It was a short story of a beautiful lady.
Now a day’s breast tumour is common gynaecological problems of lady of any age. Breast are made by adipose tissue soft hollow vascular female secondary sexual organ. We know that tumour or neoplasm is an abnormal pathological growth. Breast tumour may be malignant. It may need surgical removal or chemotherapy. In our country ladies are could not disclose easily their sexual or gynaecological problem due to shy. These superstitious old thinking of patient may cause advance pathology. Their suffering may under control if diagnosis and treatment starting early. Breast cancer may be asymptomatic or painless. We observed that sometime benign breast tumour covert in to breast cancer after surgery.
Breast tumour may control by homoeopathy without surgery.
A beautiful lady of 18 years was suffering tumour in breast on left side. She was student of BSC 1st year and new college lady just pass out ISC from a girl’s school. Her tumour was lower portion of left breast. Normally the tumour was painless. But suddenly severe in-tolerable pain occurs in tumour, vertigo occurs and patient becomes faint for some time. She was already unconscious several times in college and home due to her severe pain in breast before coming in my clinic.
Her tumour was transverse oval shaped like a parwal .The area of tumour was hot and congested. It was soft, slight tenderness on examination, no other symptoms was found.
After case taking and consult with repartory books, I select medicine Belladonna for her suffering.
Follow up:-
1ST prescription :-
My first prescription was Bell 30 BD for two dose for 3 days and placebo.
2ND prescription :-
No relief seen after 3 days. I repeat again medicine the same for seven days with placebo.
3RD prescription :-
No improvement seen after 7 days. Bell 200 OD for 3 days and placebo for 4 days.
4TH prescription :-
Some improve was seen in recurrence and severity of her symptoms. So I increase power of medicine. Bell 200 OD for 3 days and placebo for 7 days.
5THprescription :-
After taking Bell 200 her tumour was reduce in size and sift left to right side. So I repeat the same medicine in same order due to improvement of patient for next 10 days.
6TH prescription :-
No more improvement seen. Bell 1M OD alternate 2 days and placebo for 10 days.
7THprescription :-
Patient came after 15 days, her tumour almost vanished and other problems were gone. Bell 1M single dose and placebo for 15 day.
8TH prescription :-
Her all complains were gone completely after 15 days.Bell10 M 1OD and placebo for 1 month.
9TH prescription :-
After 1 month she comes my clinic without any recurrence of her suffering. So she had no need to take any medicine. Placebo for 2 months.
Her family member and well-wishers advised to consult with Gynaecologist. It will be created problem in her future mainly marriage life. But her father was headmaster of a school. He want to give me one more chance to relief his daughter’s suffering after two time failure of my treatment.
I select medicine upon the totality of symptoms. I thought about many other medicine study of repertory and discuss with my senior practiser.
“I trust ultimately on Bell and
Bell saved me from go to the hell”.
Bibliography :-
1. Howkine & Bourne SHAW’S Textbook of Gynaecology
2. Text book of Gynaecology by Dr. D.C. Dutta .
3. Text book of Gynaecology contraception and Demography by Dr. C.S. Dawn.
4. Lecture on Materia Medica by Dr. J. T. Kent.
5. Hahnemann’s Organon of Medicine by Dr. B.K. Sarkar.
6. Keynotes and Characteristics with Comparisons & Bowel Nosodes by H.C.Allen
7. Pocket Manual of Homoeopathic Materia Madica by William Boericke.
8. Repertory of the Homoeopathic Meteria Medica by Dr.J.T.Kent.
Dr Shobhan Bose
B.H.M.S. M.D.(HOM)
H.O.D. of Physiology & Biochemistry of NHMC(AGRA)
Ex Prof & HOD & I/C Principal of D.M.H.M.C & R.H. Garhwa (JH)
Ex HOD of Physiology & Biochemistry
Academic in- charge & Vice Principal of NEHMC&H, Itanager.(AP)
Ex Asso Prof Physiology& Biochemistry of G.H.M.C. H, Godda, (JH)
Ex Assit Prof VRHMCH, Gwalior (M.P).