A Few Surgical Cases Cured By Homoeopathy - homeopathy360

A Few Surgical Cases Cured By Homoeopathy

CASE – 1

On the Sunday afternoon of july 15th 1996 a short very stout man weighing 213 pounds , was driven out to my home by the owner of a car ,which had inlured him . The car door had been slammed shut on my patient’s right little finger , almost severing in about mid way of the nail ; the fragment was hanging by a little flesh , such was the faith of the patient in homoeopathy that he did not consider visiting a surgeon and even thought I was prepared to treat him at home . I took him to my office before investigating the damage .Here the finger was carefully washed and immersed in solution of Boerick and Tofel’s succus calendula , diluted with warm water to a light yellow color like molasses taffy . After soaking for five minutes , I brought the  torn tissue together put one thickness of sterile gauge around them and strapped them tightly in place ,I directed that the finger , strapped as it was , be immersed in the calendula solution for 15 minutes every two hours the rest of the day and every 3 hours next day . By that time some of the numbness was wearing off acute neuralgic pain started . So I cave the man hypericum 1M dry on his tongue , and 3 more doses , one to be taken when the neuralgia is severe .

I saw the finger in two days , satisfied my self adaptation of fragments was good and no suppuration was started , then re-strapped with directions to soak it 3 times a day for 3 or 4 days more .Two of the doses of hypericum  was not taken as the pain had soon subsided

On july 30th I had a  note “ finger healing well ;  even nail saved “  Now there is almost no trace if a scar had no permanent effect except numbness of the tip of the finger where evidently , sensory nerve endings had been destroyed .

CASE – 2                                             

May 16th 1997 a delicate boy of six was struck by an auto fender and thrown about 15 feet , striking his head on the edge of the curb . He was unconscious for a few  minutes , then walked up a steep hill to his home sported by two men . Put to bed , he lay semi-conscious with eyes half open

Three hours after the accident respiration began to halve and then stop altogether , being resumed after a brief interval with a high feeble cry .the face grew pale pupil sluggish and a cold perspiration appeared on face and hands . The pulse was rapid and  weak . By this time 5 hours after  the accident and in the middle of the night

I dissolved one dose of hypericum 1 M in ¼ glass water and gave one tea spoon full every 3 minutes for 5 doses and then every 3 minutes for 5 doses and then every half an hour for 4 doses . Mean time I telephoned a surgeon who agreed with me there might be enough brain pressure to necissitate a trephining operation . The hospital was notified and arrangements made , while I watched the patient

In three –quarters of an hour after starting the hypericum  respiration was decidedly better and other alarming symptoms less .soon sleep was natural except that the eyes remained half open .

For the next 12 hours causes was frequent with sudden vomiting . This occurred occasionally for thirty six hours

May 18th ; vomiting continued , sent to the hospital for examination for choked disc ; found alright

May 19th ; all symptoms gone and seemed well

June 1st ; no more symptoms of accident . The child inherited tubercular tendencies from his father who was ill before he was born and died when he was six . The tonsils were extremely large , almost filling the throat and he had reported attacks of tonsillitis with very high fever for the first ten or twelve years . His mother and  I had a hard time fighting school doctors and nurses and many friends and now he is a broad shouldered six feet high . ruddy and strong , ready to graduate from college this month his tonsils are still in place , making no trouble

CASE – 3

February 5th 2002, a boy of twelve was brought to my office after a sledding accident .Two sleds collided and this boys left hand was ground into the ice and dirt underneath it. The whole hand and wrist were covered with blood into the ice hiding scratches and excoriated where bits of frozen earth had cut the way under the skin . It was a work of time to wash the hand any where near clean and stop the bleeding .Then the “calendula” solution came into use again with occasional soakings through the bandage as in the case of torn finger . There was no suppuration ; particles of dirt were thrown out and the hand looked nearly normal normalin two days

As this boy had been under chronic treatment for miasmatic tent since early child hood and had not taken his constitutional remedy for ten months I gave him a dose of sulphur 50 M  at the time of of the first dressing . Whether this did a major share of the prompt healing or not is a question .

