Homeopathy is the natural law of therapeutics based on certain fundamental laws, which are verifiable in its application to individual patients. In any given science (including Fundamental Sciences) the use of its application requires art. That is why, as many of us know, very good academicians and teachers who are highly proficient in laws and principles are good for nothing in making use of it for any given purpose. Why this happens even though all are using the same principles?
The use of homeopathic law is a still more complex matter because it involves two differing variables. Fundamental Law- User ( Scientist)- Varying, Subject- Same. HOMEOPATHY- User (Homeopath)- Varying, Subject- Different (Patient).
Since the two sets of variables are varying or different in Homeopathy, it is clearly visible that the application for its laws are more complex and its success depends on the thoroughness of knowledge and artistic ability of its user, the prescriber. That is why the present day teacher of Homeopathy – Dr. George Vithoulkas has stated in the preface of his book ‘Science of Homeopathy’ that,”‘There is only one handicap to Homeopathy and it is that it is extremely difficult to master”. Further he explains the effort and dedication he put in to achieve the level of knowledge he commands today.
I am greatly indebted to George Vithoulkas for he is the real teacher of Homeopathy who has described lucidly and clearly the understanding about the health and disease, hierarchical arrangement of the functions and symptoms in a given level and above all interpretations of remedy response and the use of theoretical knowledge in analyzing and evaluating a case and its cure. If anybody wants to see the truth, you need only to take it from ‘The Science of Homeopathy’. It is not a myth, nor a fiction. It is as logical and verifiable as any other science. But I don’t know why, there seems a barrier or blockade, which prevent communication and registering of this real truth into the understanding in the minds of many of the homeopaths. That may be the reason why there are ‘graded believers’ in Homeopathy. One, who sees the truth, takes it to his heart, loves it and dedicates his life to see and verify the truth in actual practice. Another one who sees part of it may go for keynote prescribing only, still others go for organopathic medicines and some others for pathological prescribing.
There is only one handicap to Homeopathy and it is that it is extremely difficult to master
The true science of Homeopathy covers all prescriptions i.e. the constitutional, keynote, mechanical totality, causations and even pathological. But when and where to decide what is to be given for a particular patient is the realm of true art. Even the strictest of theoreticians who sticks to the principles may fail in actual practice because the application of science demands artistry.
The practice and understanding of Homeopathy is against rigidity in your thinking or routines in your practice, but it requires fluidity and flexibility in accommodating the exceptions also. Then only you can clearly perceive the logic of varying principles for the selection of medicines. Under the pretension of art many of the followers discover their own way of practice totally deviating from the basic principles, and most sadly preaches and teaches it in discussions and seminars resulting in misguidance to beginners. You should have no belief in men who swears that ‘Homeopathy is a non science’ or else who injects personal imaginations and delusions into the main frame of Homeopathy, hoping that it will give them fame. Any gains based on false premises carries with it a penalty to perish in the long run and they will be condemned by the later generations.
Art is nothing which can be used on personnel imaginations and fancies but it is the application of science in a given framework. We homeopaths are solely depending on the observations and writings of conscientious prescribers who have truthfully followed the principles and developed the science with their tireless effort and carefulness in recording the truth. It is evident from the history of Homeopathy that all other teachers who have deviated from the law faded away and it will be so in future too.
I believe that we homeopaths are the ‘chosen people’ by God Almighty. He is working through the medium of healers to alleviate the vast suffering of humanity. We have a mission to fulfill, a challenge to take up. We have responsibility to utilize the profound potentiality of this ‘Divine Science’ to help poor sufferers to get rid of their Karmic influences. Let me wish that everyone of us would be guided by this vision.
Asthma in Children – A Case Study
Kishore- a lively and hyperactive child of four years was brought to the clinic by his mother. He was suffering from asthma for 2 days. Depriphyline tablet helped in reducing the intensity of disease. The complaint began when he was only 6 months. Initially he took allopathic medicines for about 6 months, by which time the frequency of episodes increased. Later he was put on homeopathic medicines and developed vesicular eruptions on extremities at about one and a half years of age. There after there was an alternation of asthma and skin eruptions (Hepar sulph, Kalmia). Asthma after suppressed eruptions (Apis, Puls, Dulc, Psor). Frequency of asthma was less in the meantime and there was no episode since three years of age. The present relapse is after a period of remission of one year.
Evolution of pathology
Kishore is the fruit of an extramarital affair (Mag carb). His father was a hypersexual man with multiple relations, having very deep destructive tendencies, quite often beating girl friends and above all addicted to alcohol. The poor kid was so unfortunate to bear the teasing of his mother’s husband from the very tender age of six months. He was taken to his mother’s house at around one year of age after the divorce of his mother. There he was over protected by his grand parents. Occasionally he was beaten badly by his mother mostly not for his own fault but for her aggressive temper. Gradually he developed strong destructive tendencies. He was not punished nor given advice for his misbehaviour.
