Aconite. In the maddening pain of Otitis, dark redness of parts, stinging, lancinating or throbbing pains and great sensitiveness. It suits earaches from sudden changes of temperature. Worse at night, lying on affected side, is aggravated by warmth. Its influence and to a brief period immediately following exposure. Temperature and pulse high, respiration hurried, burning skin and thirst. Very sensitive to noises .Sensation of a drop of water in left ear. Don’t forget, restless, pain numbness, fear, dry, red hot no sweat.
Belladonna. In acute Otitis, with digging, boring, throbbing, lancinating, beating with heart beats, tearing pains which come suddenly and are most violent. Membrane tympani is covered with inflated blood vessels and bulges. Pain comes on suddenly. Parotid and lymph glands swollen, hearing acute. Pain causes violent delirium. Child cries and jumps in sleep Aggravation. All symptoms worse at touch, jar, noises, draught, afternoon, lying down. Better by warmth and in semi erect position. Don’t forget, red hot with sweat, tendency to be right-sided.
Ferrum Phosphoricum. Is useful more especially in anemia patients, in acute earache, it has tinnitus, no special deafness, sensitive to sound, humming sound. Has pains in paroxysms, throbbing or stitching. First stage remedy prevents suppuration.
- A tendency of the inflammatory process to be diffused instead of circumscribed.
- Beefy redness of the parts.
- Muco purulent discharge with tendency to hemorrhage.
- Discharge does not relieve pain.
- Pain in paroxysms.
- Earache after exposure to wet.
Modalities: Better – Quiet and recumbent. Worse –motion especially the beating and hammering.
Chamomilla. A very definite remedy in infantile earache. Pains violent, worse from warmth. One cheek with red-hot spot, other pale and cold, restless, fretful, hyper-aesthesia, much suffering. Suspicious, ill-humored, earache with toothache,
ear symptoms worse with cold water in mouth. Swelling and heat drives patient frantic. Ears feel stopped. Fretting and earache go hand-in-hand.
Modalities: Worse – heat, anger, open air, wind, night. Better – being carried.
Capsicum. Now we come to a stage where the condition has had some development. It corresponds to Otitis Media, with rupture of the membrane tympani, great soreness of mastoid portion of the temporal bone, chronic suppurations, bursting headaches, chilliness, burning and stinging, swelling, pains behind ears, pain on deep pressure on tip of petrous portion of mastoid, ears hot, pain goes to throat, drum perforated. Subacute inflammation of the Eustachian tube and deep in ear.
Caution. Do not use this remedy below the 6X.
Modalities : Better- While eating, from heat. Worse – open air, uncovering, draught.
Silica: Most valuable in supportive middle ear troubles, complicated with caries or necrosis of the bone, attended with a thin, offensive discharge containing small pieces of bone. Perforations of the ear drum heal rapidly under Silica. A peculiar and leading symptom to this remedy is an itching and tingling in the Eustachian tube, sensitive to noise, roaring in ear, shooting pains with profuse perspiration, attended with chill or chilliness, plus the sound of explosion of a percussion cap in the ear. Promotes repair of ear drum. Try 12X if an ear of this type does not want to come to an end. Of course this remedy will work in more attenuated form, say 30X-200X. I am very fond of the 500X, it will not let you down.
Modalities: Worse – new moon, in morning from washing, during menses, uncovering lying down damp, lying on left side cold. Better-warmth, wrapping up head, summer, in wet or humid weather.
This probably fits as the chronic of Pulastilla.
Sulphur: Is useful for a most offensive discharge, it stinks from the ears. They are red, raw and the discharge excoriates. It may be well to think of Psorinum in this odor business. The sulphur patient is one of those dirty, greasy mortals, who has poor conception of soap and water and who is oversensitive to water. He does not like it.
Modalities: Better—dry, warm weather, right side, from drawing up affected limbs. Worse—left ear, when at rest, warmth in bed, washing, bathing in morning. Night from alcoholic stimulants.
Don’t forget: Burning, filthy people, feet want a cool place ,early morning diarrhea.
Aconite: Any acute inflammation, may be of traumatic origin foreign body, eye feels full of sand, lids swollen, hard and red. Photophobia from exposure to cold, reflection to snow or acrid substance, First remedy, prior to exudation.
Euphrasia: Inflammation of the lids which are red and injected, ulcerated, profuse excoriating discharge photo-phobia, cannot bear artificial light. Pustules near border of cornea. Close work brings on pain in eyes, catarrhal conjunctivitis. The eyes water all the time, granular opthalmia and its acute exacerbations. Blurring of vision, relieved by winking thus wiping the eye. 12X is a useful potency. Lower and higher potencies work well.
Allium Cepa: Profuse bland lachrymation.
Ambrosin : 200X, Itching eyes.
Kali Carb: Eyes swollen in morning.
