The exercise of opening the 50-bed Ayush Hospital in the village Dailwara in Lalitpur district of Uttar Pradesh has accelerated. District administration has also taken an acquisition of 0.696 hectares of land for the Ayush Hospital. With the opening of AYUSH Hospital, one more method of treatment will be available in the district, so that people can get treatment in AYUSH system.
In the district, where the road to open medical college in Amrapurkh has been cleared. At the same time, the people of Ayush Hospital in the field of medicine will be able to treat patients soon. After getting approval from the government to open AYUSH Hospital in the district, now the District Magistrate Manvendra Singh has appointed GATA number 2607/3 min to the Village Sabha Dalwara for construction of 50 beded Hospital in village Dailwara of Lalitpur.
The land whose area is 0.696 hectares is agriculturally a waste land that has been acquired. The Ayush Department will set up 50 bed Hospital.