathy is effective in managing a wide range of conditions, including infectious diseases, respiratory, skin disorders as well as nutritional and systemic disorders. It also shows positive results in addressing behavioural issues in children, such as bedwetting, phobias, hyperactivity, and autism etc.
Respiratory Disorders In Children
Respiratory disorders are among the most common conditions seen in children.
Factors such as changes in lifestyle, diets high in preservatives and artificial colors, increasing pollution, and crowded living environments have contributed to the rise in upper and lower respiratory tract issues.
Common conditions include recurrent colds, sinusitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma, and pulmonary tuberculosis. These infections may be caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi, and other pathogens. A multi-centric open clinical trial study was done to know the usefulness of homoeopathic medicines in the management of acute rhinitis of children with its efficacy and effectiveness( 3). Homoeopathy has shown successful results in the treatment of such cases. Along with this,it helps in the management of post infection weakness and anorexia too. Few general medicines along with their indications which can be considered in respiratory disorders for children are as follows. However selection of most appropriate similimum will depend upon case taking and analysis and evaluation of symptoms.
- Antimonium Tarticum – Child is weak, pale, doesn’t want to be touched, looked upon, suited to child with gastric and catarrhal affection. Great accumulation of mucus with coarse rattling due to which respiration is affected. Heart’s action becomes labored.
Agg. – Damp cold weather, change of weather, warm room, lying at night.
Amel. – Cold open air, sitting upright, expect lying on right.(4)(5)(6)
- Bryonia– Child is irritable, desires many things but throw them away when given.
Dryness is the main element of the medicine (dryness of mucous membrane),dry mouth, stool hard dry, thirst of large quantities of water.
< slightest motion, exertion,touch, warmth, warm drinks and foods.
Amel. – Rest, lying on painful side.(4)(5)(6)
- Hepar Sulph– Child is cross, anger at trifles, doesn’t laugh or amuse itself,temper tantrums. Here oversensitiveness is the key element. Oversensitive to cold air (dry cold air, pain, to touch). Babies are always sour inspite of much washing. Desire sour and strong things, aversion to fat foods.
<cold air,uncovering,eating and drinking cold things,slight draught of air , touching affected part, lying on painful side.
>warmth,wrapping up,damp wet weather .(4)(5)(6)
- Lycopodium – Suited to children which are emaciated though eating well,enlarged abdomen.Children are irritable,nervous and unmanageable when sick.Child has two sides- behaves well outside home and ill manner when at home. Snuffles,child startles from sleep,rubbing its dry nose,stopped at night ,crust and elastic plugs from nose.
Skin Disorders in Children
Skin conditions in children can vary from mild issues like fungal infections and nappy rash to more severe conditions such as atopic dermatitis and psoriasis. These cases are commonly encountered in homoeopathic practice. A study of the efficacy of Homoeopathy in pediatric atopic diseases showed that there was a significant reduction in tendency to maintain atopic dermatitis and to develop asthma (and allergic rhinitis) in adult age. (7)
Homoeopathy views physical ailments, including skin diseases, as reflections of an individual’s mental and emotional state. Therefore, treatment considers all aspects of the child, including their development, temperament, fears, moods, food preferences, and dislikes. Additionally, the mother’s state during pregnancy is often found to have a significant connection to the child’s conditions. Few general medicines along with their indications which can be considered in skin complaints for children are as follows. However selection of most appropriate similimum will depend upon case taking and analysis and evaluation of symptoms.
- Graphites– Suited to fat flabby children who suffer from constant chilliness and herpetic eruption which cracks and woos a glutinous discharge .Indecisive, timid, fearful. Laughs when someone scolds. Cracks, fissures , dryness of skin, lack of sweat,cracks of tissue at muco-cutaneous junction, mouth, anus, folds of skin.Offensiveness discharges are honey like fluid corrosive transparent especially on years face or entire scalp
Aggravation- warmth in general common night, rich food
Amelioration- warm drinks, open air, eructation, being wrapped by.(4)(5)(6)
- Sulphur -suited to stooped shouldered children. The child looks like an old man. Children are dirty looking with aversion to being washed. Burning of soles when warm in bed. Oversensitiveness, soreness and redness of orifices like ears, nostrils, urethra, lips etc. Discharges are painful with marked burning.
< warmth of bed, washing, suppression of skin diseases, change of weather
>Dry warm weather, right side.(4)(5)(6)
- Silicea Terra– Suited to growing children who suffer from malnutrition due to imperfect assimilation. Children are weak, nervous, irritable and shy. Tendency for suppuration. Profuse perspiration on head specially at night. Offensive foot sweat. Suppuration, sinus, fistula, induration.
< new moon, draft of cold air, uncovering, washing
> Warmth, covering, profuse urination.(4)(5)(6)
- Petroleum– Suited to children who are prone to suffer from catarrhal conditions of mucous membrane, gastric acidity and cutaneous eruption. Good remedy for occipital eczema and diaper rash. Diarrhoea after a suppressed eruption. Ragged, chapped hands and fingers. Dirty, hard, rough, thickened skin like parchment. Deep cracks especially in folds.
< motion, riding a carriage, boat, winters, damp weather, change of weather
> summers, warm dry weather.(4)(5)(6)
Homoeopathy in Diarrhea
Homoeopathy has proven effective in treating diarrhea in children by targeting both the symptoms and root causes of the illness.Remedies are chosen according to specific symptoms, such as the frequency and consistency of the stools, as well as any accompanying signs like discomfort or emotional distress before during or after passing the stools. A Prospective Multicentre Observational Study to Determine the Usefulness of Predefined Homoeopathic Medicines in the Management of Acute Diarrheal Disease in Children was conducted. It showed that acute medicine has a definite role in altering the course of diarrhea and in which followed by a constitutional medicine showed a significant impact in bringing down the frequency, duration & intensity of diarrhea(8). Few general medicines along with their indications which can be considered in diarrhoea for children are as follows. However selection of most appropriate similimum will depend upon case taking and analysis and evaluation of symptoms.
