A Case Report on Specific Developmental Disorders of Scholastic Skills - homeopathy360

A Case Report on Specific Developmental Disorders of Scholastic Skills

Abstract- This case report examines the clinical presentation, evaluation, and management of a specific developmental disorder of scholastic skills (SDDSS) in an 11-year-old child. The patient presented with spelling mistakes, comprehension difficulties, taking time in learning and forgetfulness of what he has learned which affected his ability to excel in school. Lycopodium was selected on the basis of reportorial totality which led to improvement in scholastic skills as well as his general health. This case report highlights the effectiveness of Homeopathy in SDDSS (Learning disabilities).

Keywords- SDDSS, SLD, Mistakes in study, Monarch Scale 

Abbreviations- SDDSS (Specific Developmental Disorders of Scholastic Skills), SLD (Specific Learning Disability), Monarch Scale (Modified Naranjo Criteria for Homeopathy), PGM (Paternal Grandmother), FT-NVD (Full- Term Vaginal Delivery), ICAB (Immediately Cried after Birth), IPR (Inter- personal Relationship), CST (Continue Same Treatment)



Presenting Complaints- 

A 11-year-old male child studying in 5th class was evaluated at school with Spelling mistakes, Matra mistakes in Hindi, Comprehension difficulty (takes time in learning), Forgetfulness of what he has learned. He has also been suffering from fever with cold and cough in the last 3-4 years during winters and change of weather.

Past History: N/S

Personal History: 

Developmental Landmarks:

Mother’s Feed- 3 years Walking- 1 ¼ years
Sitting- 6 months Speech (one word)- 11-12 months
Crawling- 8-9 months Bladder Control- bed wetting – Upto 7 years of age 


Diet [veg/non-veg]: Veg

Habits /addictions: N/S

Environment at home & school: Good

Hobbies: Cycling, Dancing, Singing

Appearance: Lean & thin, dark complexion

Family History: PGM- Hypertension

Gynecological & Obstetrics History of the Mother of the Patient:  

Gynecological History- FT-NVD, ICAB

Life Space:

The patient is the youngest child. He lives in a Joint Family and has good IPR with his mother and grandmother. He is an obedient child. When he was young, he used to break things. He cries when he gets angry but can be persuaded easily. He can’t sleep alone. He is a fictious liar and always makes up stories about school and everything. He is quite mischievous. He beats children of his age when angry and is a chatterbox. He likes racing and can’t stay at one place. He is a jolly natured child. He has a fear of dolls and won’t go anywhere near them.

Physical Generals: 

Appetite: Gets hungry after 1-2 hours of eating, Thirst:5-6 glasses / day in winters 

9-10 glasses of cold water in summers

Cravings: Ice- cubes, fast food, Bhujia, cream biscuits  Aversions: N/S
Urine: D- 4-5/ N- 0 Stool: Once/ day, Satisfactory
Perspiration: Profuse++, non- offensive, non- staining Thermal Reaction: Hot
Sleep: 10:30 PM- 8 AM

Wants company, snoring during sleep

Dreams: Nightmares, Ghosts- once/twice per month, does not wake up after nightmares
General Sensations: N/S General Modalities: N/S


General Examination:

TEMP: 98.60 F WEIGHT: 30 Kg
PULSE: 92 Beats/Min TONGUE: Slight white coated
RR: 17/Min NAILS: Nail biting


Systemic Examination:


B/L airways Clear




S1S2 Heard, no added sound




Conscious & well oriented to Time, Place, Person




P/A- Soft & non- tender


Analysis and Evaluation of Case:

Mental Generals  Physical Generals Particulars
– Mistakes in spelling

– Forgetfulness

– Difficulty in Comprehension

– Mischievous 



– Beats children of his age when angry 

– Can’t sleep alone, Fear of Night

– Cries easily

-Nail Biting habit

– Gets hungry after 1-2 hours of eating

– craving for Ice- Cubes, Fast food, Bhujia and cream Biscuits

-Perspiration- Profuse

-Dreams- Nightmares

Thermal- Hot

Sleep- Snoring in sleep

– Fever with cough and cold

<winters, change of weather


Totality of Symptoms:

Spelling mistakes

Comprehension difficulty



Gets hungry after eating

Desire for ice cubes, fast food, cream biscuits and bhujia

Can’t sleep alone, desire for company

Snoring during sleep

Nightmares during sleep

Nail biting Habit

Fever with cough and cold < winters, change of weather


Repertorial Totality:


Materia Medica Differentiation:

Patient is hyperactive, intellectual, loquacious and only beats children of his age. Thermal is hot and he is fearful in nature. Perspiration is also profuse. Calc. and Phos. are ruled out on the basis of thermal. Furthermore, weak memory, Dyslexia, spells or writes wrong words and syllables, fatigue from intellectual exertion is also covered by Lyco.1,2 So, Lycopodium is selected. 


Selection of Medicine;

Lycopodium Clavatum


1 M (It is selected as the sensitivity at the mental level is high and no structural changes are present. Also, SDDSS is a neurodevelopmental disorder. Infrequent repetition of doses is required as the susceptibility of the patient is high. So, it could be given fortnightly.)



Lycopodium Clavatum 1M/ 1 Dose/ Alt. week

Rubrum 200/6 Doses/ HS 

X 1 Month 

Follow Up Criteria:

  • Appetite- frequency and satisfaction
  • Snoring
  • Nightmares
  • Fever with cough and cold 
  • Forgetfulness
  • Spelling Mistakes
  • Comprehension- Time taken in learning
Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Prescription
16-2-24 SQ   > > > >10% SQ >10% Rx

CST X 1 Month

11-3-24 SQ  SQ > < >10% > >10% Rx

CST X 1 Month

Craving for ice- cubes++, Ht- 4’6.5”, Wt.- 28.2 Kg
5-4-24 Decreased  Ab Ab Ab > > > Rx

CST X 1 Month

Thirst- 7-8 glasses/ day, Ht- 4’6.5”, Wt.- 29.4 Kg
6-5-24 Good Ab Ab Ab > > SQ Rx

CST X 1 Month

31-5-24 Good, no midnight cravings present Ab Ab Ab > > > Rx

CST X 1 Month

Wt- 29 Kg
28-6-24 Good Ab Ab Ab > > > Rx

CST X 1 Month

Ht- 4’7.5”, Wt.- 29 Kg


Pre- Assessment 

Post Assessment



This case highlights the effectiveness of homeopathy managing learning disabilities, often considered incurable in conventional medicine. The child experienced significant improvements in writing skills, handwriting, and academic performance through individualized homeopathic treatment with Lycopodium Clavatum. The Monarch scale also indicates a link between the homeopathy and treatment outcome which also shows the scope of Homeopathy in managing such cases.


  1. Murphy R. Lotus Materia Medica. New Delhi, India: B Jain; 2021
  2. Clarke JH. A Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica. Sittingbourne, England: Homoeopathic Book Service; 1991


About the author

Dr. Swarupananda Sarkar

Dr. Swarupananda Sarkar (Assoc. Prof., HoD, Dept. of Psychiatry, Swasthya Kalyan Homoeopathic Medical College and Research Centre, Jaipur, Rajasthan.),

About the author

Dr. Meha

Dr. Meha (Post graduate trainee, Department of Psychiatry, Swasthya Kalyan Homoeopathic Medical College and Research Centre, Jaipur, Rajasthan.)