ABSTRACT– A urethral stricture involves scarring that narrows the tube that carries urine out of our body (urethra). A stricture restricts the flow of urine from the bladder and may cause a spread of medical problems within the tract, including inflammation or infection. Many homoeopathic remedy has been prescribed consistent with the totality of symptoms of the case and reports also are being published.
The urethra is the tube that carries urine out of the body. This tube can become narrow and may cause difficulty and discomfort when a man urinates. In some cases, a urethral stricture may need immediate medical attention. Many men with a stricture will have increasing discomfort with urinating and a slowing of the urinary stream. this will develop gradually and cause pushing or straining to urge urine out. In others, the issues will show up suddenly and without prior difficulty, requiring immediate care. The most obvious sign of urethral stricture may be a weakened urogenital system.
SYMPTOMS – Symptoms are as follows- •Straining to urinate •Pain during urination •Urinary tract infections •Prostitis. Some patients with severe urethral structures are completely unable to urinate. this is often called retentiveness and calls a medical emergency. This stricture also can cause inflammation of the prostate. Urinary backup also can cause tract infections complicated tract infections.
DIAGNOSIS – it’s diagnosed by cystoscopy. A procedure during which a little, flexible, camera is inserted into the penis. Retrograde urethrogram: X-ray procedure that uses a contrast agent that’s squirted into the opening of the penis.
EPIDEMIOLOGY– The most common cause appears to be chronic inflammation or injury. Scar tissue can form from-: -Injury to the penis/ scrotum -An infection, the commonest being STI. -Placement of catheter or instruments into the urethra. The connective tissue causes the urethra to become narrow making it harder for urine to flow. Congenital – The narrowing could also be congenital or the result of inflammation, injury, disease or post-surgery. The urethral stricture is defined as congenital as long as it’s not inflammatoryand it’s not related to a history of potential urethral trauma.
A case of 50-year-old make presented in OPD with the following complaints –
- Increased frequency of urination.
- Increased urgency of urination.
- Splitting in the stream of urine
- Burning during urination
- Feeling of “left out” urine in the bladder
- K/C/O- Hypertension, Hypothyroidism
- Currently pt. takes 0.25 mg Tab Thyroxin and 5mg Amlodipine
HOPC – It was a diagnosed case of Urethral stricture when the patient was 23 years old.
-He had been operated thrice for the same, relatively at the ages of 25, 32 and 41.
-His father had Prostate Cancer.
-Patient has had Hypothyroidism and Hypertension for 10 years.
MG – wants to be busy all the time.
- He doesn’t read newspapers as he cannot handle bad news.
- Cannot tolerate injustice, he stands against it
- He gets anxious in the evening very often.
- Patient was shy and was not opening up much
BASIS of Rx – CAUSTICUM was prescribed on the basis of reportorial totality. As it was most similar to the case and scored highest at 12/21.
- 1st prescription: CAUSTICUM was prescribed on the basis of reportorial totality.
CAUSTICUM 200/OD / 1 dose STAT.
SABAL Q/BD/20GTT 2weeks
19 /8/2022 | Burning, frequency reduced a bit | Sac lac 30 |
4/9/2022 | Burning, frequency, urgency, and anxiety reduced a bit | CAUSTICUM 200 STAT,Sabal serrulata Q |
24/9/2022 | All complaints were much better, he felt 70%relief | Sac lac 30 Sabal serrulata Q |
18/10/2022 | Much better in all complaints, he felt 90% relief | Sac lac Sabal serrulata Q |

In this case, the patient received homoeopathic treatment and is doing considerably better than previous times when he used to have surgery every time. Homoeopathic treatment was given according to an individualistic approach. The remedy was selected on the basis of symptom similarity after analysing the reportorial totality. Homeopathic treatment here in this case prevented his further surgery. The potency was selected according to the patient’s susceptibility.
Though in many cases multiple doses may be required here minimum dose worked for him as the similimum was repeated just twice along with mother tincture.
At first, this condition can be limiting for one’s life as it binds one’s ability on day to day basis due to urgency and frequency of micturition. In this patient, he had gone through multiple surgeries for the stricture of the urethra. Also, his co-morbidities added more to his ailments.
In conclusion, urethral stricture can be a challenging condition to manage, but with homoeopathy, he was able to manage his condition and that too without surgery this time. So in homoeopathy, there are amazing results that are cost-effective, mild and useful for the patient. Likewise, more research should be done to find efficiency in any case with homoeopathy.
- https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/urethral-stricture/symptoms-causes/syc-20362330#:~:text=A%20urethral%20(u%2DREE%2D,tract%2C%20including%20inflammation%20or%20infection.
- https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/15537-urethral-stricture-in-men
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Urethral_stricture
Author: Dr sucheta khinchi pg scholar (dept. Of homoeopathic psychiatry) govt. Homoeopathic medical college & hospital, bhopal
Guided by: Dr. Santosh hande hod (dept of homoeopathic psychiatry) govt. Homoeopathic medical college & hospital, bhopal