A Brief History of Coronaviruses (COVID-19) and Treatment with Homeopathy

Wake Up Now Or Perish: Humanity In The Hands Of An Unscientific Medicine And Fraudulent Health Industry

A brief history of COVID-19

This article is meant for every human being living on earth. We all know that all of us are besieged by the coronavirus, COVID-19, and are aware of the social, economical, political and health consequences of the deadly infection. There is no doubt, this is a moment in human history where the whole population should unite to prevent and cure this pandemic threatening the very survival of civilization.

It is heartening to see that the whole world has been united to prevent the disease by adopting three measures universally 1. Wearing a mask in public places, 2. Social distancing, 3. Proper hygienic measures. But still the virus is spreading fast across the world as it has the potential of transmission.

Even though we have failed to clearly delineate where it originated, Wuhan lab or Wuhan meat market. As a responsible nation, China failed to contain the virus locally in the city of Wuhan. A responsible and open Chinese system would have prevented its spread at its nascent stage itself. Kerala, a State in democratic India has successfully contained and eliminated the Nipah virus outbreak in 2018, which was deadlier than COVID-19. During the outbreak of Nipah, 19 people got infected, of which 17 people died. But the disease was contained completely within a period of 45 days from 2nd May 2018. Everything was done in public view with total support and awareness of the local population. Had the state of Kerala failed in publicly acknowledging the seriousness of the Nipah virus infection, it would have easily spread around the world as it is now the case of COVID-19.

This contrast of approach of the democratic administration of Kerala and the totalitarian state of China is a glaring example of how the administrative philosophy and principles of a nation or state can influence the whole human population. This should be a learning curve for humanity to realise the long term dangers of totalitarian regimen, for their own people as well as the whole of humanity.

These events are mentioned as a preamble only to explain the story unfolding once the infection left China and spread all around the world. Initially in January WHO got notified about the infection and the Director general of WHO visited China and publicly acknowledged the Chinese effort to contain the disease. He also declared publicly that this is a zoonotic infection (originating from animals) and will not spread human to human. But as the days and weeks passed WHO changed their position on the spread of virus and treatment of the infection frequently, making mockery of the world organisation. Eventually all realised that the organisation maintained for human health promotion on tax payers money around the world was just a shady organisation without any clear vision of global human health.

Why criticism on Arsenicum alb is false and a lie

WHO eventually declared COVID-19 outbreak as a pandemic on 11th March 2020. The saddest thing about WHO is that the world body for protecting and promoting human health declared that there is no known cure or prevention for COVID-19. This declaration was immature, unethical and unscientific as WHO did not bother to look into any other possibility outside the conventional mode i.e. the so called modern medicine. At least in India there is a vibrant indigenous medicine and Homeopathy under the ministry of AYUSH (Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy) with a minister for the union of India and a separate AYUSH department in all its  28 states and 8 union territories.

In April 2020, AYUSH ministry of Govt. of India notified the immune boosting measures under AYUSH systems of medicine. It has mentioned specific modalities and drugs under each system of AYUSH and requested the whole population in India to use them. The Govt. of India advised all states and union territories to distribute them for all citizens.  As the Govt. of India and the state governments began the process of distributing these medicines, the hell-broke and there was loud hue and cry in all television channels and newspapers denouncing this approach as unscientific! The shrill and cry was particularly loud and violent against the homeopathic immune booster Arsenic alb 30C.

Indian Medical Association (IMA) representatives beelined into the TV channels during evening prime time talks and debates and orchestrated concerted attack on all AYUSH systems, particularly homeopathy. They consistently argued that these preventive measures of AYUSH are not part of COVID-19 protocols notified by WHO, hence invalid, with an additional jibe that all AYUSH medical systems are unscientific.

It is pertinent to ask two questions here. 1. Are there any valid preventive or curative measures in the so-called modern medicine for COVID-19? The answer is an affirmative No. 2. Is Arsenic alb a newly proposed homeopathic drug which must go through clinical trials? The answer is a definite No. Why? Arsenicum album, Arsenic trioxide (As2O3) was prepared by Dr Samuel Hahnemann 200 years ago. He did the clinical trials in his own body and 89 volunteers in  his group. He found that 1065 signs and symptoms were produced in the healthy human mind and body by Arsenic alb 30C. Later 137 other volunteers also proved this drug and added further data into it. Totally 226 healthy volunteers took this drug and carefully recorded the signs and symptoms produced by Arsenic alb 30C in human mind and body. (Ref. Materia medica pura; S. Hahnemann). This is the basis of homeopathic drug Arsenic alb suggested by CCRH (Central Council for Research in Homeopathy) under AYUSH ministry, Govt. of India. This drug along with hundreds of other drugs included in the official pharmacopoeia of Germany (1871), USA (1897), India (1971), UK, as well in French and European pharmacopoeia. Arsenic alb in different potencies is used around the world in millions and millions of patients for the last 200 years. This drug marvelously cured acute and chronic patients including numerous epidemics and viral infections. There are a number of research papers published in peer reviewed journals regarding the action of Ars Alb in various clinical conditions including Arsenic poisoning. A simple Google search will bring these papers to your finger tip.

It is an unpardonable scientific fraud and a crime against humanity that out of sheer ignorance and arrogance the self declared guardians of conventional allopathic medicine is consistently trying to propagate misinformation in society by repeating the lie that Arsenic alb is not a proven drug. Whatever is the motive of the propaganda, it is a disservice to humanity as the human race is confronting deadly coronavirus without any other known medicine than Arsenic alb.

To be continued…….

Dr Rajendran is senior consultant (Homeopathy), Mar Sleeva Medicity, Palai, Kerala, India. He is Author of; 1. The Ray of Civilization – Philosophy, Science, Religion, Spirituality, Art, Literature, Evolutionary  genetics and Medicine, 2. Nanodynamics – Nanoscience, Homeopathy, Physical sciences, Nanomedicine,  3. The Nucleus – Lectures on Chronic Diseases and Miasms, 4. New Lights – Lectures on Homeopathy and Philosophy    

e-mail: rajendranes@gmail.com, web site: www.esrajendran.com

About the author

Prof. Dr Rajendran

Dr Rajendran is senior consultant (Homeopathy), Mar Sleeva Medicity, Palai, Kerala, India. He is Author of; 1. The Ray of Civilization – Philosophy, Science, Religion, Spirituality, Art, Literature, Evolutionary genetics and Medicine, 2. Nanodynamics – Nanoscience, Homeopathy, Physical sciences, Nanomedicine, 3. The Nucleus – Lectures on Chronic Diseases and Miasms, 4. New Lights – Lectures on Homeopathy and Philosophy