- Aloes – Child is emotional, chat and laugh. Child is very sensitive to slightest noise and music. Cannot tolerate musical toys. Diarrhoea immediately after eating,passes flatus and little stool. Mucus jelly like lumps. <early morning,hot damp weather,cloudy weather,after eating.
>cold water,discharge of flatus.(4)(5)(6)
- Cina – Most indicated remedy during dentition. Child is obstinate, offends easily. Doesn’t want to be carried.. Involuntary stools during period of dentition,white mucous like small pieces of popped corn with pinching pain before passing. Worms and itching in anus <Heat,anger,open wind,touch.
>night,warm wet weather.(4)(5)(6)
- Chamomilla – Child is oversensitive mentally. Adapted to children with light brown hair and are of irritable temperament. Child is cross,uncivil and quarrelsome.Desires to be carried. STOOLS: Hot,green,watery,fetid,slimy with colic,chopped white and yellow mucus like chopped eggs and spinach. Diarrhoea during dentition.
>being carried,sweating,heat,cold application.
<heat,anger, open air, wind ,night .(4)(5)(6)
Homoeopathy in Psychiatric illnesses
ADHD, Autism, Mental retardation, developmental delay, nocturnal enuresis are common reasons for consultation in homoeopathy , since our system deals with not only on physical symptoms but on the mental plane of children. A study was conducted to obtain scientific evidence of the effectiveness of homoeopathy in ADHD These trial suggested the scientific evidence of the effectiveness of homoeopathy in the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, particularly in the areas of behavioral and cognitive functions(9).
Homoeopathic treatment includes an in-depth discussion about the child’s physical health issues, family medical history, sleep habits, food preferences, temperament, and behavioral traits. Few general medicines along with their indications which can be considered in psychiatric illnesses for children are as follows. However selection of most appropriate similimum will depend upon case taking and analysis and evaluation of symptoms.
- Tarentula– Children are restless, hurried, lots of energy cannot restrain them. Destructiveness, breaks, throws toys. Cannot resist; moves body when hears music, irregular movements. Constant motion of limbs. Craving for raw food. Eats indigestible things.
< Periodically, yearly at same hour, touch, cold,noise, music
> riding in carriage, sun, sweating.(4)(5)(6)
- Hyoscyamus- Adapted to children who are nervous, irritable, excitable, hysterical. Loss of control over his own impulses i.e. talking, joking, throwing tantrums at most inappropriate times. Behavioural problems like biting when someone disturbs them,deire to break things, abusive and insults others,restlessness. Desire to uncover, remains naked. Destructive nature.
< at night, after eating, when lying down
> stooping.(4)(5)(6)
- Baryta Carb- Children with retarded growth, dwarfish mentally and physically. Late or delayed in learning to talk, read. Delayed or late to memorise or cannot comprehend. Constant whining. Aversion to play, incomfortable in front of strangers, loss of self confidence.
< company, thinking of symptoms, cold damp weather,lying on painful part
> cold food, warm wraps, when alone.(4)(5)(6)
- Aethusa Cynapium– Difficulty in concentration, especially while reading, confusion, idiocy. Brain fag, desires company. Complaints from anticipation. . Cannot tolerate milk. . Loves animals,sympathetic and compassionate towards them.
< after eating or drinking, hot summer weather, milk, after stool, after spasm, dentition
> covering, open fresh air, sea shore, rest, company.(4)(5)(6)
- Kreosote– Suited particularly to the infant in the cradle.
Old looking children ,Sick suffering expressions. Wrinkled, scrofulous with rapid emaciation and difficult dentition.Overgrown poorly developed children.Very tall for her age. Forgetfulness. Child wets the bed during first sleep (Sepia). He wets the bed at night with dreams of urination. He wakes up by the act of urinating but is unable to arrest the flow.
<Open air; Cold weather; From washing, bathing in cold water; During
>From warmth. (4)(5)(6)
- Sepia– Children of mild or easy disposition with dark hair and rigid fibre.
Puffed, flabby child with dirty brown or blotched skin. Indifference to loved ones.Lack of emotions. Cannot demonstrate affection. Irritable child. Intolerant of contradiction. Angry, sensitive, easily
offended and miserable. Never seems happy. Dirtiness; child urinates and defecates everywhere. Involuntary urination in children, with difficulty to wake the child.
<Cold air; Before thunderstorm; Morning and evening; Lying on left side.
>Exercise; Vigorous activity; Pressure; Warmth of bed; Hot application; After sleep; Limbs drawn up.(4)(5)(6)
Homoeopathy is effective in addressing a wide range of issues faced by children, from infantile colic and teething problems to aches, pains, and behavioral challenges. This system of medicine works from within by boosting a child’s immunity, helping to prevent illnesses. By strengthening the body’s natural defences, homoeopathy enables children to fight off common infections like colds or flu more effectively, keeping them healthier and free from illness for longer period. The evidence presented highlights the need for more research on pediatric disorders to advance the field of homoeopathy. While positive results are being observed in clinical practice, they often go undocumented due to a lack of focus on proper documentation. Therefore, every homeopath should make dedicated efforts to promote homoeopathy as a highly effective and safe treatment option for children.
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About the Author:
Author- Dr. Rupal Singh MD Scholar (Department of Case Taking and Repertory), Bakson Homoeopathic Medical College
Coauthor– Dr. Aditi Goyal, HOD, Professor (Department of Case Taking and Repertory), Bakson Homoeopathic Medical College