Emotional and Behavioural Pattern
1. Destructive tendencies
Stram, Tuber, Tarent, Verat, Nux
Used to repair and destroy all electronic equipments. Dismantling of everything into part- camera, tape recorder, toys. Once he made into pieces a computer keyboard in a matter of half an hour. Main weapons- Hammer, Screwdriver, Knife which he used to keep under his pillow.
2. Temper Tantrums
Subject to frequent attacks of violent rage. Hitting others i.e., his cousins of younger age, his grand parents. Grinds teeth, stamping of feet, biting etc. Trifling things such as slight difficulty in putting feet into shoes, buttoning shirt etc. are sufficient enough to provoke a tantrum.
3. Abusive
Used to speak in very foul language- calling names etc.
4. Threatening to kill
Hep, Tarent
Speaks about death and murder without provocation. During rage always threatens to kill, even throttles the offender. ‘I will kill you. I will throw you out’ are the most common threatening.
5. Hyperactive
Always doing this or that using screwdriver or hammer or may chop at the door with knife.
6. Likes music, T.V. programmes and even dances (Tarent).
7. Cowardice (Lyc)
Easily subject to fears- frightened easily.
Though naughty and obstinate at home, very much mild and well-disciplined kid at nursery. Teachers used to praise him and say good remarks to his mother for he is the most well behaved kid in the class.
8. Fear of dark
Cannot even sleep in a dark room.
9. Fear of dogs
Will not go near the pet dog at house. Frightened if it make friendly advances.
10. Fear of animals
11. Fear of strangers
12. Dependency
Even though he abuses his mother, whenever she is out of home for about 15 minutes, he shrieks and weeps for he wants to see her at once. Very obstinate crying at that time for long time.
13. Shrieking and talking in sleep
Physical Generals
1. Desire for sweets, especially for chocolates,fried food, chicken.
2. Sleeps on abdomen
1. Constipation. Goes 3-4 days without stool. Very much distressed from it. (Tarent)
2. On passing very hard stool, bleeding from rectum. (Tub)
Analysis of the Case
Tarantula, Lycopodium, Stramonium and Tuberculinum are the most suitable medicines that came up after formal repertorisation.
LYCOPODIUM– Cowardice is the basic theme of Lycopodium pathology. Kishore is obstinate and despotic at home but is fearful and mild in class room- to the point of being considered as the best student in class by his teacher. Add to this, the strong carving for chocolates and fear of darkness. It seems that the image is almost clear enough to confidently prescribe Lycopodium. In fact it was actually prescribed. Strangely, the result was totally disappointing for it produced no change at all.
TARENTULA– Why Lycopodium failed? Is it because, the hyperactiveness with a compulsive desire to do something always coupled with a destructive tendency is the major element? If so why not Tarantula since Kishore has got a specific likeness to music and he loves to dance? Besides that ‘Threatens to kill’ is a very peculiar symptom having only two remedies in the repertory. He goes for 3-4 days without stool. Tarentula was given but to my disbelief the result was frustrating.
TUBERCULINUM– Finally I decided to try Tuberculinum. His mother told me that she had primary complex in childhood. So it seemed a very good prescription. Destructive tendency, Temper tantrums, Fear of dogs, desire for sweets, sleeps on abdomen, bleeding from hard stool etc. are the major symptoms of Tuberculinum in this case. To my great relief it produced a definite improvement. The number of Asthmatic attacks was much reduced. Skin eruptions developed on his body, i.e. vesicular with much itching. The vesicles were few in number but it was on all parts of the body. There seemed an alternation of skin and chest symptoms. Finally there was a remission of asthma. Skin eruptions were occasionally seen. Meanwhile there was no improvement in his emotional complaints. Instead there was a worsening of his behavioural disorders. Is it the right direction of cure? Cure should go from within out. So at the time of next relapse (after a period of remission of one year) I decided to review the case.
What are the major expressions in this patient? The first one is ‘destructiveness’. Okay. What is next in importance? It is ‘ Fear of darkness’. Considering both these symptoms having very strong intensity, can you see any medicine coming up? Yes, STRAMONIUM and GALLICUM. On going through the rest of symptomatology it seems very clear that ‘Stramonium’ is the similimum even though ‘Gallicum acidum’ is very close. Why I have missed it so far? Possibly because of my prejudice against Stramonium in a case of Asthma. Let me see whether Stramonium is listed under the rubric Asthma. Yes, it is there and that too with three marks. It is also listed under the subrubric ‘asthma in children’.
Remedy Response
Stramonium 1000/2 doses were given during an acute attack of asthma. Slight aggravation of asthma for about two hours followed by alleviation of suffering. On the third or fourth day after medicine skin eruptions were seen. The most interesting of the effect of medicine was the dramatic improvement in his emotional pathology. The numbers of tantrums were markedly reduced. The child was not abusive as before. Bowel movements became regular even after a period of two years. A few more doses of Stramonium were required.
Dr. Jose Zachariah B.H.M.S.
CERCH, Kottayam
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