Belladonna. Perhaps the most frequently indicated remedy in eye troubles. Dry injected eyes total absence of lachrymation the intensity and violence of its symptoms are leading indications. The early stage of conjunctivitis, iritis, retinitis, sudden violent spasms, great intolerance of light, affections of eyes due to overuse or from use in poor light. Symptoms of bright sparks before eyes, retinal hemorrhage, apoplexy of retina, throbbing deep in the eye pupils dilated, staring, brilliant conjunctiva red, shooting in eye illusions, sees double squinting spasms of lids. Better in the dark.
Gelsemium: A most valuable remedy in eye troubles. It has an abundance of paralytic symptoms diplopia, double vision and ptosis, These symptoms are associated with soreness of the eyeballs, dark red face and general symptoms of the drug. Double vision is very characteristic, giddiness and pains in the eyeballs are sure indications for the remedy. Intra-ocular inflammations, where serous exudations occur, dull pains, double vision and vertigo will indicate Gelsemium. In serous iritis, choroiditis where there is a gradual impairment of vision and heavy lids, it is the remedy. It produces also an inability to accommodate quickly. It has been used for detachment of the retina and some forms of asthenopia and in astigmatism with considerable success. Strabismus from weakening of the muscles is also characteristic and therapeutically it has been found useful in strabismus and ptosis following diphtheria.
Gelsemium is one of the most valuable remedies in glaucoma, often palliating the severe pains and improving the neurotic symptom of the disease. Gelsemium dilates the pupil through its paralyzing effect on the third nerve. One pupil contracted the other dilated. Albuminuric retinitis.
Modalities: Worse—damp weather fog before thunder-storm emotion, excitement bad news, tobacco smoking when thinking of his ailments at 10:00 A.M. Better bending forward, by profuse urination, open air, continued motion, stimulants.
Bryonia: It is much similar to Gelsemium. Its modalities are different. More rheumatic in character.
Modalities: Worse—motion morning eating hot weather, exertion, touch cannot sit up gets faint and sick, Better—lying on painful side, pressure rest cold things.
Rhus Toxicodendron: Oedematous swellings, redness acrid discharge, orbital cellulitis, intolerance of light so that eyes cannot be opened at night, tears hot and scalding, causing pimples of parts bathed with tears, a very important symptom. Gush to tears separates eyelids, secretion rather scanty, more profuse in mornings and open air. Ptosis from getting wet, rheumatic iritis, erysipelas or eczema of lids, old injured eyes.
Modalities: Worse—when quite. Exhausted on little exertion, cold, wet weather, after rain. Right side. Rest on back or right side. Better—warms, dry weather, motion change position, rubbing, warm applications.
Mercurius : Important in Opthalmea Neonatarium and Keratitis, specially if of syphilitic origin, profuse burning acrid discharge, floating black spots after exposure to glare of fire, iritis with styes and rheumatic troubles.
Mercurius Biniodide : Where glandular swellings are excessive.
Mercurius Protoiodide: In corneal ulcer. Ulcer has appearance as if the ulcer has been chipped out by the fingernail. Accompanied by yellow-coated tongue.
Merc. Corro.—Violent symptoms, severe burning, agonizing pain, lids swollen profuse excoriating lachrymation which takes the skin off the cheeks, ulcers of the cornea with tendency to perforation. If there is any “best remedy” for iritis it is Merc. Corro. Iris muddy in color neither contracts nor dilates. Choroditis ,pain stops immediately upon injection of 1/1000 solution under conjunctiva. Retinitis albuminuria also finds a remedy in Merc. Corro. Syphilitic iritis, of course. A wonderful remedy.
Modalities: Worse —evening and at night, Better –at rest. I am fond of the 30X.
Argenticum Nitricum: Has a profuse discharge like pulsatilla. Purulent opthalmia. I recommend 3X, very good.
Pulsatilla: General symptoms, mild, gentle, yielding disposition, cries at ever thing, is sad and despondent weeps. As a remedy for styes it has no equal. It aborts them before pus is formed. Affinity for the lids, increases Meibomian thick mucus, bland, profuse, yellow or yellowish green, more abundant in open air. Practically no pain. 30X works excellent.
Graphites: Phlyctenular Ophthalmia. Best remedy in vesicles on cornea, and ulceration in children. There is scrofulous ophthalmia with tendency to wild hairs. Comes nearer being a specific in blepharitis than any other remedy. It certainly cleans up eczema along the margins of the eyelids, especially following measles. Don’t forget the fissures of the eyelids, especially the outer canthi and the wild hair.
Type Remedies: Heper, Pulsatilla, Mercurius.
Camphor: First stages-very first. It is so far ahead that at times it is not in it , all its symptoms are gone before patient comes to you .
Aconite: Sudden onset, exposure to dry cold, dry wind with chilliness. It comes on as a thunderstorm out of a clear sky, with sneezing. Red-hot skin, dry. A first remedy.