CASE – 4

Some time between 2002 and 2004 a young woman came to my large medical clinic  with a group of symptoms which I do not remember clearly but which seemed to me to indicate silica . Her troubles were located in left abdomen and left lower back .I gave her a dose of silica 1 M or 10 M . I do not remember which . In a week she returned to the to the clinic bringing me a piece of drainage tube about 2 inches long which had come out  of the which had come out of the left buttock . Sure enough she showed the site of the exit of the tube .Why said I “ you did not tell me you had had an operation “ “ oh yes “ she answered I was operated on ovarian cyst   three or four years ago . she explained that the present symptoms had star after the operation and had troubled her at more frequent intervals ever since . The production of the drainage tube ended the matter

CASE – 5

Another case from the same clinic . A stout strong , young man was helped into the room almost bent double with severe pain .He worked for union transfer company , handling trunks , and a trunk had fallen off the  delivery tray , the corner of it striking him in the left lower ribs .His face was drawn with pain and he could not help groaning . I put a dose of arnica 2 C  on his tongue  , gave him four four to take home with instructions to put one in ¼ glass water and take a tea spoon full every 15 minutes for four doses . This group was to be repeated in two hours and again in four hour hours if necessary .I  told  it was arnica . Then he told me excitedly that by the time he was half way home , he could straighten up and breath  much easier and by night the pain was about gone; none since . He had taken two groups of doses but no more .

CASE – 6

In august 2004 , a widow 40 years old reported that in march  2003 , a sudden sneeze caused sensation as if some thing gave way in the pelvic region ; the same symptoms had been felt occasionally , since then . An examination some months later revealed prolapsus of the uterus but nothing more

During the winter an occasional gushing flow of blood from the uterus was disturbing . In the spring irregular flowing any time and in the last three weeks more of the prolapsus sensation brought her to me . Examination showed the end of polypus protruding from the uterine  os. The symptom picture was quite clear for sepia and she received the remedy in the 3ooth potency , one dose on august 19th again august 19th the 50 M , September 6th and again the 14th . This was repeating potencies too often , but I was away from home and a substitute handled the case . The spells of flowing grew gradually lighter and further apart .

An examination on February 4th 2005 , revealed no trace of the polypus and general health was fairly good 

CASE – 7

In may 2003 , a rather stout , dark complexioned , nervous type of woman 39 years old consulted for dysmenorrhoea and metrorrhagia combined with the peculiar sensation the two shiny , red bulging  tumors at the umbilicus would discharge blood just before each menstrual flow accompanied by pain , apparently in the skin , radiating from the umbilicus . She also had a large uterine fibroid , very irregular in shape and quite hard to touch

The condition of the umbilicus and a few other symptoms led me to study  calcarea phos  which seemed to cover the whole case

For the next seven years she had no other remedy . The 1 M was  given first and repeated twice at intervals ; then 50 M and CM the same way . This series was used 3 times Ithink and longer intervals between doses

The tumor grew larger for the best part of the first year , then gradually smaller .

Haemorrhages diminished rapidly and were gone in a few months , leaving the normal , regular menstruation . The tumor at the umbilicus ceased to bleed but would turn bluish and extremely sore during her periods

I could find no tumor . The patient has had good health most of the time since little tumors which guided to the remedy are shriveled and active

It is not often one has so good pointer to aid a prescription for a condition already ultimate in a large tumor .

About the author

Dr B.S Suvarna

Dr. (mrs) B.S.SUVARNA, B.A, D.I.HOM (LOND), M.I.H, Ph.D.(ITALY) (gold medalist)
HOMOEO PHYSICIAN. PGDPC (USA) psychotherapy&counselling
(Associate Editor-homoeopathic horizon, e-journal)
PHONE: +91-8262-221062 (CLINIC)
+91-8262-221316 (RESID )
E-MAIL: bssuvarna@rediffmail.com