A Case Study of Varicose Vein with Homoeopathic Treatment 

A Case Study of Varicose Vein with Homoeopathic Treatment 


A vein is said to be varicose when it becomes dilated, elongated and tortuous.


(1) Commonest site is the superficial veins of the lower limbs. 

(2) Haemorrhoidal veins (piles).

(3) Spermatic veins (varicocele). 

(4) Esophageal veins (esophageal varix).

This is a case study of Varicose vein , which after proper case taking and repertorization was cured by PULSATILLA NIGRICANS 30

If we give  homoeopathic medicine after the proper repertorization in a suitable dose and the repetition then there are effects of homeopathic simillimum medicine that can be seen.


A vein is said to be varicose when it becomes dilated, elongated and tortuous.

Clinically: It always implies affection of the superficial veins of the leg. When there is no definite obstruction to the onward flow of venous blood from the varices, it is known as :Primary varicose veins. If there is a pathological obstruction to venous emptying, then it is called Secondary Varicose veins).


(1) Varicose veins of the legs often run in families, probably due to congenital incompetency of the valves with weakness of the muscular coat of the veins. 

(2) Anatomically – (a) long Saphenous vein, (b) Short Saphenous vein, 

(3) Obstruction in outflow channel (a) enlarged lymph nodes, (b) destruction of communicating vein, [c] destruction of valves, (d) portal obstruction from cirrhosis of liver (e.g. piles).

 (4) Prolonged immobilization.

 (5) Pregnancy.

 (6) Venous thrombosis. 


(1) Back pressure over the vein. 

(2) Varicose ulcer. 

(3) Dilated tortuous veins.

(4) Repeated infection.

(5) Oedema of the lower limb.

 Clinical Features: 

(1) History of swollen veins over the lower limb.

(2) Mild pain and discomfort.

(3) Itching.

(4) Ulcer over the medial malleolus.

On Examination

(1) Bunch of veins over the medial or lateral aspect. 

(2)Soft elastic (worm-like) feeling. 

(3) Clinical tests of varicose veins – all are positive. 

(4) Ulcer over the medial malleolus – eczematous skin changes.


Diagnosis is obvious by (1) Trendelenburg’s test. (2) Perthes test. (3) Triple tourniquet test. (4) Venography – this shows competency of superficial veins and communicating veins as well as thrombosis of deep veins.

Complications: (1) Varicose ulcer. (2) Eczema or Chronic dermatitis. (3) Periostitis over the medial malleolus. (5) Calcification. (5) Rupture of varicose veins. (6) Thrombophlebitis.


A Female 66 years old came to OPD presenting the C/O pain in lower limb.

After the complete case taking , the case is summarized by following totality of symptoms.

1.Weeps easily.

2.Likes sympathy.

3.Highly emotional.

4.Legs feel heavy and weary.

5.Varicose vein(pain in lower limb).

6.Aggravation — Evening.

7.Amelioration — open air.

8.Appetite decreased.


After the totality of symptoms and reperterization given below PULSATILLA NIGRICANS is the medicine for this case because it covers the maximum number of rubrics and similimum for this case.


Mind – weep – easily

Mind – sympathy from others – desire for

Mind – intellect predominates emotions

Extremities – heaviness – legs – evening 

Extremities – varices – legs – lower limb

Generals – evening – lying down – after 



Pulsatilla nigricans are selected because of the great mental symptoms of this remedy. We give pulsatilla nigricans 30 4 pills BD weekly for 4 weeks. On the 15th day after the prescription pain is slightly better and appetite is normal and after completion of dose for 1 month the patient is cured.


Nowadays varicose vein patients are increasing in numbers because of the incorrect lifestyle which they carry. If we take homoeopathic medicine properly after the proper repertorization then there is fast relief even in an acute case also.here after the proper repetition varicose vein is cured by PULSATILLA NIGRICANS 30.


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About the Author:

Dr. Namita Saxena M.O (deputy lecturer in pharmacy) Govt homeopathic medical college and hospital

Dr. Jyoti Tripathi — MD scholar

Department of homoeopathic pharmacy

Homoeopathic medical College and hospital bhopal.

About the author

Dr Namita Saxena

Dr. Namita Saxena M.O (deputy lecturer in pharmacy) Govt homeopathic medical college and hospital

About the author

Dr Jyoti Tripathi

Dr. Jyoti Tripathi - MD scholar Department of homoeopathic pharmacy
Homoeopathic medical College and hospital Bhopal