Allium Cepa: Allium has an acrid discharge from nose and comparatively bland from eyes. The trouble is apt to travel to the chest.
Euphrasia: Bland discharge from nose and acrid discharge from eyes, excoriating the cheeks. It confines itself to upper respiratory mucous membrane.
Gelsemium: Is often underestimated. A picture of sinusitis of the head, deep pain in back of eyes, nose stopped up, frontal and occipital headache, aching over entire body, exhausted dizziness. Should be considered as a prophylaxis for polio (Infantile Paralysis). Use early in colds. Epidemics respond and the IX dilution often will suffice.
Bryonia: Symptoms are almost identical except for the aggravation on motion. More profuse cough. Worse in coming in from outside. Lung and chest pains.
Belladona : Cerebral excitement. Skin red, hot and moist, swelling in throat, very red and dry glazed appearance, strawberry tongue. Fauces are inflamed, tonsils swollen and enlarged with profound dryness and hyperresthesia, with throbbing pains. More especially right-sided remedy.
Natrum Muriaticum: Colds with watery discharge Fever blisters. There is an entire loss of taste.
Dulcamara: Damp house cold in the head, cold from sitting on stones ,too early in the season, wet weather or change of weather, and gradually involves the whole respiratory system; clear water running from nose.
Pulsatilla: Ripe cold. Loss of hearing smell and taste. Thick yellow discharge. Symptoms change from side to side.
Nux Vomica: With aggravations in the morning, hard for him to get started, with other cold grouchy symptoms.
Sabadilla: Left-side colds, spasmodic sneezing with running nose.
Merc Rub: Left-sided.
Mere Prod.: Right-sined.
Causticum: Hughes says that there is no better remedy in catarrhal aphonia than Causticum. It has dryness of the larynx and sensitiveness extending to the chest. There is hoarseness with rawness and scraping in the chest under the middle of the sternum with dry, hollow and unsatisfactory cough. It finds a curative sphere in the hoarseness or speakers and singers, which is worse mornings and much aggravated in cold weather. It is a paretic hoarseness accompanied by a cough which does not seem sufficient to bring up the phlegm, and in these cases the 12th or 30th potencies act well.
Phosphorus: Evening hoarseness with great sensitivity and dryness in the larynx is characteristic of phosphorus. It tires and hurts the patient to talk; the voice is rough and hoarse and the expectoration is scanty; using the voice brings on the cough.
Arum Triphyllum: For the hoarseness of singers and orators there are a few remedies of great importance; among them is Arum triphyllum. It is useful when the voice suddenly gives out and goes to, a higher key. A cracked voice from overuse and hoarseness.
Carbo Vegetabilis: This remedy suits a painless hoarseness, particularly that which is brought on by exposure to damp evening air. It is, of course, worse evenings though it may appear in the morning on waking, aggravated in moist, cool weather.
Aconite: Always first, onset sudden aroused from sleep gasping for breath, anxious, hot skin, restless, cough driest kind, loud barking, no expectoration. After continuing the remedy a little while a little expectoration takes place with relief. Do not stop medicine too soon, continue for a day.
Spongia: It follows Aconite. Harsh sawing breathing, barking, ringing, scant expectoration, becomes tighter and tighter every minute, worse before midnight. Light-eomplexioned children, blue eyes, spasmodic croup.
Hepar Sulphur: Third of the group remedies following Spongia. Cough worse toward morning. It has a “loose edge.” There must be some hoarseness to cough. May have choking fits with coughing.
Sore Throat
All mercury preparation are great throat remedies.
Phytolacca: Throat dark color, tonsils dark red, parts sore, painful swallowing; accompanied by great aching in back and limbs. Suits in nursing women where Belladonna may not be used. Sensation of hot ball in throat, worse on swallowing hot fluids. A right-sided remedy.
Guaiacum: Rheumatic sore throat with weak throat muscles. Throat dry, burns, swollen, stitches toward ear, acute tonsillitis—gargle, 10 drops in a glass. Gargle often.
Lachesis: Lump in throat that can be swallowed but returns; constriction, difficult breathing, worse arousing or after sleep. Accompanied with sweats. Left-sided, throat is bluish red, much sicker than appearance.
Apis: Look at the uvula if watery oedema of same, swelling inside or out, plus stinging pains and cough.
Hepar: Sharp splinter like pains in throat indicates this remedy. Suppurative throat troubles, Quinsy, retropharyngeal, abscess.
Nux Vomica: An all time high remedy for irritated throats of smokers, drinkers and preachers (irritable humans).
The author acknowledges his indebtedness to the following authors for the references he has used for this article :-
Dr Samuel Lilienthal,
Dr W.A. Dewey,
Dr E.B. Nash,
Dr Wm. Boericke,
Source : Originally printed in Homoeopathic Bulletin, August, 1945.
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